School of Thought
Improving the way we keep you updated on professional learning, alternative programs, partnerships, and resources.
S tay Connected
Short-Term Substitute Teaching License
The Illinois State Board of Education mounts a new effort to address the statewide teacher shortage with a license option: it's called the 'Short-Term Substitute Teacher's License'. The Kane County Regional Office of Education is holding an in-person course on how to obtain your short-term license.

This program is offered to those who hold an Associate's Degree or have 60 semester hours completed. This license will be valid until June 30, 2023 but may not be renewed.

ROE Student Photo Contest
If you are a teacher in Kane County and interes ted in submitting some of your student's photography then you still have time! We are halfway through the ROE Student Photo Contest and have had wonderful success and talent showcased each week!

The ROE student photography contest is posted each week on Kane County Connects and shared through our Twitter feed along with our Instagram profile once the post goes live. We encourage students and teachers to share the contest through social media to bring awareness to the event and add even more wonderful photos!

Please email Matt Muntner at if you have any questions regarding the contest!
IGKNIGHT Conference 2018
Interested in a FREE conference to explore best practices in teaching and learning, personalized training, and the most up-to-date progress in education? Kaneland School District will be offering a conference on November 19th, 2018.

The Progress Report: The Secret Stash
This week's post in The Progress Report dives right into Katie's desk and her elaborate stash of supplies and goodies!

The Progress Report is a collaborative discussion space for professional learning. Each post is written by Katie Algrim, the ROE's Director of Innovative Professional Learning. If there are any topics that you would like to see a post on,  please contact Katie Algrim.

First Annual West Aurora College & Career Fair
West Aurora is looking forward to hosting hundreds of high school students from DuPage, Kane and Kendall Counties. This event will host college representatives, military branches, and local business looking for the perfect fit for their organization! Reserve your spot now by clicking on the link below and providing your information for this exciting event on Friday, March 1 st .

Reporting & Investigation Requirements for Viral Hepatitis 
This memo serves as a reminder to all medical providers, infection preventionists, laboratories and other reporting entities for viral Hepatitis including Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and Hepatitis D.

Institute Day 2019 - Submit Proposal Forms!
Kane County Institute Day will be on Friday, March 1, 2019.  We are searching for educations to present and share their expertise and knowledge with fellow educations on Institute Day!

We had awesome success with last year's event and would love to keep the trend continuing through 2019. Due to the positive feedback from last year, we will continue to follow the conference-style format with breakout sessions throughout the day.

Upcoming Workshops
Improved Crisis Decision Making for Safer Schools -
Administrator Academy
  Date: December 6th
Location: Kane ROE 
Cost: $175
Collective Efficacy -
Presenter - Dr. Sarah Mumm
  Date: November 8th
Location: Kane ROE
Cost: $50
Blended Learning Model
  60 Day Online Course
30 PD Credits 
Cost: $195
Google Tools
 60 Day Online Course
4 PD Credits 
Cost: $40