OPC STORM Report  
Short-Term Outreach, Relief & Missions       January 25, 2013

Short-Term Opportunities Abound in the OPC!  


"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them."

Romans 12:4-6a  (ESV)    

Recently, I was blessed to hear a sermon on this passage, wherein we were reminded that, being members of the Body of Christ each with differing gifts, that we are called to employ those gifts in serving the Body.  As we contemplate this coming year, are you open to ways in which you might serve the Body of Christ with your gifts? Just one small area of the church where we may serve is through the opportunities afforded through Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response efforts.  Not only has the Lord given us gifts, but He gives us the privilege of working in His fields.  May we do so as unto the Lord!

Desiring to be challenged with Evangelism?  Consider: Boardwalk Chapel or Key West, FL.

Gifted with building? Consider Neon, KY, Sandy Relief, or Reading, PA.

(An electrician, in particular, is still needed in SW Philadelphia.)

Gifted with working with children? Gifted with bringing the love of Christ to those who have been devastated by disaster?         Consider:  Sandy Relief or Japan.

The mission work in Neon, KY, would be particularly blessed by the help of one to serve as a Site Coordinator for the construction project that are currently doing.

Is your church's opportunity listed?  Would you like a team this summer or at another time to help you?  Please let me know and I'll help you get it posted!  Email me: [email protected].

Mission Accomplished in Ishinomaki!


Missionary Cal Cummings reports that on Sunday, January 21, 2013 some 70 people attended the Re-dedication Service of the Ishinomaki Chapel. There were several in attendance who were dislocated with Pastor Shiratsu and his wife at the evacuation shelter where they spent the first 23 days after the tsunami flooded the church.  Please pray that the Lord would fill this building with lost souls, saved by grace.

I would like to take this occasion to thank the Lord for the 29 volunteers from many OPC churches as well as other denominations who participated in the effort to refurbish this tsunami / earthquake ravaged building.  Special thanks goes to team leaders Glenn Taylor, Steve Lengkeek, Lynne Hunter and Mark Palmer, as well as John Voss for his dedication to plan and see this project to completion and Ron deRu for his help with shipping material.  Praise God for all these gifted individuals willingness to contribute!  This was another opportunity for fellowship with many members of the churches in Japan who contributed immensely with hospitality, lodging, logistical support and even labor.  Here is Mark Palmer's concluding report.  Ishinomaki Project photo album!

Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts Continue


Many individuals and teams have been contributing time, money and prayers to the Hurricane Sandy Response effort.  The brothers and sisters in NY and NJ thank you!  Cars have been donated, coats shipped, and fund-raisers created. Worthy of special note is 5 year-old Mackenzie Gallagher (of the OPC in Franklin Square and seen in the photo).  Despite being amongst the victims, she began to sell hot chocolate to raise money for those affected. Would you believe that she raised $721!!  It takes faith like a mustard seed!

Please continue to consider how you can be of help.  We give thanks that a total of $157,745 has been received designated for this response effort.  Coordinators Charlie Farrell (NJ) and Al Zarek (NY) are doing fantastic work actively putting teams to work, particularly, as we begin to enter the reconstruction phase.  For their contact info or instructions on how to donate, please go here.
David Nakhla