Commercial & Industrial Interlocking Flooring

Should healthcare facilities use ESD flooring?

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“Equipment and electronics in medical offices and labs are highly vulnerable to the effects of static electricity. That’s why the healthcare industry is taking a hard look at ESD flooring.”

That’s the beginning of the article SelecTech President Tom Ricciardelli wrote for Buildings Magazine. Here are some other nuggets:

“…the impact static electricity can have on issues related to patient diagnosis and care. Data corruption can impact patient records, which play an extremely important part in diagnosis.”

“Generally, in a healthcare setting, if static charges on people can be kept below 2,000 volts, many of the hazards can be significantly reduced.”

“A reputable flooring company that sells ESD flooring will test their products using regular footwear and all keep voltages below 1,000 volts.”

For the entire article, click the button below.

Should Healthcare Facilities Use ESD Flooring?

Have you seen EcoLock?

Red List-free. Vinyl-free. Commercial interlocking flooring.

Eco lock is a sustainable modular resilient floor tile made with biobased polymers, natural minerals and a patented vertical interlocking seam technology designed for commercial use.

To download the brochure, click here.

Kaleida Women & Children’s Hospital

When Kaleida Women’s and Children’s Hospital replaced its floors, they needed flooring that could be installed with minimal downtime. They also wanted a “Green” floor — one that would be comfortable to walk on and in a style consistent with the designer’s vision.

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Avon, MA 02322
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