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Show - Day Exhibitor News

Delivered to your inbox each morning, Show-Day Exhibitor News features daily updates of what's happening during the 5 days of the show. 

If there is someone on your team that is not receiving the newsletter

and would like to, please email Wendy to be added to the list.

Reminder: Previous consumer and exhibitor newsletters are posted to the Vancouver Boat Show website under Exhibitors. Click here to review.

Attendance Update

We know that exhibitors are curious about overall attendance numbers and appreciate updates.

For your information, the Vancouver Boat Shows utilizes a system of counting each ticket once. We ensure that each person with a ticket is counted one time only. This is unlike events that utilize a turn style system, that often counts consumers and exhibitors’ multiple times each day.

Final attendance is determined by counting each paid admission ticket at the box office, e-ticket, exhibitor guest ticket, complimentary ticket, exhibitor badge, marine trade badge and children.

Here is a recap for the 2024 Show so far:


  • On Wednesday, the attendance was 2,444 (this number does not include exhibitor or marine trade badges). This represents a 10% decrease.
  • Thursday's attendance was 3,922 compared to 4,502 in 2023. This represents a 13% decrease.


Exhibitor and marine trade badges; counted one time each will be added to the final attendance figure.

Feedback from all of you indicate positive feedback on the quantity and quality of show attendees in anticipation of a very busy weekend!

Media Updates & Segments

Media outlets from around the lower mainland continued to report on the many features of this year’s Vancouver’s International Boat Show – venturing between BC Place and Floating Show at Granville Island. 

The latest media outlets to explore BC Place

and its many attractions was Fairchild TV, who interviewed Show Manager Amanda Henschell to chat about the latest and greatest at this year’s Boat Show.

News 1150AM Morning Host Phil Johnson, a staple of morning radio in Kelowna, conducted a live interview with Mike from Fish Whistle Boats, a local boat company - where they chatted about boating in the interior and the company’s second year as an exhibitor at the Vancouver Boat Show. 


OMNI TV, Canada’s only multilingual outlet, highlighted the Vancouver International Boat Show in their ‘What’s In Your Neighbourhood’ TV segment, encouraging the public to stop by. 

Fairchild Radio aired an extensive interview with Mia Qi from Freedom Marine, during which they discussed this year’s show, many of its features, ticket information, and more.


There were other media outlets and influencers highlighting this year’s event. Announcement of the Vancouver International Boat Show was found in Miss604, an influential blog site for things to do in Vancouver.  

Important Move-Out Information

If you have any questions please contact

Move Out Coordinator, Rob Scott, at: 604-644-7862 rob@robscottprod.com



  • Sunday, Feb 4: 3:01PM - 10:00PM
  • Monday, Feb 5: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

  • Sunday, Feb 4: 3:01PM - Midnight
  • Monday, Feb 5: 8:00AM - Individual exhibitors will be contacted by Rob Scott directly.


The Staging Yard will open Sunday, Feb 5th at noon and remain open until Tuesday, Feb 6 at 6PM. There will be Boat Show personnel/security on site during these hours.

The Staging Yard is located at Indigo LOT 039/ 180 Pacific Boulevard, Vancouver (between GRIFFITHS Way and ABBOTT St.)

ALL boats and equipment must vacate the Staging Yard by Tuesday, February 6, 6PM.


Priority will be given to smaller, single vehicles that can be quickly loaded and exit the concourse.

Larger trucks / pickups and vehicles with trailers will be asked to delay entering the concourse so as not to block traffic and prevent flow OUT of the stadium. As the initial rush of move-out subsides, the restriction on larger trucks / pickups and trailers will be evaluated.

We have a much shorter staging lane on Pacific Boulevard, resulting in less vehicles being able to be at the Stadium, please ensure you are ready to load upon your arrival, Do NOT bring your vehicle to the Stadium until your exhibit and product is ready to load. 

lf your exhibit and product can be hand carried or wheeled out PLEASE DO SO.

If you have specific questions about move out, please leave your name at the Show Office and you will be contacted directly by our move out staff or contact Rob Scott at rob@robscottprod.com or 604-644-7862


Those in the floating show at Granville Island will work directly with Ron Goreski, Floating Show Manager.

Additional Move-Out Information

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All persons on site during move-in and move-out are required to wear a reflective high visibility vest. (BC Place sells safety vests which can be pre-ordered or purchased at the Exhibit Service Desk.)

All persons moving freight, or in the vicinity of heavy mobile equipment must wear CSA approved steel-toed footwear in accordance with WorkSafeBC Occupational Health & Safety Regulations.

All persons participating in, or in the vicinity of the movement of heavy overhead loads, must wear protective headgear.

Children under 16, including infants are prohibited from the show floor during move-in/out hours. Persons found not to be adhering to these standards will be not permitted on site.

Note - if you have any questions or special move-in/out requirements please contact Rob Scott at rob@robscottprod.com or by cell: 604-644-7862.

Help Spread the Word - Digitally


Exhibitors are encouraged to engage with consumers about the Vancouver Boat Show on their social platforms.

You can help grow the digital exposure of the show:

  • Like or comment on a VIBS post
  • Share your own stories and link to VIBS Facebook and Instagram Pages with @vanboatshow
  • Share the VIBS posts on your own social media pages.

Optimize reach with the hashtags: #boatingbc, #vibs #vibs24 #vancouverboatshow #boatinglife #yachtlife

The Vancouver Boat Show social media conversation will be happening through out the show!


Exhibitor's Lounge at BC Place - Today's Menu

The Exhibitor Lounge is located on Level 3 in the Edgewater Lounge. Take the elevator up to Level 3 and follow the signs.

Exhibitor Lounge Menu for Saturday, February 3

Dinner Service: 4-7PM

Carvery: Slow roasted striploin, Yukon gold mashed potatoes and a vegetable medley served with Garlic Bread. $35.00

Cheese Tortellini: (Mushroom, Truffle Cheese Sauce with Fresh Pesto, vegetable medley)

Salad Bar: Build your own salad bar ($12.00), or add to dinner package for $6.00

Available All Day: 11AM-7PM

Grab & Go: Fruit Cups, Cheese Plate, Soup/Chowder

SandwichesItalian, Grilled Veggie, Prime Rib & Turkey Bacon

Salad Bowls: Cesar, Chef PastriesCroissants; Scones, Muffins        

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Thank you to our Exhibitor Lounge Sponsor

First Aid Procedures At The Show

First Aid – BC Place

If an emergency requiring paramedics arises, please alert any of the following and identify the location.

  • Boat Show Staff Member
  • Show Office (604-678-8820)
  • Show Security (entrances, exits, roving)

We will call paramedics and direct them to the location.

If the situation is non-urgent, you can direct the individual to the Show Office, where paramedics can meet them.


First Aid – Granville Island

Contact Ron and Dawn Goreski, the Floating Show staff at 905-424-9763 at the Show Office tent.

Quick Links

2024 Show Hours

2024 Digital Vancouver Boat Show Guide

2024 Interactive Floorplan

Boats On Display | Exhibitor List | New Product Showcase

Thanks for celebrating our 61st anniversary with us!

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