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Exhibitor Newsletter Sponsored by:

Digital Show Guides Available!

 The Digital Show Guide

for the 2025 Toronto International Boat Show is Ready!



Thanks to Canadian Boating for a fantastic job on this valuable tool to help connect attendees and exhibitors!

Those would be emailed to Captain's Club audience 70,000 and Canadian Boating Database 100,000 this week.

Scheduled Move-In for the 2025 Toronto International Boat Show has begun! 

The Weather is Looking Good, the parking lots and staging yard are clear of snow and ready to accept vehicles with the inventory!

This will be our last “Pre-Show Newsletter,” with a handful of important items for you to know in advance. 


Daily editions of the Exhibitor Newsletter will be delivered to your mail boxes on Show Days, please let us know if we need to include additional members of your onsite team to receive them. On site important announcements & Move out plans would be communicated in Show Days newsletters.

If you miss the newsletter please check daily for newsletter information at:


TODAY is the LAST DAY to Order

9 Day Exhibitor Parking Passes

Order your parking pass on-line

before Midnight January 13th


Exhibitor Passes will not be sold online or during move-in after the deadline. Buy Now & save. There are no exceptions whatsoever from the venue to extend the deadline for any parking passes.


·   9 Day Pass $126 - Surface Pass

·   9 Day Pass $162 - Underground Pass


Order Show Days Parking Passes NOW CLICK HERE

Note: License plate can be changed on the actual pass you will receive if needed for display on the vehicle dash at all times.

Travel Safe in Toronto !

We wish you safe travels to the show, and kindly ask you to take extra attention to the new driving environment downtown Toronto.

Reminder there are so many green lanes, where fast e-bikes, scooters and delivery bike services have the right of way. We attract exhibitors from different provinces and smaller towns, who possibly haven't been driving downtown Toronto recently.

The amount of pedestrians and bike traffic, road works and lane closures might require drivers taking extra caution, especially carrying wide and heavy loads!

We look forward to welcoming you in person to North America’s Largest Indoor Boat Show!


Some Availability at Show's Official Hotels

Certain nights at show hotels might STILL BE AVAILABLE at the reduced Boat Show rates at the Sheraton, Westin, Chelsea & Hotel X.

The Availability is changing all the time, so at this stage calling would be the most efficient way to book.

Please call Hotels to ask for nights you are still interested in to see if they will extend the Boat Show Rates, although it is past the deadline of January 3.

Sheraton Centre Toronto

To Book Available Nights at Sheraton call:

Reservation By Phone: (1 888) 627-7175 or (416) 361-1000 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show 2025 block" to enquire if they would extend the group rate.


Westin Harbour Castle

To Book Available Nights at Westin call:

Reservation By Phone: (1 888) 627-8559 or (416) 869-1600 and ask to reserve in the

Toronto Boat Show group rate or quoting the group code "TOR"


Chelsea Hotel Toronto

To Book Available Nights at Chelsea call:

Reservation by Phone: (1 800) 243-5732 or (416) 595-1975 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto International Boat Show" room block. 

Hotel X Toronto

To Book Certain Available Nights at Chelsea call:

Reservations by phone: 855-943-9300 and ask to reserve in the "Toronto Boat Show" room block.

Limited Availability at Industry Breakast

Register NOW for last remaining seats at

NMMA Canada’s Industry Breakfast

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

8:30 a.m.–11 a.m.


Where: Beanfield Centre (Exhibition Place)

Join industry colleagues for an insightful morning exploring current trends in the recreational boating industry. This year’s speakers include:

  • Frank Hugelmeyer, NMMA President
  • Kevin Williams, NMMA Vice President, North American Marketing
  • Andy Adams, Editor of Boating Industry Canada
  • A keynote address by a leading Wells Fargo economist

The 2025 NMMA Canada Hall of Fame award will also be presented during the event.


Parking on Show Days

Please review the Show Days Parking map - please note no trailers/ vehicles can be left in the Staging Yard Lot 852 as it becomes Public Parking from Saturday January 18 to January 26!

Please avoid being Towed! - Move your vehicles to the designated two Exhibitor Parking Lots for Show Days - marked as yellow circle on the map.


Food and Beverage at Show Days

SHOW DAYS Concessions, Food Trucks, Food stations and Bars

Saturday January 18 - Sunday January 26

Open early! Greekery Bake Shop (Mariner's Marketplace) serving coffee

from 9 am weekends/ 10 am weekdays


From 11 am on weekends/ from 12 am on weekdays during show hours:

Urban Deli, The Bean, Grill House (Halls A-C concessions)

2 Pizza Pizza locations: in the Swing Space– hallway between Heritage Court and Mariner’s Marketplace, and in Cottage Country.


Food Truck Court and Muskoka Bar (Mariner's Marketplace with 5 food trucks)

Muskoka Bar and Food Court (Cottage Country with 3 stations and Pizza)

Smores & hot chocolate at Discover Camping & Boating #150 ( Heritage Court)

OVG bars

Golden Hour Dockside Lounge at the Lake

Never too late to order Exhibitor Guest Tickets

Before and during the show dates take advantage of this great marketing opportunity!

  • Distribute all the tickets you want - you pay only for those used.
  • Tickets are scanned at the entrance for individual exhibitor usage billing.
  • Customers & Prospects admission at a discount to you (1/2 price)

Print & Electronic Exhibitor Guest Tickets are available and if you would like more information contact Niamh Conlan:

905 951-0009 I nconlan@canadianboatshows.com

Hardcopy ticket orders pick up in the Show Office ( Salon 103) and can be left at Will Call Desk under your guests' names.


If you already ordered EGTs this year, additional quantity can be ordered in Unity/ Exhibitor Platform by selecting your company name.

The Lake Webcam and Golden Hour Dockside Lounge

Lake Presented by AVIVA

An engineering marvel, the World's Largest Indoor Lake for Boaters returns to chase away those mid-winter blues!

Watch The Lake built live at Coca Cola Coliseum through our webcam:


The Lake set up will be complete by Friday, January 17 to kickstart and open to the public Saturday January 18.

  • FREE boat rides

  • Glow In the Dark Boating

  • Electrification of Boating - latest electric motors and electric surf demos

  • Boat Handling & Docking Demos (January 20-24)

  • Indoor Wakeboard Canadian Championship (January 18- 19) and More!

  • New! Golden Hour Sunset Lounge is set on the dock. Comfortable seating with drinks and snacks available to purchase. Enjoy and view the lake and its events in a new light.


Important Deadlines and Quick Links

Exhibitor Kit

Move In and Parking Maps

Health & Safety Guidelines

Safety Structural Guidelines

Below are some QUICK LINKS for online ordering:

Booth Décor CLICK HERE

Carpet, Furniture (chairs, tables), Labour, Modular exhibits, Plants & Signage

Electrical & Lighting  CLICK HERE

Parking & Enercare Services CLICK HERE

Booth Cleaning, Catering Menu, Internet, Parking Passes, Signage Installation & Telecoms.

No Parking passes available after January 13 midnight cut off deadline.

Onsite requests at Central Exhibitor Services order desk is open from Tuesday, January 14th in Salon 106. Phone: Email: exhibitorservices@explace.on.ca

Phone number during desk hours of operations 416-263-3064

Show Office open in Salon 103 from January 13

Phone: 905-951-0009 


Scam Alert - Exhibitors Beware!

It is unfortunate but a reality that fraudulent emails and calls reach Exhibitors with misleading information.

These annoying and frustrating emails and calls happen to almost every major trade and consumer show in North America. Please ignore them.

These parties claim to represent the Toronto Boat show but have NO relationship with the Toronto Boat Show.

We ask you to remain cautious and do not enter into agreements, contracts or release information to any callers asking:

  • to buy or sell database of consumers or other exhibitors
  • to help you book show hotels
  • ask you about the number of staff you have or how many staff members will be attending the show
  • for release of information about the number of boats and their logistics to and from the show
  • for credit card information for show guide listing or ads

Exhibitor Newsletters

2025 Show Newsletters


The Toronto Boat Show newsletters are the main source of communication. They come from this email address: chare@canadianboatshows.com so please add to your contacts and acceptable lists of emails. 

Some exhibitors report that they don’t receive the newsletter, or it lands in their junk folder. We suggest to please check your junk or clutter folders periodically.

If you have not been receiving our Newsletters, please let us know to add your email address to the distribution list. If anyone else from your company should be receiving the newsletters, please send us their email.

All exhibitor newsletters are located on the show's website, so you can also keep up to date on communications if your email filters don't consistently display them in your in-box.

Click Here for past newsletters.


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