You are now able to access our church calendar by clicking on the following link. If you see an event that interests you, click on that event for more information.
Click here to see the monthly calendar
Church Office Closed
The church office will be closed from December 22nd through January 2nd. Staff will be checking their emails regularly should you need to contact them.
Deeper Roots. Stronger Branches. Bountiful Fruit.
The third part of our discipleship pathway listed above,which is how we encourage you to grow deeper in your faith in Christ, is to bear bountiful fruit. We do this together, one interaction and activity at a time. The Holy Spirit leads us in these endeavors and produces this fruit in and through us.
Below you will find some ways to join in producing bountiful fruit, along with some announcements for the Christmas season and some thank yous.
*Note: If you need to reach Pastor Brody, he has a new email address.
Christmas Eve Offering
We will be taking an offering at Christmas Eve, and we are excited about how it can build God’s Kingdom in our church and beyond. What you choose to give will be split 50/50 between Exit X, the youth program of our church, and Heartland Youth for Christ (YFC).
YFC reaches youth in the Cedar Rapids area with the hope of Jesus. They do this with after school programs that help with homework and other things. Their website and Facebook pages have testimonials of the difference they are making in the lives of young people.
Our youth program, known as Exit X (yes, that’s our exit off of I-380), has requested money this year to do more community building and discipleship growth. They love to serve, get together for bible studies, have fun events to invite friends, or just a movie night in the safe environment of the church. Your offering will be used to fund the new growth of this program. Exit X points young people toward the Lord, building them up now and for the future. Ask a young person in our church, “What does Exit X mean to you and what difference has it made?” Get ready for a powerful answer.
Thank you for anything you would like to give to these two programs. If you would like to give an offering just to the church at the end of this year, please mark an envelope informing us that your offering is for the general fund. Everything collected on Christmas Eve not labeled General Fund will be used for the two youth programs.
People are Waiting for an Invitation
82% of people would attend church if a trusted friend invited them. Only 2% of churchgoers will invite someone to church this year.
You probably paused after reading that stat. It stopped me in my hurried day after reading it in an article by Carey Nieuwhof. Then I asked myself if I was part of the 2%. And how many people had I invited to church? It didn’t take me long to agree that most of us Christians don’t invite people to church. Yet, they are waiting!
Christmas Eve is a great time to invite a friend. It’s a different kind of service, and they probably feel like they know a little about the story already. Ask them to join you! And, if you feel the nudge, don’t be shy to invite them to read the Bible with you next year. Grab them a bookmark and encourage them, even if it’s focusing on the New Testament instead of all the Bible.
People are waiting for invitations. If you’d ask them to a Hawkeye game, why not to church?!
Christmas Eve Services will take place at 9:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m.and 5:30 p.m. We want to see you there!
We will have regular worship services on Sunday, January 31st, 8:00 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Pastor Nick will be making his Shueyville Church preaching debut. Don’t miss it!
Children’s Christmas Program
Last Sunday the children glorified God with a wonderful Christmas program. The Family Life Center was packed and we used just about every adult sized chair in the church! Thank you to all of those who made it possible, from the leaders to those volunteers behind the scenes.
A special thanks to Mindy Tearse for making 72 headbands and at least 12 vests to turn our Shueyville Church Kids into STARS for the program.
As always, keep praying for:
- Family of Bobbie Travis. She passed away last Sunday. A visitation will be held on Friday, December 22nd from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Brosh Chapel. Her funeral service will be at Shueyville Church on Saturday, December 23rd at 10:30 a.m. The service will be followed by burial in Shueyville and a luncheon at the church.
- Jane Stevenson, sister of Pam Dennison, has entered hospice care.
- Dave Brown, facing new treatment for a brain tumor
- Dick Lang, continued treatment for leukemia
- Steve Kinkead, battling Alzheimer's disease.
- Amber Grabe in her battle against cancer.
- Veronica O’Riordan, friend of Lexi Trampe, who is battling pancreatic cancer.
- All living in the midst of war, including those in Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel.