What's New in January 2021!
In the January 2021 edition of Sidelines you will find the following content:
All Access
Rebeccah Rodriguez Regner, DO, FAOASM
Progress to Success
It’s a new year and we all have hopes for improvement in many parts of our lives. Many of us still design new year’s resolutions or set annual goals. This is a time to start fresh and have a new perspective on life, family, and career. 2020 was a difficult year for all of us and one that we will remember for the good, the bad, and for change.

It is almost a month into the new year and goals or improved habits we have set may start to get shaky. Don’t give up or let the new habits go; keep to the plan and continue to climb. This new year of hope is a marathon, not a sprint. We are all completing our COVID vaccines, keeping a regular workout routine, and eating healthier. Our families have new activities, lifestyles, and continue to be safe. Keep the guard up and continue a good pace for a year’s endurance.
Mind: The new year brings innovative medical conferences and updated information. This will be another year for organizations to be creative with virtual conferences to hold members’ attention and engage interaction. The AOASM Clinical Conference will be THE 2021 conference in which to participate for innovative, quality, and “A-game” CME. Stay tuned for updates! Look to medical podcasts and audible books for education. These are great options for those physicians with a long commute by car, plane, train, or those who will be traveling.

Social media is also a great way to connect with others, but be sure to cut it off at a certain time each night. Give your mind a break. We as osteopathic sports medicine physicians have so much work on EMR, Zoom calls, and typing reports, etc. Try to unplug at a certain time each night to let the brain relax and recharge. Perhaps taking a 10-15 minute walk at lunch can help refresh and clear the mind. Set time aside each day when you get home from clinic or the office to sit down and unwind with family or friends/roommates. Enjoy and cherish the company of others because as states move into opening more facilities, many will jump back into their same pre-COVID routines.
Body: Continue to look at unique ways to keep up cardio exercise. Rowing and skiErging are excellent forms of cardio that we, as athletes, can do at home. These two exercises target many muscle groups to improve fitness. It is a great idea to look at videos that can explain the machines, technique, and how they improve cardiovascular health. Rowing and skiErging can also be meditative and generate a true mind-body connection.

One brand that is highly cited is Concept2®. The website is a great resource for instruction, workout and technique suggestions, and videos. These sports also have a growing social media group to help pump each other up and promote healthy competition! Look to Facebook, Instagram, or Google for group interaction, or create your own pod of athletes!
Spirit: So many factors play into a person’s spirit. Look to family and close friends with similar energy to lift you up. Again, I bring up connection and taking time to reach out to fellow colleagues within our organization. After each AOASM live conference, we all feel re-energized, our spirits lifted, happy, smarter, and fired up about our careers in sports medicine. AOASM is family and we are here for each other. Let’s continue to connect and lift each other up to success in 2021.
Call for AOASM 2021
Case and Research Abstract Submissions
The Program Committee for the 36th Annual Clinical Conference of the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine would like to promote the Clinical Conference on April 28-May 1, 2021. Registration and conference details are forthcoming and will be posted on the AOASM website in January 2021.

In the meantime, we would like to formally announce the case and research abstract submission deadlines! Case and research abstract submissions must be received by March 1, 2021. All submissions must be entered by 11:59 p.m. PST. Submissions received after this deadline will not be considered.

To learn more and access the submission forms, click here.
Up to $100,000 in Research Funding Available:
Apply by February 15
Research funding is available to DO and PhD researchers conducting studies that address one of four RFAs in three overall areas of foci approved by the AOA Board of Trustees:

  • OMM/OMT on the Prevention and Management of Musculoskeletal Injuries ($100,000 maximum)
  • Acute/Chronic Pain Management
  • The Impact of the Osteopathic Approach on Chronic Disease and Elderly Care
  • Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Observational & Explorative Research Studies

Grants are also available for new investigators, residents and medical students. The application window closes on Monday, February 15, at 11:59 p.m. CT. Funded projects will be announced in June. Learn more about these opportunities and apply here.
New Sports Osteopathy Webinars
AOASM has partnered with the Deutsch-Amerikanische-Akademie für Osteopathie (DAAO) (German-American Academy for Osteopathy) offering lectures on sports osteopathy to physicians in Germany. For the first time, AOASM will offer eight lectures from this series in a webinar format in the US, beginning January 14, 2021. All webinars begin at 8:00 p.m. ET, 7:00 p.m. CT.

Webinar Schedule:
  • January 14: Guidelines, Benefits of Exercise, and Medical Conditions Part I - Kurt Heinking, DO, FAAO
  • January 21: Guidelines, Benefits of Exercise, and Medical Conditions Part 2 - Kurt Heinking, DO, FAAO
  • January 28: Core Stability in the Athlete - Kate Quinn, DO, FAOASM
  • February 4: Concussion Update - R. Robert Franks, DO, FAOASM
  • February 11: Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: An Osteopathic Approach - Alexandra Myers, DO
  • February 18: Thoracic Spine Considerations - Kate Quinn, DO, FAOASM
  • February 25: Osteopathic Approach to Hand and Wrist Injuries - Dan Clearfield, DO, FAOASM
  • March 4: Lower Extremity for the Competitive Athlete - Brett DeGooyer, DO, FAOASM

Physician Members: $40/webinar
Physician Nonmembers: $60/webinar
AOASM Student/Resident/Fellow Members: Free
Student/Resident/Fellow Nonmembers: $10/webinar
Register for the entire series and receive a discount of 15%.

AOA Credits:
AOASM has request the AOA Council on Continuing Medical Education approve the live webinars for up to 8.0 hours of AOA Category 1-A CME credits. 

Visit the AOASM website for registration information.
Basketball Sports Medicine and Science
This book is designed as a comprehensive educational resource, not only for basketball medical caregivers and scientists, but for all basketball personnel. Written by a multidisciplinary team of leading experts in their fields, it provides information and guidance on injury prevention, injury management, and rehabilitation for physicians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, rehabilitation specialists, conditioning trainers, and coaches. All commonly encountered injuries and a variety of situations and scenarios specific to basketball are covered with the aid of more than 200 color photos and illustrations. Basketball Sports Medicine and Science is published in collaboration with ESSKA and will represent a superb, comprehensive educational resource. It is further hoped that the book will serve as a link between the different disciplines and modalities involved in basketball care, creating a common language, and improving communication within the team staff and environment.

Contributions from the following AOASM members:
Jeffrey Bytomski 
  • Editor

Blake Boggess (with Jordan Rawlings)
  • Ethical and Medico-Legal Issues in Injury Management and Return to Sport in Basketball (Pages 957-965)

Benjamin Boswell (with Benjamin Oshlag)
  • Constructing a Medical Team: The Medical Needs of a Basketball Team (Pages 83-90)

Alex Diamond (with Andrew W. Kuhn)
  • The Young/Adolescent Basketball Player (Pages 847-864)

Jeff Kovan (with Chelsea Gonzalez)
  • The Role of the Team Physician in Basketball (Pages 121-123)

Mark Rogers (with Shan Fairbanks)
  • The Role of Pre-participation Assessment and Screening in Basketball (Pages 91-102)

Thomas Stocklin-Enright (with Nathan McMurray)
  • Head, Neck, and Face Injuries in Basketball (Pages 215-223)

Priscilla Tu (with Travis Nelson)
  • General Considerations in Basketball: Court Type, Shoes, and Protective Gear (Pages 957-96)

Order Information:
SAOASM Update and Upcoming Events
We are excited to announce some upcoming events. We have several regional student conferences on the horizon, as well as a couple of webinars. Each of our Regional Representatives has been hard at work to put together a great lineup of speakers for conferences in their respective regions. Each of these six conferences will be held virtually this year sometime between January and April 2021.
Upcoming Webinars:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Topic: A Day in the Life of a Sports Medicine Fellow with Dr. Brent Pickett
Speaker: Dr. Brent Pickett
He is currently a sports medicine fellow at Duke University.
Register here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Topic: Common and Unique Injuries in Dancers and the Role of a Team Physician in a Professional Ballet Company
Speaker: Dr. Kathleen Davenport 
Register here.

Regional Conferences:
Southeast Region SAOASM Conference 
Date: January 23, 2021, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
Topics include Sports Medicine in COVID, A Day in the Life of a Sports Medicine Fellow, Athlete Mental Health, and More. 
Platform: Zoom
Please email Trent Griner at jg8708@pcom.edu with questions.  

Northeast Region SAOASM Conference
Date: February 6, 2021, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST
Topics include rehabilitation, new treatment technology, nutrition, mental health, and integrative OMM.
Platform: Gather.Town
Please fill out this Google form to register for the conference. There will be a small fee for this conference to cover the cost of the platform. 
Please email Alexander Tejada at at227934@pcom.edu with questions.

Dan Brannen
SAOASM National Chair
If there is ever anything you would like to learn about or see happen through the SAOASM, please reach out to our Executive Board at studentAOASM@gmail.com

We love hearing from you and providing you with the best opportunities to learn and have fun in sports medicine!
Featured Job Openings from the AOASM Career Center

Journal Article Spotlight: Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine
Journal Article Spotlight: British Journal of Sports Medicine
AOASM 2020 Annual Conference Abstracts

Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: a 5-year follow-up of a randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial
COVID Corner
Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine
Annals of
Internal Medicine
Interim Guidance on the Preparticipation Physical Examination for Athletes During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
College Campuses and COVID-19 Mitigation: Clinical and Economic Value