Today we remember
those who have died by gun violence,
those who have survived gun violence,
those who mourn deaths of family and friends by gun violence.
Aching with sorrow
we grieve this pain and death that surrounds and fills us.
Today we remember
mass killings in places of prayer,
in synagogues, mosques, and churches.
Rejecting the viciousness
we give ourselves to one another in love and care.
Today we remember
deaths and fears of death
rampant in schools, homes, and workplaces.
Marching for their lives, young people awaken us to action.
Listening at last
we rise up to face the horror; we confess ourselves complicit.
Let us pray together.
Forgive, O God, our wrongful action and our inaction.
Forgive our silence and indifference.
Lead us in love, for Jesus’ sake.
May God who is our hope
inscribe our hearts with justice and guide us in the ways of peace. Amen.
Written by the Rev. Joanne Engquist and provided by ELCA Worship.