Stories from Congregations this Week | |
Rev. Dave Miller was installed as pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Vacaville, on Saturday, January 20.
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Note: In our January 11th newsletter, we had an incorrect list published.
Thank you to the trustees of Lutheran Church of the Master. The corrected names are Pr. Kirsten Moore, Pr. Karen Stetin, Carson Anderson and Pr. Jason Bense.
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To share stories from your congregation,
send a brief description and a photo to Mandi!
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New Address for the Synod Office | |
We are so excited to share office space with Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary!
New Physical Location:
Sierra Pacific Synod, ELCA
2000 Center Street, Suite 200
Berkeley, CA 94704
Mailing Address:
PO Box 119, Berkeley, CA 94701
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Synod Office Job Openings | |
Job Postings for Two Positions in the Synod Office
We also want to announce that the Synod Office is seeking qualified applicants for two highly responsible positions. The Managing Director will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Synod, and an Executive Assistant will assist the Bishop directly with managing his administrative schedule and duties. Both positions will work on-site at the new Synod office in downtown Berkeley.
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Upcoming Synod-Wide Events | |
Parochial Reports
It is the season of statistical reporting! A census, if you will. In December, your congregation may have received an email from ELCA Churchwide about the 2023 Parochial Reports. The email announced that this year the parochial reporting is only one form (Form A) and should only take you a few minutes to submit!
The Sierra Pacific Synod is your helpmate in getting your congregation parochial reports to the ELCA Churchwide Office of the Secretary. You can find the answers to many of your questions here.
If you need help or have questions that aren’t addressed on our website or the ELCA website, you can contact Lance Kelly at or Pr. Manda at
If you want to submit a paper report instead of entering your report online, you can mail it to PO Box 119, Berkeley, CA 94701, and a volunteer will submit it electronically for you.
Parochial reporting will open in mid-January. All parochial reports are due by March 1, 2023. Thank you for taking a few minutes this month and a half to help us learn about the state of our congregations and prepare for the future.
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New Thriving Leadership Formation Cohorts Are Continuing to Form!
Cohorts come together to create a community grounded in spiritual practices to help church leaders thrive. Cohorts meet for 12 sessions (1.5 hours each).
There is no cost to this program.
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Pulpit Supply
Are you a Rostered Minister of Word & Sacrament who is available to do pulpit supply on Sundays? Please sign up here and let us know so that we can share your name with congregations in need of occasional service:
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Brunch Church: Installation of Pastor Sara Wilson
Rev. Sara Wilson has been called to serve as pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in Lincoln, California. All are invited to her installation on Saturday, January 27th, at 11 am at Grace. The color of the day is red. Clergy are invited to wear stoles. As we are going to worship and eat together during one fun and holy experience, in our small house church sanctuary, there will not be a procession or vesting.
For more info, you can view the Facebook event here: There will be a FB live stream. If you plan to attend in person, kindly RSVP on the Facebook event page or send a message to Maureen Tetley at so we can plan for food.
Pastor Sara will continue serving Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University as Director of Seminary Stewardship as part of her bi-vocational shared time ministry call. Her email ( and phone number (510-559-2717) for PLTS remain the same.
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The Bible and Settler Colonialism in Palestine and Beyond
Join the conversation on Saturday, January 27! This will be an international, online consultation featuring Rev. Prof. Mitri Raheb, Founder and President of Dar al-Kalima University in Bethlehem and author of Decolonizing Palestine: The Land, The People, The Bible.
Responses will be offered by Atalia Omer and Revelation Velunta.
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Leadership Discipling Team Boundaries Training
Our Leadership Discipling Team is preparing a list of options for boundary training opportunities for rostered leaders in our synod. One such opportunity is coming up in February and is being organized by our colleagues in the Southwest California synod for their rostered leaders. Thanks to the openness of the synod and its Bishop Brenda Bos, registration for this training has also been made open for interested rostered leaders from the Sierra Pacific synod.
This online training is being with Pr. Abel Arroyo Traverso and Pr. Carla Christopher will be focused on ministerial boundaries, offering some tools and support to manage work-life balance and boundaries. We look forward to sharing time together as we strengthen healthy practices and healthier ministers.
Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 9 am - 1 pm PST.
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Prophets as God's Messengers for Social Justice
Thursdays from 1:00-2:30 pm from February 8 - May 9, 2024, at St. John's Lutheran Church and via Zoom
This semester-long Bible study will take a deeper dive into some of the prophets of the Old Testament. It is designed for pastors and lay persons, primarily in the Lutheran Church (ELCA), to highlight the message and work of the prophets as messengers of God with instructions to care for others in need, with an eye to today's world, understanding prophets were not fortune-tellers nor apocalyptic.
The class will meet every Thursday (excluding March 28 and April 11) in Oehler Hall at St. John's Lutheran Church and online via Zoom.
Rev. Dianne Wendt, currently serving as pastor at Lutheran Church of the Cross in East Sacramento, will be teaching this bible study. The development and leading of this class are part of Pr. Dianne's Doctorate of Ministry Program at the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA.
Participants will only need their Bible; note-taking and journaling are encouraged.
RSVP and/or questions: or (916)456-8880.
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SPSYC High School Retreat
Registration is now open for the annual Sierra Pacific Synod High School Retreat at Mt. Cross the weekend of March 1-3, 2024. Planned and led by the youth of the Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC), the retreat theme is “Stories Around the Campfire.” Thanks to a generous grant from the PoP+Zion Endowment Fund, SPSYC is excited to announce nationally known storytellers David Scherer and Joe Davis as event speakers!
Registration information can be found on the SPSYC website. Early bird pricing through February 12th is $225 for each participant. Regular pricing of $275 will last through February 23rd, when registration will close. Scholarships are available – don’t let costs keep your group from attending. Registration form and additional information can be found here:
The retreat will also feature the election of new committee members. Please encourage high school youth in your congregations to consider running for a spot on SPSYC. Details and an application can be found here:
Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact Lisa Herlocker.
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Whenever the synod assembly includes a Sunday, pastors face a dilemma – stay at the assembly or lead worship at home? It does not have to be that way! Instead, use the 2024 assembly schedule as an opportunity to equip lay members to lead or co-lead the June 9 worship service. Doing so will enable congregational lay leaders to function in new ways in changing times. The synod assembly planning team is offering a moderated Zoom panel conversation about “planning lay-led worship services that work.” Attend and you might walk away with tips and new ideas!
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Save the Date!
The 2024 Synod Assembly will take place June 7-9 at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Fresno Convention Center. More details will be released as they become available.
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New Opportunities Available!
Are you looking for something new? We have amazing congregations looking for someone like you! Check out our job posting page for open positions throughout our Synod.
If your congregation has a position posted that has been filled, please be sure to let Mandi know, so we can keep the page updated.
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Updates and Resources from ELCA Churchwide & Beyond | |
LIRS is Becoming Global Refuge!
Our decision to rebrand is rooted in the massive worldwide need for compassionate support of those seeking safety. With more than 100 million people displaced by war, famine, climate change, and persecution, our mission of providing the "long welcome" is more crucial than ever. Our Board knew we needed to build a bigger table of supporters.
The Global Refuge brand fittingly conveys our mission of providing safety and support to refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants from across the world. As our new identity makes us more accessible to clients, partners, and supporters, it leaves unchanged our core vision: to foster a world of just and welcoming communities, informed by our Lutheran heritage and decades of experience. Our faith-based identity remains integral to our organization, reflecting the spirit of love that shapes our work of welcome and strengthens our relationships with Lutheran communities and congregations, as well as with nondenominational and interfaith partners.
We cannot overstate our gratitude for your continued support, partnership, and commitment to welcoming immigrants and refugees. As we redouble our commitment to advocating alongside, caring for, and empowering newcomers, we hope you will join us in celebrating this new chapter of transformational service.
In solidarity,
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah
President and CEO, Global Refuge
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Announcing A New Grant Fund from ELCA Churchwide
Resourceful Servants—an initiative of the ELCA churchwide organization, and its ministry partners at Portico Benefit Services and the Mission Investment Fund—will launch the Retirement Supplement Grants program. This program offers one-time retirement supplement grants for primary ministry leaders (either rostered or non-rostered) called to ministries on the margins:
- Mission Developers
- Leaders in the Vulnerable and Vital and Homeless and Justice networks
- Leaders in Strategic Ministries
A total of $100,000 in available funding, provided through a generous grant from the Lilly Endowment Inc., will be distributed equally among program applicants. Although this funding will not resolve the issue of an underfunded retirement account, it will allow these leaders to take advantage of compounding growth on their retirement funds.
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YAGM Volunteers
The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is ready for new volunteers! The YAGM team must find the next cohort of young Christians ready to step out into the future. Do you know one? If you know such a young adult, aged 21 to 35, this is the time to reach out. Applications are now accepted on a rolling basis, year-round. Those who apply by Feb. 1 will be considered for the service year beginning the following August. Priority will be given to those who apply before Jan. 15.
Talk personally to these young people about what this opportunity will mean for their faith, identity, career and understanding of God’s work in the world.
YAGM volunteers who apply by Feb. 1, 2024, will begin their service in August 2024.
Learn more at
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Cultivate Confidence: Lead Powerfully as A Woman in Ministry
Feel like you've got way too much going on but you're not doing enough? Tired of second-guessing yourself with every decision?
Join this free five-day series of learning and group coaching to cultivate the confidence to lead meaningfully.
You'll walk away in a better place to discern where you’re going next and unlock your power as a woman in ministry.
Join Mon, Jan 29 at 10 AM EST, Tues, Jan 30 at 2 PM EST, Wed, Jan 31 at 1 PM EST, Thurs, Feb 1 at 12 PM EST, and Fri, Feb 2 at 1 PM EST.
Click here to register now.
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The Ministry of Housing Conference
DCG Strategies is pleased to invite churches to a conference series they are hosting for congregations interested in taking the next step in learning about real estate development on their properties.
The next conference will be for East Bay Churches on February 15, hosted at Glad Tidings Community Development Corporation.
In addition, they are offering Pre-Development Analysis to select congregations who apply to Ministry of Housing: Pre-Development Program, which is funded by the San Francisco Foundation.
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ELCA Youth Gathering Update
It’s not too late to register your group! And as an incentive, the next 5 congregations to register (new congregation groups, not just adding people) from the Sierra Pacific Synod will get priority registration pricing if they register by February 14, 2024 and contact Lisa Herlocker. That’s a $50 savings per person in your group! Remember your group can be made up of folks from more than one congregation — you just need to register using one congregation ID number. This is a great way for smaller congregations to attend the Gathering.
Save the Date — on Saturday, April 20th all of the adults and youth attending the Gathering will meet up at St. John’s Lutheran Church in midtown Sacramento for a pre-Gathering BASH to include lunch, fun activities, and adult leader training. A couple of details are still being nailed down, but I wanted you to get this on your group’s calendar. More details coming in February.
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Transitional Ministry Training Opportunities for 2024
We live in unprecedented times. Change is happening all around us – whether it is in our churches, communities, or the wider world. The question is not “will change come?” but instead, “How will we respond to the changes that confront us?”
Training in Transitional Ministry provide models, methods, case studies, and small group conversation to hone skills as leaders through transitions. Whether you are an installed pastor, interim or transitional leader, or serve other institutions in transition, training will help you discern your path as a transitional leader for these times.
Below are training opportunities from two different organizations:
From IMN (Interim Ministry Network):
Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry Training
Part 1: The Work of the Leader
Joining the System, Analyzing the System, Discerning Responsibility, and Establishing Priorities, Connection the Congregation and the Denomination, and Evaluating and Adjusting to a New Future
(Choose one of these dates)
Virtual, Eastern Time Zone
February 20-21, & 27-28, 2024 (11am-7pm)
March 12-15, 2024 (10am-6pm)
April 16-19, 2024 (12-8pm)
May 14-15, 2122 (9am-5pm)
The tuition for this class is $800.
Tuition includes one year of IMN Membership and the FTML Manual.
Part 2: The Work of the Congregation
Heritage, Leadership, Mission, Connections, Future
(Choose one of these Dates)
Virtual – Eastern Time Zone
January 22-24 & 29-31, 2024 (10am-6pm)
April 9-11, 16-18, 2024 (10am-6pm)
June 18-20 & 25-27, 2024 (10am-6pm)
September 17-19 & 24-26, 2024 (10am-6pm)
The tuition for this class is $1,555.
Tuition includes Manual, Workbook, Handouts, and Fieldwork.
Current IMN Members will receive a $200 discount
From TMEC (Transitional Ministry Education Consortium) PCUSA
The Art of Transitional Ministry – Part 1
Part 1 introduces the Arc of Transitional Ministry-- entering systems, assessing needs, considering the history and current context, considering the role of conflict, and healthy departing. We believe all ministry is transitional and that understanding congregational systems theory undergirds the work we do.
February 8, 15, 22, 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2024 (virtual)
10:00am-1:30pm EST
Tuition $500
March 11 – 15, 2024 (virtual)
9:00-11:30am and 1:00-4:30pm CT
Tuition $500
April 21-26, 2024 (in-person)
Calvin Center (Atlanta, GA)
Tuition: TBA
May 13-17, 2024 (in-person)
Mercy Center, St. Louis, MO
Weeks 1 & 2
Fee: $900 (includes tuition, lodging, and most meals)
July 14-19, 2024 (in-person)
Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe, NV
Weeks 1 & 2
Tuition TBA
For Room Rates, see:
September 8-13, 2024 (in-person)
Highlands Camp and Conference Center (Allenspark, C0)
Tuition TBA
The Art of Transitional Ministry – Part 2
Part 2 encourages Pastors to think about change from their leadership perspective: How do I lead a congregation through change effectively? How do I analyze the ministry context in which I find myself? How do I navigate through complex systems and conflict? More information to come!
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ELCA Fund for Leaders Scholarship
Every year the Fund for Leaders provides approximately 30 full-tuition scholarships to future ELCA pastors and deacons who attend ELCA seminaries. In spring 2024 the Fund for Leaders will once again offer scholarships to seminary students — and we need your help to spread the word!
The application window for full-tuition scholarships will be open through Feb. 23, 2024.
Here are a few key facts about Fund for Leaders scholarships:
- Eligible candidates must be planning to enroll in fall 2024.They must have received a positive entrance decision or at least begun the process of seeking candidacy for rostered ministry in the ELCA.
- Candidates may begin the Fund for Leaders application process before they have been accepted to seminary. Candidates are encouraged to apply to seminary and a Fund for Leaders scholarship simultaneously.
- Recipients of Fund for Leaders scholarships may apply their full-tuition scholarship to any ELCA seminary that has offered them admission.
- Scholarships are awarded to students for the duration of their required seminary coursework, provided they remain in good standing with their seminary and in their candidacy process.
- Current ELCA seminary students who have completed no more than one semester of coursework before the start of the 2024-2025 year are also welcome to apply.
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Conference on Worship, Theology and the Arts: Nourishing Vocation
July 29-31, St. Olaf College
You're invited to this year’s Conference on Worship, Theology and the Arts: Nourishing Vocation at St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, which takes place on Monday, July 29 through Wednesday, July 31, 2024. This year, the conference will combine signature CWTA musical experiences with innovative and imaginative work being done by both the Nourishing Vocation Project and Nourishing Vocation with Children under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Char Rachuy Cox.
What to expect:
- Inspiring worship ~ A pick-up choir under the direction of Dr. Anton Armstrong.
- Networking
- Music Reading Sessions
- Arts Encounters
- Daily plenaries
- Theology in practice through child-attentive, arts-enriched, user-ready ministry ideas for you to take home and implement.
- Nourishing conversations
You can look forward to all this and so much more! St. Olaf College looks forward to welcoming all participants to The Hill and hopes you will mark your calendar for CWTA 2024.
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It’s Time to Nominate Students for Lutheran Summer Music
Each year, the primary way that music students find their way to LSM is through the encouragement of their church musicians! LSM offers opportunities for musicians of all kinds: brass, winds, strings, percussion, piano, organ, voice, harp, guitar, handbells, and more! Students receive advanced musical instruction through large ensembles (Festival Choir, Band, and Orchestra), chamber music, private lessons with collegiate-level faculty, and elective classes (such as conducting, composition, church music, intro to the pipe organ, jazz band, musical theatre, music therapy). In the evenings, students attend recitals, Evening Prayer services, and social events with their friends. LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 30-July 28 (Full Session) or June 30-July 14 (Half Session) and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Know a musical young person who would thrive at LSM? Nominate them today at
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Civic Life and Faith Draft Social Statement Now available
How, as Lutherans, should we understand our relationship to civic life — including government — as individuals and as a church body? After studying the questions for the past three years, a social statement task force has posted a draft social statement on civic life and faith.
Social statements are important documents because they govern church teaching and policies and support ministries. They also serve as discernment tools for ELCA members as they consider social issues such as civic life.
Between now and Sept. 30, 2024, you are invited to study and give feedback on the draft by filling out an online survey or attending a hearing in your synod, as available. To access the draft and the survey, and to find information on how to host a hearing in your synod, go to
After the feedback period has closed, the task force will revise the draft with attention to the public input and submit a proposed version of the social statement to the ELCA Church Council, which will vote on sending it to the ELCA2025 Churchwide Assembly for consideration. If adopted at the assembly by a two-thirds margin, the social statement will become the official social teaching of this church.
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It's Annual Report Season!
Download Annual Report covers here.
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Connect with Synod Staff & Your Conference Dean | |
Rev. Ben Colahan
Dean, Redwood Mountain Conference 1
Rev. Todd Benson
Interim Dean, Bridges Conference 2
Rev. Dr. Gabriele Schroeder
Dean, Capitol Valley Conference 3
Rev. Christian Schweter
Interim Dean, Sierra Nevada Foothills
Conference 4
Rev. John Kuehner
Dean, San Francisco Peninsula Conference 5
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Rev. Cristina Beauchemin
Dean, El Camino Real Conference 6
Rev. Dr. John Valentine
Dean, Mt. Diablo Conference 7
Rev. Karen Johnson
Interim Dean, Sierra Central Valley Conference 8
Rev. Jodi Golden-Lund
Dean, Central San Joaquin Conference 9
Rev. Cindy Beck
Dean, Interim Ministry
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