Send your ministry pictures to be featured in the Synod Newsletter! | |
Discerning & Electing a new Bishop | |
In February of this year, the Bishop's Election Committee began outlining the process of discerning and electing a new Bishop to serve the Sierra Pacific Synod. The Committee is delighted to share with you an array of documents, timelines, and procedures that will guide the Bishop Election process over the next five months.
On the Sierra Pacific Synod website, you will find a new tab called "2023 Synod Assembly" where all of this information (and more!) is and will be housed in the coming months. Under the Bishop's Election tab, we invite you to take a look at the newly released documents from the Bishop's Election Committee.
They include:
- A Discernment & Conversation Guide for Pre-Identification of Bishop Candidates
- The Bishop's Election Timeline & Process
- The 2023 Synod Profile
- The Call Responsibilities of the Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop
- Disclosure Questions for the Bishop's Election
- A Biographical Information Form
- Information on the Bishop's Election Committee
These can be found in English and Spanish here:
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Upcoming Synod-Wide Events | |
Reminder to Register for Assembly!
All registrations must be submitted via the online Registration Form. The registration deadline is Tuesday, August 1, 2023. There will be no on-site registration at Synod Assembly. For more information, please visit our website.
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Resolutions and Memorials Reminder
Friendly reminder: You have just over two weeks left to submit your resolutions and memorials! To learn more please click here.
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Upcoming Ordination & Installation Services
July 2nd - The Rev. Crystal Larsen Stewart will be installed as Immanuel Lutheran Church of Alameda's pastor on July 2nd at their regular worship time of Sunday at 10 am. There will be a reception following worship. Any clergy wishing to vest may wear Green.
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Workshops at Synod Assembly
Apply by August 1
Would you be interested in leading a workshop at Synod Assembly? Want to speak to the synod body about an important topic close to your heart? Apply by August 1 to lead a one-hour workshop on Friday, September 15. The workshop committee is particularly interested in capacity-building workshops. Due to space constraints, we can only accommodate some workshop requests. The workshop selection committee will notify applicants of the status of their proposals by August 8. If you would like to apply, please visit the workshop application form.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with the workshop team at
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New Opportunities Available!
Are you looking for something new? We have amazing congregations looking for someone like you! Check out our job posting page for open positions throughout our Synod.
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Updates and Resources from ELCA Churchwide & Beyond | |
July is Disability Pride Month!
This month commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act and celebrates the disability community.
You can subscribe to the ELCA's Disability Ministries Newsletter here. This e-newsletter is designed to equip leaders and members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with important updates all in one place.
ELCA Worship News
Are you getting the ELCA Worship newsletter? This monthly newsletter highlights the latest news and resources from the worship office as well as information about worship and music related events around the church.
You can see the latest issue here and subscribe here to get them delivered to your inbox.
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ELCA Young Adult Vocational Fellowship
The ELCA Young Adult Vocational Fellowship is an exciting program that offers young adults an opportunity to discover their calling while gaining valuable professional experience. The yearlong program prepares communities and ministry organizations to welcome new, young, and diverse leaders, paving the way for a more inclusive and dynamic future.
Fellows receive competitive compensation and benefits, including access to mental health resources, relocation assistance, coaching, and a small group cohort.
You can find out more here.
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Abide ELCA Young Adults
June/July registration is open now!
June and July’s Abide group will focus on the theme of Torchbearers of the Public Church. Protests, community gardens, issue education on social media, mutual aid, letter writing campaigns, voting--young adults can be found in leadership positions wherever justice work is happening. The ELCA often refers to this as “public church,” but many call it an average weeknight. The ELCA social teachings are robust documents that demonstrate and result from consensus-building processes and the navigation of difficult conversations with people from many points of view. Young adults understand that gridlock and partisanship are some of the most significant barriers to progress. In collaboration with the ELCA Advocacy staff, join Hunger Advocacy Fellow Kayla Zopfi in an Abide series on the ELCA Social Teachings and how to use them as another tool in your toolkit of change-making locally, state-wide, synod-wide, nationally, and globally.
You can find out more here.
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ELCA Job Opportunity!
Campus Ministry Program Manager
This position provides leadership and direction for the campus ministry efforts of the churchwide organization in partnership with the Lutheran Campus Ministry Network (LuMin) boards, synods, and bishops across the ELCA. LuMin is a network of ELCA-affiliated campus ministries located on or near the campuses of over 230 colleges and universities across the United States.
Apply here!
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Serve as an Ecumenical Accompanier
After extensive preparation and learning, Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAs) live in Palestinian communities to provide a protective presence in those communities alongside a team of people from other countries.
When EAs return home, their focus shifts to advocacy. They share their first-hand experiences to inform people of the realities of the occupation and campaign for a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict based on international law and UN resolutions.
You can learn more by clicking here and you can apply here.
Please direct requests for application forms, and any questions, to, or fill out the contact form here.
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YAGM Program Changes
There have been some exciting updates to the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program, which invites young adults into a transformative year of service and fellowship. Over the past few years, the YAGM team has had conversations with program partners, participants, and alums and explored ways to enrich the YAGM experience for all involved. To read more about these changes, click here.
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Connect with Synod Staff & Your Conference Dean | |
Rev. Ben Colahan
Dean, Redwood Mountain Conference 1
Rev. Dave Miller
Dean, Bridges Conference 2
Rev. Dr. Gabriele Schroeder
Dean, Capitol Valley Conference 3
Rev. Charlane Lines
Dean, Sierra Nevada Foothills
Conference 4
Rev. John Kuehner
Dean, San Francisco Peninsula Conference 5
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Rev. Cristina Beauchemin
Dean, El Camino Real Conference 6
Rev. Dr. John Valentine
Dean, Mt. Diablo Conference 7
Rev. Mark Price
Dean, Sierra Central Valley Conference 8
Rev. Jodi Golden-Lund
Dean, Central San Joaquin Conference 9
Rev. Cindy Beck
Dean, Interim Ministry
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The Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone People.
To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click here.
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