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On November 5th, VP Simon Wong visited Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Lodi, CA, and celebrated together with the congregation for their 75th anniversary of wonderful ministry. May God bless this faithful community as they continue to thrive and carry their mission - “Connecting with God, Each other and the world”!

Jazz Mass at Hope Lutheran Church in Fresno, led by retired Pastor Stephen Carlson and lay member David Aus of Bethel Lutheran, Fresno, is a unique once-a-month service (first Sunday of the month except during the summer- next one is Dec. 3) that many people in the Fresno area enjoy!

Rev. Louise Britts was installed as pastor of American Lutheran Church, Woodland, on Saturday, November 4.

First Lutheran Church of Orland Dedicated a community church garden as part of their Season of Creation service project. The garden was made thanks to the volunteer work of members of the congregation, Church, and Thrivent contributions.

On October 29th, St. Mark’s in San Francisco hosted John Rutsindintwarane, a Lutheran pastor from Rwanda. During the Adult Forum, Pastor John spoke about his work with Faith in Action International (FIA), including a touching story about this little girl who was empowered to work alongside her community to build a school. Pr. John and other FIA organizers are planting seeds of bottom-up social change across Africa, beginning in Rwanda and branching out to Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Namibia, and South Africa. 

On October 28th, Synod Assistant to the Bishop Pr. Manda Truchinski and VP Simon Wong visited Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Vacaville together to celebrate the congregation call of their new pastor, Pr. Dave Miller. Congratulations to SOTH and Pr. Dave! May God guide this group of faithful as they move forward with the new partnerships, together continue to serve the community.

VP Simon Wong visited Our Savior’s Lutheran church on October 15th and attended their Soul Forum and worship services. May God bless this faithful community and their ongoing ministry to their community and worldwide.

Synod Council Update

On November 4th, the Synod Council had their meeting, welcoming our new Bishop, Jeff Johnson, new Treasurer, Scott Taylor, and our newly elected council member Bertha Castro. We also thanked Pr. Clark Brown and Pr. Kathy Morris for their faithful service as they stepped down as council members. The council appointed the 2024 Synod Assembly Planning Team at the meeting with Pr. Charlane Lines, as the chair, elected a new synod executive committee and an introduction to council board training by our synod attorney.

A Message from Bishop Jeff R. Johnson

If you missed Bishop Jeff's welcome letter, please click here to read it.

Upcoming Synod-Wide Events

You're Invited!

All clergy and deacons are invited to vest and process. Red is the color of the day. Clergy and others who are processing should arrive by 1pm.

Ample parking is available on-site and in the surrounding neighborhood.

A limited number of discounted rooms are available at Embassy Suites Walnut Creek- 1-800-498-7397, group: Sierra Pacific Synod Bishop Installation.

Reception with light refreshments to follow.

RSVP is preferred but not required.

RSVP Here!

Accepting Applications for the Spanish-language Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith

The PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith is accepting applications for the 2024 cohort of the Spanish-language Certificate in Climate Justice and Faith through November 30, 2023. This two-semester certificate program offers a cohort-based, contextually-rooted, online curriculum for Spanish-speaking people in Latin American, the Caribbean, and North America. The curriculum equips participants with moral, spiritual, and practical power for leadership in the work of climate justice. Topics covered include theology, ethics, and spirituality related to climate justice; climate change knowledge; and social change practices that connect ecological well-being with racial, economic, and gender justice. This certificate was developed through a partnership with Seminario Luterano Augsburgo (SEMLA) in Mexico, Universidad Luterana Salvadorena in El Salvador, Instituto para la Pastoral Contextual de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida of Argentina and Uruguay, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.







Contemplative Action Groups

In a time of great institutional transition and cultural turbulence, Contemplative Action Groups seek to provide a compassionate, creative, and engaging space for church leaders to explore the unique way they are being called to live out the Christian life.

To learn more and to sign up, please click here.

Just Action: Lecture and Discussion with Authors

November 8th, 7 pm

On Wednesday, November 9th at 7 pm, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Berkeley will host co-authors, Leah Rothstein and Richard Rothstein to discuss their latest book, Just Action.

For more information and to RSVP, click here.

Lutheran Social Services of Northern California

Over the next three months, Lutheran Social Services of Northern California (LSS) is holding a series of lunchtime Zoom conversations with LSS CEO Carol Roberts. These conversations will feature an update on LSS activities to address homelessness and a Q&A time with Carol. Each will focus on different regions of the Northern California service area. (1) Redding/Shasta/Siskiyou, 2) San Francisco Bay Area, 3) Stockton/San Joaquin and 4) Sacramento).

Please join Carol Roberts, CEO of Lutheran Social Services of Northern California (LSS) for a lunchtime Zoom conversation focusing on San Francisco and the Bay Area on Thursday, November 9, from 12-1pm. This conversation will feature an update on LSS activities to address homelessness in the area and a Q&A time with Carol. Please click here: to make a reservation. The Zoom link will follow later in the week. If you have any questions, please get in touch with LSS Development Director Jerry Metzker at

C2 28th Annual Holiday Boutique

November 11, 10 am-1 pm

At Messiah Lutheran Church, Hayward, come check out handmade gifts, donations, and other useful items. Baked goods and snacks too! Door prizes - $1 donation.

Bring a non-perishable food donation for the San Lorenzo Family Help Center and receive 1 free Door Prize ticket!

Upcoming Installation

Installation of Pr. Daniel Tisdel

November 12th, 3 pm

You're invited to the installation of Pastor Daniel Tisdel at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Sunnyvale (1025 The Dalles, Sunnyvale, CA) on November 12th at 3:00 pm. Clergy are encouraged to vest and the color of the day is green.

Click Here for More Info and to RSVP

Job Opportunities

New Opportunities Available!

Are you looking for something new? We have amazing congregations looking for someone like you! Check out our job posting page for open positions throughout our Synod.

If your congregation has a position posted that has been filled, please be sure to let Mandi know, so we can keep the page updated.

Updates and Resources from ELCA Churchwide & Beyond

Truth & Healing Movement

Over the next months, this page will provide opportunities to learn the true history and current realities of Indigenous people. It is these truths, truths that have been ignored by most for hundreds of years, that will bring healing for both Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people.

Some of these opportunities will be calls to individual action, and some will be activities that congregations and small groups should coordinate and participate in together.

Vine Deloria Jr. Theological Symposium

In 2013, the Annual American Indian and Alaska Native Symposium at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago was renamed in honor of Vine Deloria Jr., an alum of Augustana Seminary, Rock Island, Ill., a predecessor school of LSTC. The symposium has been held in November each year since it began over 10 years ago. The symposium will be fully virtual this year, and the theme is tribal sovereignty.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Symposium Chapel Service 

Preaching – The Rev. David Wilson, Bishop of the Great Plains Conference of The United Methodist Church

Symposium Lecture 

Stacy Leeds, Willard H. Pedrick Dean and Regents Professor at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, Arizona State University

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Symposium Panel Presentation:

Dr. Aaron Payment, Vice President of Tribal Relations and Learning for Kauffman and Associates

Fawn Sharp, President of the National Congress of American Indians

Host – Vance Blackfox

No pre-registration is required to participate. Just click here to join the class:

Lutheran Men in Mission

Lutheran Men in Mission (LMM) is exploring the status of men's ministry within/among congregations. Here is a link to a brief survey that we would like made available to congregations in the Sierra Pacific Synod. The responses will assist us in encouraging and supporting men's ministries.

Connect with Synod Staff & Your Conference Dean

Bishop Claire S. Burkat

Interim Bishop, Sierra Pacific Synod

Debbie Cook

Finance Assistant Contractor

Melanie Gordon

Executive Assistant

Mandi Slagle


Rev. Manda Truchinski

Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership & Strategic Organization

Rev. Ron Valadez

Interim Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and First Call

Rev. Dr. Dawn Roginski

Director of Evangelical Mission

Rev. Ben Colahan 

Dean, Redwood Mountain Conference 1

Rev. Dave Miller

Dean, Bridges Conference 2

Rev. Dr. Gabriele Schroeder

Dean, Capitol Valley Conference 3

Rev. Charlane Lines

Dean, Sierra Nevada Foothills

Conference 4

Rev. John Kuehner

Dean, San Francisco Peninsula Conference 5

Rev. Cristina Beauchemin

Dean, El Camino Real Conference 6

Rev. Dr. John Valentine

Dean, Mt. Diablo Conference 7


Sierra Central Valley Conference 8

Rev. Jodi Golden-Lund

Dean, Central San Joaquin Conference 9

Rev. Cindy Beck

Dean, Interim Ministry

The Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone People.
To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click here.
The Sierra Pacific Synod is a Sanctuary Synod and a Reconciling in Christ Synod.
Donate to the Synod
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