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This past weekend, women from every reach of our synod gathered for the 15th Biennial Sierra Pacific Synod WELCA convention. This is the first time our synod WELCA group has gathered since the pandemic, and you could feel the joy in the room as women caught up with old friends and had face-to-face conversations with new friends.  

The women who attended the convention were of various experience. Some came from congregations with long-standing WELCA groups, but others were there on their own or brought by friends. 

The convention wasn’t only about WELCA business, like electing a new board and hearing a report of those who attended the national Triennial gathering. The synod WELCA board organized a full weekend of learning from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Acres of Hope, Keynote speaker Sam LaDue, and the Rodriguez family, who shared their personal story of immigration. While gathering and learning, the women collected offerings to support these ministries. 

WELCA of Sierra Pacific Synod is an organization of volunteer women throughout the Sierra Pacific Synod. If you would like to see photos of the convention or learn more about it, please visit them on Facebook at “Sierra Pacific Women of the ELCA.”

New SPS WELCA board:

Linda Duffek

Leela Kennedy

Mary Ann Dews, Vice-president 

Courtney Brown, Secretary 

Kevin Brown, Treasurer 

Sue Hertless, President 

Marietta Bowley

Important Information

New Compensation Guidelines for Ministers of Word and Sacrament

The new compensation guidelines for Ministers of Word and Sacrament are now published on our website. You can find the compensation workbook, worksheet, and other useful resources here.

Upcoming Synod-Wide Events

You're Invited!

All clergy and deacons are invited to vest and process. Red is the color of the day. Clergy and others who are processing should arrive by 1pm.

Ample parking is available on-site and in the surrounding neighborhood.

If you will be staying in the area overnight, nearby accommodations include the Walnut Creek Marriott, the Renaissance Walnut Creek Hotel, and others.

Reception with light refreshments to follow.

RSVP is preferred but not required.

RSVP Here!
Nordic Choir, Luther College

Choir for Bishop-elect Jeff’s Installation


Would your choir (or any of your singers) be interested in singing at the installation of our new Bishop? We would love to have singers from all over the Synod join in two anthems and service music for this very special event.

Check the date (Saturday, December 9, 2:00, with a rehearsal that same day) with your musical folk and contact the music coordinator for the installation, Martin Morley,, for more information.

Contemplative Action Groups

In a time of great institutional transition and cultural turbulence, Contemplative Action Groups seek to provide a compassionate, creative, and engaging space for church leaders to explore the unique way they are being called to live out the Christian life.

To learn more and to sign up, please click here.

Embody: Lead Powerfully as A Woman in Ministry

Thursdays at 8 am PST

Annoyed you’re being called “honey” instead of Pastor? Or resentful insurance policies and giving units seem more important than the gospel? Or leaving council meetings on the verge of tears because the mission of the church feels lost?


Join this series to realign your integrity with the realities of church work. 


You’ll walk away with powerful concepts, coaching tools you can apply right away, and a path forward to create a life-giving ministry. 


Join Dr. Crystal Hall for Embody: Lead Powerfully as A Woman in Ministry, a webinar series on Thursdays at 11 AM EST / 10 AM CST / 9 AM MST / 8 AM PST October 19, October 26, November 2, November 9, and November 16. 


Each week will reflect on a chapter of The Rev. Dr. Karoline M. Lewis’ Embody: Five Keys to Leading with Integrity


Click here to register now.

Trunk or Treat & Oktoberfest

October 28th, 4-6 pm

Invite all your favorite guys and ghouls to Saint Matthew Lutheran Church's annual Trunk or Treat and Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 28, from 4-6 pm, at 399 Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA. With food, goodies for the grown-ups, and trunk-or-treating and bounce houses for the littles, this event is for everyone! It's free, and all are welcome! For more information, visit their website!

Mt. Cross Celebrates 75 Years!

October 28th, 1-6 pm

SAVE THE DATE: Mt. Cross Ministries in Ben Lomond, CA is celebrating 75 years of ministry!

All are welcome to celebrate this milestone achievement at Mt. Cross on October 28, 2023, from 1-6 pm.

Please join us for an afternoon of fellowship and fun, and consider participating in camp activities for all ages. Dinner will be provided. Prepare to share photos, memories, and stories from the first 75 years of Mt. Cross and learn what's in store for the next 75! 🎉

RSVP here!

Upcoming Installations

Installation of Pr. Louise Britts

November 4th, 2 pm


You're invited to the Installation of Pastor Louise Britts at American Lutheran Church, Woodland (1114 College St., Woodland, CA) on November 4th at 2:00 pm. The color of the day will be green. Clergy are invited to vest and process. Light snacks and time for fellowship will follow worship.

Installation of Pr. Daniel Tisdel

November 12th, 3 pm

You're invited to the installation of Pastor Daniel Tisdel at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Sunnyvale (1025 The Dalles, Sunnyvale, CA) on November 12th at 3:00 pm. Clergy are encouraged to vest and the color of the day is green.

Just Action: Lecture and Discussion with Authors

November 8th, 7 pm

On Wednesday, November 9th at 7 pm, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Berkeley will host co-authors, Leah Rothstein and Richard Rothstein to discuss their latest book, Just Action.

For more information and to RSVP, click here.

SPSYC 3rd-8th Grade Retreat

November 10-12

Bring your congregation’s 3rd - 8th graders to this year’s combined Elementary and Middle School Retreat developed and led by the Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC). The retreat will take place at Mt. Cross November 10-12. The theme is “Stories by the Campfire,” and campers will explore various Bible stories, share some of their own stories, and remind themselves that the Gospel is a story worth sharing! Registration details can be found on the SPSYC website.

C2 28th Annual Holiday Boutique

November 11, 10 am-1 pm

At Messiah Lutheran Church, Hayward, come check out handmade gifts, donations, and other useful items. Baked goods and snacks too! Door prizes - $1 donation.

Bring a non-perishable food donation for the San Lorenzo Family Help Center and receive 1 free Door Prize ticket!

Click Here for More Info and to RSVP

Job Opportunities

New Opportunities Available!

Are you looking for something new? We have amazing congregations looking for someone like you! Check out our job posting page for open positions throughout our Synod.

If your congregation has a position posted that has been filled, please be sure to let Mandi know, so we can keep the page updated.

Updates and Resources from ELCA Churchwide & Beyond

Guess Who is Turning 50 in 2024?

Our amazing ELCA Hunger Appeal has guided us to raise over $650 million to help overcome hunger and property in 67 countries, including here. The Hunger Appeal started in our two predecessor bodies, the ALC and the LCA, 50 years ago and was carried into the ELCA when it began in 1988.

For fifty years, we have stood together as Lutherans, taking action to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger, grounded in God’s promise of a time when we will hunger and thirst no more. As part of the long tradition of the church meeting human needs, ELCA World Hunger is a testament to our hope and our commitment for this church to be part of God’s transformation of the world. 


So, how are we going to celebrate this most wonderful 50th anniversary? Let’s share ideas! Please send any ideas you or your congregation may have to Mary Clare James of the Sierra Pacific Synod Hunger Network at

Registration is Now Open for the ELCA Youth Gathering!

Registration is open now for the ELCA Youth Gathering and Young Adult Gathering, taking place in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 16-20, 2024, and for the two pre-events: the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the tAble, for youth living with disabilities, both July 13-16, 2024. We’re thrilled to be back in such a vibrant city filled with history, great food, and inspiring music. This cycle, we’re excited to announce that we will waive the pre-event registration fee for the first 1,000 people who register for the MYLE and the first 200 who register for the tAble.

To learn more, visit If you have any questions, email Lisa Herlocker. We’ll see you in the bayou!

Connect with Synod Staff & Your Conference Dean

Bishop Claire S. Burkat

Interim Bishop, Sierra Pacific Synod

Deacon JJ Godwin

Director of Operations

Carolyn Hanrahan

Director of Finance

Debbie Cook

Finance Assistant Contractor

Melanie Gordon

Administrative Assistant

Rev. Manda Truchinski

Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership & Strategic Organization

Rev. Ron Valadez

Interim Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and First Call

Mandi Slagle


Rev. Dr. Dawn Roginski

Director of Evangelical Mission

Rev. Ben Colahan 

Dean, Redwood Mountain Conference 1

Rev. Dave Miller

Dean, Bridges Conference 2

Rev. Dr. Gabriele Schroeder

Dean, Capitol Valley Conference 3

Rev. Charlane Lines

Dean, Sierra Nevada Foothills

Conference 4

Rev. John Kuehner

Dean, San Francisco Peninsula Conference 5

Rev. Cristina Beauchemin

Dean, El Camino Real Conference 6

Rev. Dr. John Valentine

Dean, Mt. Diablo Conference 7

Rev. Mark Price

Dean, Sierra Central Valley Conference 8

Rev. Jodi Golden-Lund

Dean, Central San Joaquin Conference 9

Rev. Cindy Beck

Dean, Interim Ministry

The Sierra Pacific Synod Office resides on the unceded land of the Ramaytush Ohlone People.
To learn more about their tribal history, we encourage you to click here.
The Sierra Pacific Synod is a Sanctuary Synod and a Reconciling in Christ Synod.
Donate to the Synod
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