A Message from Tita Valeriano, Director for Evangelical Mission and Assistant to the Bishop
One of the silver linings of the pandemic is it has given us an opportunity (or no choice) about change. This prolonged challenge has impacted our faith communities especially in terms of relationship building, formation and social ministries, and while so many congregations have risen to the challenge, there is still a lot we can learn about how to respond to our situation creatively. Updating our knowledge is a must, even amidst the information overload and zoom fatigue. In fact, the Witness Discipling Team just concluded a series of six 90-minute Online Worship and Ministry webinars with some of our leaders who requested it, especially among our new starts. Beyond the technical tips, there are adaptive information or solutions worth sharing. Along with other Directors for Evangelical Mission, we recently learned from a congregation that described themselves as a gathered and scattered church, with mission communities around their neighboring cities. Their situation is one of church reimagining what it means to be a church, both organized and organic, in a scattered and distant context. We heard from their Lead pastor and their resident “Social Media Ninja” ( I really love that title), who is the founder of SocialManna. I found this information fascinating. You may already know about it, but here’s some of what I learned for adaptive social media tips:
- Know the key message you want to impart by starting with these questions:
- What is your story? From this story, ask questions like what sets you apart from others. And from this story use your social media platform, be able to communicate: we relate to you, we understand you, to those who encounter you on social media. This is an inclusive strategy, trying to include others in your story. What does an inclusive communication strategy look like using your unique story as a faith community?
- Who is your audience? One of the observations that came from the Social Media Ninja is that most churches use social media platforms for their members, rather than the wider community. How can you communicate beyond your members?
- How are you speaking to them? Communicating to the community rather than your members would mean we wouldn’t use insider language, as the larger community does not know anything or a lot about your congregation.
2. Being Seen
- In the new normal of not being able to see each other in person as often as we want, social media is very important to be continued to be “seen” and show our care and love. It is important to be reminded that because we are operating as a volunteer centered community, we need to be careful how much time (and resources) we can invest and do what we choose to do really well. Of course, we have faith communities who have more resources, but it is important to know that consistency, having a solid strategy and guidelines, time to learn the best practices about the selected platform and implement them, maximizing the use of the platform tools and capacity, and finally consistency, consistency, consistency (ironically to the point of even religiously!) – all of these require time and energy. Understanding an algorithm is important too as it will affect the reach of your message! Can you believe that an angry emoji is a negative point? Adapting to this new language of social media is needed to impart the message of hope, grace, and love - it has been important but more especially now. I really admire and inspire our leaders who continue to open themselves to the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming them and those around them for the sake of the gospel.
This short article can’t possibly capture all of what I have learned from my fellow pastors in the synod who presented at the recent webinars and from the Social Media Ninja. Their dedication to connect and build relationships through social media platforms is so inspiring. I also know that you may be turned off by marketing strategies, and the challenging ethics and justice issues in using technology and the lure of capitalism are also needed. I wonder how we can use social media to build love and justice. Can you imagine how all the change we are experiencing could sustain our community into the future? May our collective message of hope in Christ sustains all of us in this changing times.
Guidance for Churches With Regard to Upcoming Elections
As we get closer to Election Day (Nov. 3rd), your congregation/ministry may receive questions about permitted political activity for churches. For our ELCA, the primary resource on this question can be found here: Being a Public Church.
According to the Lead Counsel for the ELCA, the short version is this: congregations cannot support or endorse candidates for office, but can offer issue advocacy and neutral political activity (non-partisan registration drives, being a polling place, etc.). Pastors and other church employees can endorse or support candidates, but only if it is clear that they are acting in their personal capacity, and not in their capacity as a leader or employee of the congregation (pastor cannot endorse from the pulpit, for example).
Additionally, The Lutheran Office of Public Policy-California has prepared a Voter Guide as suggestions for considering how to respond to the many statewide propositions that will be on the ballot. These recommendations by the Policy Council of the Lutheran Office of Public Policy-California are made within the framework of the principals, values, and commitments of ELCA Social Statements and Social Messages. You can download this voter guide here: LOPP-CA 2020 Voter Guide.
Here to Serve: Being Church in the Time of COVID-19
Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders
Wednesdays, 11:00 AM Pacific
You are invited to join weekly meetings designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders in all realms. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in the time of COVID-19, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation. All of this is designed to help us process our feelings in this strange and fearful time and to create a space where we can each name our next most faithful step forward in our unique context.
You are welcome to share this invitation with any other ELCA leader, rostered or lay. #ELCAChurchTogether #HereToServe
The Zoom link each week will be posted on the home page of ELCA Coaching.
Make sure to see the ENTIRE newsletter.
If needed, click "View Entire Message" at the bottom of your email!
Our information page includes a list of congregations offering digital option for worship, general resources and Financial/Administrative resources.
Google Drive folder for Rostered Ministers Parenting in a Pandemic
Mental Health and Safety Resource List
The Sierra Pacific Synod would like to share important information and hotline numbers available for those in and around our communities. Please consider sharing this document with those you know and on your social media accounts. We encourage you to print and place in a visible location within your home and save to your personal computer device for easy reference should it be needed in the future. Download the list here.
A new in-depth resource of safe practices for worship during the pandemic has been created by an ecumenical consultation of representatives from several denominations in the United States, as well as scientists and medical professionals.
ELCA offers Considerations for Returning to In-person Worship
Our ELCA Churchwide Offices are offering information for congregations and leaders to consider as questions of returning to in-person worship services become more a part of conversations in the weeks and months ahead. We strongly encourage its use as part of your ministry’s discernment on such questions. The resource can be found here: Considerations for Returning to In-person Worship
Paycheck Protection Program for Churches
The ELCA has new resources available addressing Paycheck Protection Program loans for churches.
You can also download the resources: FAQs
Financial/Administrative Information for Congregations
Our page includes resources for you to upload and view – the current information is primarily about the Paycheck Protection Program. As other events/issues arise regarding financial/payroll/administrative matters, we will post them here.
Other Online Gatherings
Would your congregation like to share a Bible study, prayer service or other online gathering? Send your congregation name, city, type of study, class or service and a link to access to Kathye Hamm and they will be posted here.
When the 2020 Sierra Pacific Synod Assembly was originally delayed from May to September 2020, the Bishop Election Committee decided to offer an opportunity to the Possible Nominees for Bishop to respond to two questions, by video and in written form.
The questions were:
- As we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, what have you learned personally and as a pastor that you would bring to leading the Sierra Pacific Synod?
- There seems to be an awareness that our society is facing a growing crisis of spiritual rootlessness. How would you lead this synod to more publicaly present a path forward?
The Possible Nominees were recorded during the month of June. Those videos can be found on the Possible Nominees tab of the 2021 Bishop Election page. Note: YouTube allows you to turn on captions for these videos in English as well as many other languages. (On YouTube, in the lower right corner of the screen, click first on the “CC” button to turn on subtitles, then on the gear symbol to change to another language if desired.)
You will also find a link to their written responses, which were translated from English into Spanish.
We hope that these responses will aid in our discernment as the Spirit guides us in electing our next bishop. Even as that election has now been delayed until May of 2021, we pray that these pastoral leaders’ responses may help us during this tumultuous time.
Second Mile Giving
September 2020
Rejoicing in the risen life of Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and all who are in need.
We pray for the church.
Churches with schools as a new school year begins. For administrators, staff, teachers and students as they seek ways to do safe and effective education.
Houses of worship that have been visited by violence and threats of violence. We pray that all sanctuaries would be places free of violence and fear.
We pray for the earth.
Those affected by natural disasters of all types, especially those affected by the wildfires burning in California and the west, and those who have lost loved ones and those who lost businesses. We remember those places without power or access to clean water, and for those who have lost homes and/or property. We pray especially for those who work in the areas of rescue, relief and clean-up.
We pray for the nations.
Those with the Migrant Caravan who have travelled from Central America through Mexico and who are still waiting at the border seeking asylum and justice. May our response to the presence of these migrants be a reflection of the call of Jesus to care for those who are being threatened with violence and in need of food, shelter, and hope. May our leaders respond with integrity and accountability to the laws of our country pertaining to asylum.
Leaders of all nations, states, provinces and municipalities. That they may be guided by principles of equality and the equal value of all of their residents. That they may keep in mind the needs of all of their residents, especially the marginalized and easily overlooked.
Acknowledging and lamenting the sin of racism that scars our country, we hold in prayer those who are profiled, discriminated against or seen differently because of their ethnicity or race. Open the hearts of those who are held captive to the sin of white privilege, granting humility and the willingness to listen. Inspire all to engage in the work of anti-racism, as well as identifying and dismantling systems of white privilege; center the voices and experiences of People of Color; and commit ourselves to the work of justice for all.
Those affected by gun violence. Help us to continue to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ – that all are beloved in God’s sight and that no one is above another or more inherent of worth.
Places and people living in areas of violence and uncertainty, especially Ethiopia. We pray for the people of Palestine and Israel. Heal us from our feelings of powerlessness and transform us to work together for just and sensible legislation. Empower us to stand up against corporate greed that fuels violence around the world.
Those around the world who are fleeing terror and violence; that they find compassion and welcome as they seek refuge.
In this time of social distancing and learning to live in new ways, help us all to continue to be aware of the needs of our neighbors and to help as we can; to act out of love and not fear; and to rest in the certainty of God’s presence with us and love for us.
We pray for those in need.
Continued comfort and healing for Pr. Dani Fey and Bob Brohm and Shirley Ericson.
The family and friends of Cheryl Heuer, former Dean of Students at PLTS, and of Pr. Carlton Monroe, former Director of Evangelical Mission for our synod. We received word that both had recently died.
Synod Events and Meetings
November 13 - 14, 2020
Candidacy Committee
Our Savior's Lutheran, Lafayette
December 12, 2020
Synod Council Meeting
All Synod offices remain closed to visitors.
Staff are working remotely and are receiving emails and voicemail messages.
Now Accepting Applications for
New Collaboration Grant
We are pleased to announce that the new “Collaboration” Grant (CGrant #2) is now available.
This grant is meant to encourage and foster collaboration amongst congregations; encourage and strengthencommunity outreach; and make a collective impact on the community you serve. To that end, those ideas and hopes that you have been praying for may now have a means to realize that dream!
Youth and Family Ministers
Octubre 10, 2020, 2:00 pm
Nuestro equipo de Discipulado de Mayordomía le invita a una orientación de el programa de Mayordomía 365 todo el año de rehabilitación de Iglesias y Mayordomía con el Reverendo Eric H.F Law. (Instituto Kaledioscopo). Venga y aprenda lo básico de un nuevo programa que hemos creado en la Conferencia de Mayordomía este año pasado en San Diego.
The Ecumenical Stewardship Center’s resources Generosity 365, are available at no cost. These resources include all of the current issues of the Giving Magazine. With this offer, you have access to these resources for one year. Click here to fill out the form to access the Giving Magazine and the ESC library of resources.
Interested in using the VANCO Mobile App? You can contact them directly for all the information about the App and how to appropriate it. Call (855) 905-0971.
News from Around the Synod and Beyond
2020 Census
Our communities are significantly shaped by census data, and Census 2020 will update these numbers for the first time in 10 years. The ELCA is an official partner of the 2020 Census to encourage the most accurate count possible.
Links to the five facebook events:
Questions? Desta Goehner, Director of Congregational Relations, California Lutheran University: Desta@CalLutheran.edu
ELCA World Hunger is happy to announce another round of Daily Bread Matching Grants taking place this fall!
Applications will be accepted beginning Oct. 1, with the fundraising event scheduled for November.
More than 300 Daily Bread Matching Grants will be available for ELCA congregations on a first-come, first-served basis. However, priority will be given to congregations that were unable to participate in the last cycle due to capacity, and to congregations that are members of ELCA ethnic-specific and multicultural ministry networks or are priority congregations as identified by synods.
Congregations that have previously received a Daily Bread Matching Grant are not eligible to reapply. If your congregation has already benefited from a Daily Bread Matching Grant, please share this opportunity with a neighbor or partner congregation!
How it works:
Run For Camp Virtual 5K
Mt. Cross is joining forces with Lutheran Outdoor Ministries (LOM) and 16 other camps and retreat centers from around the country (and Canada!) for the First Annual "Run for Camp" 5K on Sunday, November 1, 2020! This is a great opportunity to have some fun and raise money for Mt. Cross!
The Run for Camp can be completed by anyone, anywhere. You can walk, run, skip, roller blade, bike, wheel, crawl, treadmill, elliptical, etc. - whatever way you want to complete your 5K is the right way!
Click here to be taken to the information page on the Mt Cross website, which has links to the sign-up form (administered by LOM). Once you sign-up, you'll receive information about attending a participant Zoom meeting on October 4 or 5.
Our goal is to get at least 30 participants and 150 supporters for Team Mount Cross. Spread the word and sign up today!
Resource News from the SPS Resource Center
Even as we are arranging the RC collection in its new home, we are adding timely and strategic resources for you.
Would you like to know more about using Zoom for a class?
Zoom is offering a 45 minute webinar, Teacher's Guide to Educating over Zoom, to introduce you to basics of the desktop application as well as your online account settings. And, you may also wish to sign up for additional Zoom events and a personalized 1-1 demo. See below for these links.
An Educator’s Guide to Teaching over Zoom
SPS Resource Center
364 E. Barstow, Fresno CA
2021 Portico Benefit Information
Portico’s Board of Trustees has approved health plan and benefit changes for 2021, featuring the continuing expansion of personalized and online programs for ELCA-Primary members, and a new hearing benefit for members with ELCA Medicare-Primary health benefits. You can read more at PorticoBenefits.org.
This month, Portico is inviting sponsoring organizations to visit the 2021 Enrollment Center on EmployerLink, where a Decision Guide and the Custom Comparison Report and Spreadsheet is available to registered users. Please download these resources and share them with decision-makers in your organization. The Decision Guide was specifically created as a visual overview of the two ELCA-recommended options. These documents have been formatted to be easily shared during any online meetings as your organization reviews your options. (Plan members will complete their individual Annual Enrollment after their sponsoring organizations have completed their selection process.)
Education in the Practice of Intentional Interim Ministry
Are you interested in training to serve as an intentional interim pastor? Are you wondering how pastors can lead in changing times? Lutheran Transitional Ministry Associates is sponsoring a full training course both online now in October and hopefully face to face in the Spring of 2021 in Southern California. "Basic Training in Transitions" full course information can be found at LuTMA.ORG or through the LuTMA office LutheranTMA@gmail.com.
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Mediation Skills Training Institute
The last session of Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders for this year will be November 16-20, 2020. This outstanding 5-day event helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. The tentative dates for next year are March 1-5, May 3-7, June 21-25, August 2-6, October 4-8, and November 15-19, 2021. No decision has yet been made with regard to returning to an in-person format, so attendees will need access to a device with both a camera and a microphone.
The Marshmallow Challenge: Matthew 21:23-32
Maybe you’ve heard about the marshmallow design challenge. It’s a teamwork and design exercise. Groups are given 20 pieces of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The goal is to build the tallest structure you can in the time allotted. The only rule is that the marshmallow must go on the top and must be in one piece.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that all usually goes well until the last minute. With the clock ticking, the group adds the marshmallow. Very often, the whole structure collapses. It can’t handle the weight. You may also not be surprised to learn that recent graduates of an MBA program, and probably seminaries, have some of the worst track records. The best?
ELCA COVID-19 Response Fund
Weeks may have passed since you last walked in the doors of your congregation and worshiped, face-to-face, with your community of faith. To be sure, being the body of Christ looks and feels differently than it ever has before.
With congregations and ministries across the country, and a network of companion churches and partners in over 70 countries around the world, we anticipate this crisis will affect us all. Your gifts to the ELCA’s COVID-19 Response Fund will provide funds to the ministries of the ELCA most in need and best positioned to help. This includes our congregations as well as local and churchwide ministries capable of reaching and assisting those in need. If you are able, please help with a gift today.
Fill out our online form with up to date information. This information will go directly to the Synod office and be kept for our confidential records.
Through the above link, you can donate to continued support for recovery work.
The Sierra Pacific Synod
9985 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95827-6628
916-756-1665 · 800-275-3522 · 888-789-6434 (fax)
500 Airport Blvd #442, Burlingame, CA 94010
650-590-0980 · 800-275-3522 · 888-789-6434 (fax)