The 33rd Synod Assembly of the Sierra Pacific Synod was held online using Zoom and Lumi Online Voting
May 6 - 8, 2021
Check the Assembly Page on the website for all of the latest information,
downloads and updates!
Congratulations to Bishop Elect Megan Rohrer
Assembly Recap
Click here to view/download the 33rd Assembly of the Sierra Pacific Synod Recap.
Make sure to see the ENTIRE newsletter.
If needed, click "View Entire Message" at the bottom of your email!
Our information page includes a list of congregations offering digital option for worship, general resources and Financial/Administrative resources.
Financial/Administrative Information for Congregations
Our page includes resources for you to upload and view – the current information is primarily about the Paycheck Protection Program. As other events/issues arise regarding financial/payroll/administrative matters, we will post them here.
Google Drive folder for Rostered Ministers Parenting in a Pandemic
A new in-depth resource of safe practices for worship during the pandemic has been created by an ecumenical consultation of representatives from several denominations in the United States, as well as scientists and medical professionals.
ELCA offers Considerations for Returning to In-person Worship
Our ELCA Churchwide Offices are offering information for congregations and leaders to consider as questions of returning to in-person worship services become more a part of conversations in the weeks and months ahead. We strongly encourage its use as part of your ministry’s discernment on such questions. The resource can be found here: Considerations for Returning to In-person Worship
Mental Health and Safety Resource List
The Sierra Pacific Synod would like to share important information and hotline numbers available for those in and around our communities. Please consider sharing this document with those you know and on your social media accounts. We encourage you to print and place in a visible location within your home and save to your personal computer device for easy reference should it be needed in the future. Download the list here.
Second Mile Giving
May 2021
Rejoicing in the risen life of Christ, let us pray for the church, the world, and all who are in need.
We pray for the church.
During this Assembly season, we pray for bishops and all who will gather in assembly.
Bishop Elect Megan Rohrer of the Sierra Pacific Synod.
The Northern Great Lakes Synod and
Bp Katherine Finegan as they meet in Assembly May 13 - 15, 2021.
The Southwestern Washington Synod and
Bp Richard Jaech as they meet in Assembly May 14 - 15, 2021.
The Saint Paul Area Synod and
Bp Patricia Lull as they meet in Assembly
May 14 - 15, 2021.
The East-Central Synod of Wisconsin and
Bp Anne Edison-Albright as they meet in Assembly May 14 - 15, 2021.
The Northwest Washington Synod and
Bp Shelley Bryan Wee as they meet in Assembly May 15, 2021.
The North/West Lower Michigan Synod and
Bp Craig Satterlee as they meet in Assembly May 15, 2021.
The Southeast Michigan Synod and
Bp Donals Kreiss as they meet in Assembly May 15, 2021.
Houses of worship that have been visited by violence and threats of violence. We pray that all sanctuaries would be places free of violence and fear.
We pray for the earth.
Those affected by natural disasters of all types. We remember those places without power or access to clean water, and for those who have lost homes and/or property. We pray especially for those who work in the areas of rescue, relief and clean-up.
We pray for the nations.
Those with the Migrant Caravan who have travelled from Central America through Mexico and who are still waiting at the border seeking asylum and justice. Also the as the unaccompanied minors currently at the border. May our response to the presence of these migrants be a reflection of the call of Jesus to care for those who are being threatened with violence and in need of food, shelter, and hope. May our leaders respond with integrity and accountability to the laws of our country pertaining to asylum.
Leaders of all nations, states, provinces and municipalities. That they may be guided by principles of equality and the equal value of all of their residents. That they may keep in mind the needs of all of their residents, especially the marginalized and easily overlooked.
Acknowledging and lamenting the sin of racism that scars our country, we hold in prayer those who are profiled, discriminated against or seen differently because of their ethnicity or race. Open the hearts of those who are held captive to the sin of white privilege, granting humility and the willingness to listen. Inspire all to engage in the work of anti-racism, as well as identifying and dismantling systems of white privilege; center the voices and experiences of People of Color; and commit ourselves to the work of justice for all.
Those affected by gun violence. Help us to continue to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ – that all are beloved in God’s sight and that no one is above another or more inherent of worth.
Places and people living in areas of violence and uncertainty, especially Ethiopia. We pray for the people of Palestine and Israel. Heal us from our feelings of powerlessness and transform us to work together for just and sensible legislation. Empower us to stand up against corporate greed that fuels violence around the world.
Those around the world who are fleeing terror and violence; that they find compassion and welcome as they seek refuge.
In this time of social distancing and learning to live in new ways, help us all to continue to be aware of the needs of our neighbors and to help as we can; to act out of love and not fear; and to rest in the certainty of God’s presence with us and love for us.
We pray for those in need.
Continued comfort and healing for Pr. Dani Fey, Pr. Bob Brohm, Pr. Susan Scott and Leslie Lapp.
The family and friends of Pr. David Adamcik (retired) upon his death on May 7, 2021. Service information is pending.
Kathleen Hurty, wife of Pr. David Hurty (retired) upon his death on May 7, 2021. Service information is pending.
Adriana Romandia (mother of synod staff member Diana Barrios), currently undergoing rehabilitation from a severe case of COVID-19.
Synod Events and Meetings
May 20, 2021
Hunger Education Event
Zoom Meeting
July 9 - 10, 2021
Candidacy Committee
July 10, 2021
Congregational Officers Meeting
Zoom Meeting
All Synod offices remain closed to visitors.
Staff are working remotely and are receiving emails and voicemail messages.
Youth and Family Ministers
News from Around the Synod and Beyond
Urgent: Oxygen needed to fight COVID-19 crisis in India
Over the past two months, a surge of COVID-19 cases has ravaged India. The country has officially recorded over 20 million cases and 220,000 deaths. On April 30, India reported over 400,000 new COVID-19 cases, the highest daily count in any country during the pandemic. Thousands of deaths are documented each day, yet the actual number is suspected to be much higher. I’m writing to you today because, to respond, we need your help.
Padhar Hospital, a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Madhya Pradesh, has a ward dedicated to COVID-19 patients. Unfortunately, the hospital is currently being forced to turn away patients because it lacks the space and oxygen to support them.
Lutheran Disaster Response is helping Padhar Hospital purchase an oxygen generator for its COVID-19 ward so it can treat more patients and not have to turn away people suffering with COVID-19.
Remembering the Emanuel Nine
As part of the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, voting members adopted a resolution designating June 17 as a commemoration of the martyrdom of the Emanuel Nine — the nine people shot and killed on June 17, 2015, during a Bible study at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C. A collection of resources is available to help synods and congregations mark this commemoration. These resources can be adapted for virtual worship, online conversation or individual reflection and devotion. Synods and congregations are encouraged to mark this commemoration locally. Please email worship@elca.org if your synod or congregation is planning a dedicated, online commemoration service that you wish to share with others. May God continue to guide us as we seek repentance, renewal, and racial justice and reconciliation among God’s precious children. Learn more.
The Future of Tulsa’s Past: The Centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre and Beyond
2021 John Hope Franklin Annual Symposium
The Arkansas-Oklahoma Synod invites all our siblings from across the ELCA to join us digitally for the 2021 John Hope Franklin Reconciliation in America National Symposium, May 26-29. Following the Symposium, on the afternoon of May 29th, everyone is invited to join us for a Zoom conversation where we will continue addressing the themes of Symposium and talk specifically about how those themes speak to us as a church.
Lutheran Lobby Day 2021
Wednesday, May 19
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
with The Rev. Cornell William Brooks
Advocate with us as we respond to our baptismal calling as Lutherans to strive for justice and peace in all the earth. We are grounded in Lutheran theology, and all are welcome regardless of faith or lobbying experience. We will gather virtually on Zoom to pray, learn, and meet with California’s legislators. This year’s priority bills are centered on food justice and immigrant rights as racial justice issues. Contact nicolenewell@loppca.org with questions.
United States of Grace Virtual Book Launch
“Whenever I tell my story--how I grew up in West Philadelphia, left home at the age of thirteen, lived on the streets doing sex work and dealing drugs, got my GED in prison and somehow wound up a preacher--I describe my life as a trajectory of grace...Our lives are a blind date with mercy...that’s what this book is about, tracking this path of grace, stalking down the highways that are crisscrossing this country like veins pumping the lifeblood of this nation through its holy, broken and often misunderstood body.” -- Pastor Lenny Duncan
Preorder United States of Grace, and join us for the United States of Grace Virtual Book Launch with Pr. Lenny Duncan in conversation with Organizer, Digital Strategist and Communications Expert Leslie Mac at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, in Berkeley CA. Musician Tyra Dennis and Poet Joe Dennis will also be contributing to this celebration of grace AND PLTS has some big news to announce at this event.
RSVP with Eventbrite today, and we’ll see you on Tuesday, May 18! Please note: To receive the live stream link, you need to RSVP through Eventbrite.
“This lyrical testament to ‘life as a blind date with mercy’ will challenge and inspire.” Publishers Weekly, Starred Review
Image: From right to left, a photo of Pr. Lenny Duncan in a gold sequin jacket and rainbow glasses smiles into the frame, the cover of his most recent book United States of Grace is pictured, next a photo of Activist and Community Organizer Leslie Mac, who is wearing a black and white print top and smiling into the frame.
Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Trainings
Registration is now open for several events in June and beyond, so please encourage your friends and colleagues to take advantage of these opportunities for spiritual and professional growth:
Conflict Transformation Skills (June 3) helps church leaders deal more effectively with potentially destructive conflict. For details consult this CTS Brochure.
Leadership and Anxiety in the Church (June 9) helps church leaders examine their role as self-differentiated leaders and their ability to help calm the chronic anxiety that affects their congregations. For details consult this LAC Brochure.
Healthy Congregations (June 15) helps church leaders deal with the chronic anxiety that threatens to distract congregants from their God-given mission and purpose. For details consult this HC Brochure.
MSTI Refresher Course (June 12) is a one-day review for graduates of our Mediation Skills Training Institute.
Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (June 21-25) helps participants deal more effectively with interpersonal, congregational, and other forms of group conflict. For details consult this MSTI Brochure.
Groups rates are available for all of the above one-day workshops. Restrictions apply. Group organizers may wish to use this Registration Form to compile names and contact information for members of their group. For more information please visit https://lmpeacecenter.org/ or contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center (630-627-0507 or Admin@LMPeaceCenter.org).
Employee Retention Credit (ERC)
Are looking to apply for the Employer Retention Credit (ERC) being offered by the Federal Government? It is part of the CARES Act and offers employers a chance to retain current employees. If you are interested in more information, please take a look at this link.
All Family Camp, All The Time
Summer 2021 at Mt. Cross
Mt. Cross is excited to offer Family Camp from June 14-July 23 this year! Families can pick their dates, length of stay, housing, and how structured (or not) they want their time at camp to be. It promises to be a unique, faithful, and fun summer, and we can’t wait for you to experience it! Visit www.mtcross.org/summercamp for all the information, including how to register, costs, and how we plan to keep everyone safe. Get your registration in soon, as space is sure to go quickly!
Mt. Cross is Hiring Camp Counselors for Summer 2021!
Do you love camp? Will you be at least 18 years old by June 1? If you answered “yes”, or you know someone who does, we would love for you/them to apply to be on the Summer 2021 Ministry Team at Mt. Cross this summer! Pay starts at $315/week, plus housing and meals; employment dates are June 1-July 24. Check out www.mtcross.org/employment for all the details, and to apply. We especially encourage current high school seniors to apply for this unique summer of ministry at Mt. Cross. Contact Adam Erickson with questions.
News from the Synod Resource Center
Please Enjoy this Joint Effort of the REMSDT and the Synod Resource Center
How can I keep from singing?
In her May column for Living Lutheran, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton notes that music, like God’s love, is at the same time deeply personal, sounding deep within an individual’s soul, and universal, ringing out to an entire community. Read her column in English and in Spanish.
On Sunday, Sept. 12, congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will come together for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.
Our church — and our world — continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic. But the good news is that we are beginning to experience a slow return to physical community as more people become vaccinated. We look forward to gathering with family and friends once again to share God’s love in person.
Amid this ongoing situation, we continue to be church together. Across the ELCA we are witnessing the love and concern God’s people have for one another. During this time, our congregations continue to support ministries that assist vulnerable people in their communities.
As church, we are guided by our life in Christ to share the love of Jesus and serve our neighbors — even if these acts of service take place from our homes or from a safe distance.
As you explore opportunities to participate in our dedicated day of service, visit ELCA.org/DayOfService for helpful planning resources
If your congregation cannot participate on Sept. 12, please consider another day for your service activities.
Don’t forget to share your congregation’s participation with us! Send your stories and photos to LivingLutheran@elca.org so that together we can celebrate what God accomplishes through you. Participate on social media using #GodsWorkOurHands.
Old Lutheran will have T-shirts and other items available for purchase. The deadline for ordering your congregation’s personalized T-shirts from Old Lutheran is Aug. 17.
Sharing the love of Christ through service to our neighbors is work you do every day. We look forward to“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday and doing this work together again this year.
ELCA COVID-19 Response Fund
Weeks may have passed since you last walked in the doors of your congregation and worshiped, face-to-face, with your community of faith. To be sure, being the body of Christ looks and feels differently than it ever has before.
With congregations and ministries across the country, and a network of companion churches and partners in over 70 countries around the world, we anticipate this crisis will affect us all. Your gifts to the ELCA’s COVID-19 Response Fund will provide funds to the ministries of the ELCA most in need and best positioned to help. This includes our congregations as well as local and churchwide ministries capable of reaching and assisting those in need. If you are able, please help with a gift today.
Here to Serve: Being Church in the Time of COVID-19
Weekly Online Gathering for ELCA Leaders
Wednesdays, 11:00 AM Pacific
You are invited to join weekly meetings designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders in all realms. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in the time of COVID-19, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation. All of this is designed to help us process our feelings in this strange and fearful time and to create a space where we can each name our next most faithful step forward in our unique context.
You are welcome to share this invitation with any other ELCA leader, rostered or lay. #ELCAChurchTogether #HereToServe
The Zoom link each week will be posted on the home page of ELCA Coaching.
Fill out our online form with up to date information. This information will go directly to the Synod office and be kept for our confidential records.
Through the above link, you can donate to continued support for recovery work.
The Sierra Pacific Synod
9985 Folsom Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95827-6628
916-756-1665 · 800-275-3522 · 888-789-6434 (fax)