King & Country -- WS180(SL) -- JagdTiger
Sierra Toy Soldier News
April, 2011
April, 2011 Issue
Retail Store
Sierra Toy Soldier Club
Sierra Toy Soldier Blog
William Britain
King & Country
Note From Andy Neilson
King & Country
April Releases
King & Country
May Releases
King & Country
Being Retired
John Jenkins
Collectors Showcase
Hobby Master
Join Our Mailing List!
Sierra Toy Soldier Web Site
Retail Store

We are open Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00pm. Sundays 12.00 - 5.00pm

Just a reminder for those of you living in Northern California, or perhaps just visiting, that our retail store dedicated to toy soldiers is open 7 days a week.

The store is located at
29 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030.
(408) 395 3000

Sierra Toy Soldier Club

What is the Sierra Nugget 2011 Program? It is simply a thank you program, where each year your purchases from January to December will qualify you for automatic membership, when you exceed $500 excluding shipping and taxes. There are no fees or sign up required, and all our customers qualify. When you reach this first milestone we email you a coupon (Nugget) which you can use. Then as you continue to buy more, when additional milestones are met during the year, we will send you additional nuggets.

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog

To try to keep you updated on all the latest news about what is happening in the wonderful world of Toy Soldiers, Model Aircraft and basically everything we sell and do. Updated frequently!

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog


Welcome to the April Edition of Sierra Toy Soldier News, written on a gorgeous spring day here in the Bay Area. If you are planning a trip to San Francisco and The Bay, April, May and June are highly recommended. The weather is great, natives, after hibernation are friendly, and down here in Los Gatos, the Toy Soldiers are in full bloom.

This year it is the 150 Anniversary of the American Civil War, amazingly not that long ago, even though it seems it. The American Civil War commenced on April 12, 1861 at 4.30am, at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. We will be doing our bit in June to help remember the Civil War with our front window displays, but in the mean time I thought you night be interested in some articles on the Civil War.

The first is from the San Francisco Chronicle, written by Spud Hilton and provides information on Five places to visit in California to explore Civil War History in California. Great Article and not just because we get a great mention. So if you are local or visiting, some great ideas of places to visit.
Five places to visit in California to explore Civil War History in California

The second is from the New York Times, no we did not get a mention. The have a superb series of articles on the American Civil War, plus a multimedia time line and links to lots of Civil Information sources. Perfect for the historian, but easy to navigate for those interested in the events, and the backgrounds to this conflict.
American Civil War (1861-1865)

For WWII buffs, our friend Mark Rezzonico send us a link to some "Some VERY RARE & Unusual WWII Photographs" I had not seen these before, but I thought that they gave a fascinating insight into WWII. Hope you find this interesting.
Some VERY RARE & Unusual WWII Photographs

As always we have a lot of great new releases, and lot of releases being retired this month, so we hope you enjoy

In this newsletter we have great new releases from Britain's, King & Country, Collectors Showcase, John Jenkins, Hobby Master, Build-a-Rama to name a few.


Learn To Paint A Toy Soldier - Saturday April 9, 2011 - Los Gatos, CA - 10.00 - 4.00pm

Come and have some fun learning how to paint a Toy Soldier. Designed for Little and Big Kids, Moms & Dads most welcome.

This event is held on every 2nd Saturday in the month, no reservations required

Los Gatos Wine Walk, Los Gatos April 30, 2011

This year we are hoping to join  with the Chamber of Commerce and their Annual Wine Walk. The idea is we host a winery, you puchase tickets and visit parts of Los Gatos and sample fine wines at various locations. One of which we hope will be ours. So you get a chance to drink quality wine (not the cheap stuff I usually serve) and look at Toy Soldiers, sound like a great idea to me.

For More information visit Los Gatos Wine Walk

Britain's Open House @ Sierra Toy Soldier, Los Gatos May 14, 2011.

We are hosting a Britain's Open House with Richard Walker General Manager of Britain's.

If you would like details, please contact us at - subject Britain's Open House.

Texas Toy Soldier Show - May 28 - 29, 2011

We had a great time doing this show last year, we just had to come back. The show opens on Saturday May 28 at 9.00 - 4.00pm and Sunday 10 - 3.

The event is held at the
Historic Menger Hotel
204 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78205
Phone: 210-223-4361

If you would like details, please contact us at - subject Texas Show.

King and Country Open House - Saturday September 17, 2011 - Los Gatos, CA

We are hosting our 4th annual King and Country open house in advance of the Chicago toy Soldier Show. Attending will be Andy and we hope Gordon (his brother). This is an all day event starting at 10.00am. If you would like to join, please email us - subject K&C Open House, so we can estimate attendance.

King and Country Soiree - Saturday September 17, 2011 - Los Gatos, CA

This was such a great success last year that we are repeating it again, with some minor changes.   The event will be held in our store after the store closes. Whilst the restaurant is fun it is hard to have a chat. So we are going to invite Andy and Gordon to give a chat on all things K&C, answer any and all of your questions. While the rest of us can munch on an appetizer or two and have a beer or a glass of plonk (wine). Soft drinks will be available.

This is a reservation only evening event as space is limited. Children are most welcome. Please reserve as soon as possible, and when we know the final numbers we will contact you with final arrangements. - subject K&C Soiree.

Chicago Toy Soldier Show September 22 - 25.

We will be room trading on Thursday the 22th. We are hoping that we will have the same rooms as last year, 4203 and 4205. The room trading which is a ton of fun lasts until the Saturday night. Then we move down to the main ballroom, for the main event on Sunday. If you would like details, please contact us at - subject Chicago Show.

William Britain

Britain's Catalogs

We have now received copies of the new First Quarter catalogue, both the full catalogue and the pocket version. We are happy to include a copy of the catalogue with your next shipment of Britain's, just remind us when placing your order. If you do not want to wait you can also order the catalogue from us. 

  • WBC2011 -- 2011 Winter Collection & Stock Catalogue

Britain's 2011 Catalogues

New Releases In Stock Now!
History of the British Army - Redcoats Collection

  • BR44043 -- Trooper, 17th Lancers, 1879

History of the British Army - Redcoats Collection

United States Marine Corps

  • BR10024 -- U.S. Marine, World War I, 1918

United States Marine Corps

New Releases Expected In April!
American Civil War

  • BR31086 -- U.S. Colored Troops Marching No.1
  • BR31083 -- Confederate General A.P. Hill No.2
  • BR31082 -- Confederate General Joseph E. Johnston
  • BR31081 -- Confederate General Albert Sydney Johnston
  • BR31080 -- Confederate General P.G.T. Beaureguard
  • BR31079 -- Union General U.S. Grant

American Civil War

  • BR36040 -- British 95th Rifles Officer No.1
  • BR36054 -- British 95th Rifles Advancing No.1

Napoleonic - 95th Rifles at Waterloo

  • BR27027 -- British 42nd Highlander - Piper No.1
  • BR27025 -- British York and Lancaster Regiment - Standing Firing No.1

Battle of Tamai March 13, 1884 - Sudan

King & Country - Note From Andy Neilson

SOME, IF NOT ALL, of you know that the expense of manufacturing in China has been steadily increasing over the last few years. You also no doubt know about the surging prices in the costs of raw materials. What many of you may not know is that China is, in addition, suffering from a shortage of labor! This may come as a shock to many, after all with a population approaching 1.4 billion people how can this be? Let me explain.

The vast majority of the factories K&C (and other toy soldier companies) use are located in Southern China and along the coastline. Most of the skilled workers who are employed in these factories journey hundreds (sometimes thousands) of kilometers from the Chinese countryside and their homes to work in these factories. This has brought great prosperity to the south (and elsewhere) and attracted even more factories producing everything under the sun and a lot more besides. With more work opportunities opening up a skilled workforce is a valuable commodity and, with full order books, factories are screaming for more workers. Along with all of this prosperity comes, a rising cost of living, and that is part of the problem. Although workers' wages have been greatly increased so has the price of living and working in China's "boom areas". Many of the workers decide after a while (usually Chinese New Year) to go back and stay back in their rural areas. Although this means less money it also means a less stressful more peaceful existence. Those workers that remain in place can now pick and choose where they want to work, who they want to work for and what kind of work they want to do. The result my friends is a substantial reduction in the number of expert casters, skilled painters and other talented workers K&C has been able to utilize to produce for us in the past.

So, what is the answer?

Well, we continue to look for more factories in more distant parts where we can produce what we want and need to manufacture for our collectors all over the world. In the meantime however we have to reduce the quantities of what we can produce in order that we can keep the broad spectrum of monthly releases that is a hallmark of K&C. To give you a couple of examples. In the past K&C would produce say 1,000 Sherman tanks all at one time or perhaps a similar number of a particular figure or range of figures. From today onwards these amounts will have to be dramatically reduced. In effect K&C is about to get more rare. Whereas in former times an item or items might remain in production for one, two or even three years that is just no longer possible. The choice for us was quite clear, either reduce the overall quantities of all of our existing product ranges or reduce the number of new and fresh releases which collectors and dealers eagerly look forward to every month. We made that tough call. Thank you in advance for your patience and, I hope, understanding.

King & Country - April Releases

This April K&C is moving further into the Middle East and The North West (Frontier that is) in a big, big way, read on.

Napoleon in Egypt

For some time now K&C has wanted to do a Napoleonic range with a difference. Now don't worry we're not abandoning our existing series we're just kind of extending part of it in a different direction, into the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular!

In 1798 Napoleon Bonaparte launched an invasion of Egypt to extend French influence and power in that part of the Mediterranean and to block any overland access to India by the British. At the same time Napoleon wanted to explore and investigate one of the world's great ancient civilization. To help do that he brought, along with his army, a host of engineers, architects, historians, archaeologists and artists to record and research all aspects of Egypt's amazing history and culture.

Relatively few toy soldier makers have ventured into Napoleon's ill-fated Egyptian adventure until now. And so K&C has. Another reason for doing this is that K&C has already developed a broad and growing series of Middle Eastern-themed series that utilize some excellent display accessories. Among them our existing "Ancient Egypt", "Desert Village" and even our "Life of Jesus".

Napoleon in Egypt seems to us like a very natural and fascinating addition. We hope you agree.

  • NE001 -- Napoleon on Camel -- Inspired by the famous painting by renowned "Orientalist" painter Jean-Leon Gerome this mounted Bonaparte shields his eyes from the blazing sun as he gazes upon the ruined wonders of an ancient civilization.
  • NE002 -- Arab Guide - Even back in the late eighteenth century there were always local people who were only too happy (for a fee) to show the foreign visitors around!
  • NE003 -- Flagbearer - Clutching his regimental banner in one hand and his sabre in the other this subaltern accompanies his General.
  • NE006 -- Drinking Soldier - Amidst the sweltering desert heat this young French soldier gulps down a flask full of water or is it wine?
  • NE008 -- Kneeling Soldier - Another soldier kneels down to study an ancient stone tablet with some strange signs carved on it.
  • NE010 -- The Artist & The Dragoon - A military artist sits and draws some of the amazing structures before him... A standing Dragoon, shaded by an umbrella, observes the artist at work.
  • NE012 -- Temple Ruins - Two handsomely carved stone pillars support a piece of an ancient carved keystone.

Special Note: Additional "Napoleon in Egypt" pieces have already been prepared to be released later in the year.

Napoleon In Egypt


We're staying in North Africa for our next release, just moving almost 150 years later and into the Second World War. Here is our second release of Italian Forces, this time in action!

  • IF013 -- Italian War Monument - Carro Armato M13/40 - Erected on the border of Libya (then an Italian Colony) and Egypt (on Mussolini's orders) this striking structure was built originally to celebrate Italy's victory over the British. Unfortunately (for the Italians) it proved to be more a monument to Mussolini's folly in getting embroiled in WW2.
  • IF014 -- This medium Italian tank was a familiar sight on North Africa's battlefields between 1940 and 1943. It was utilized by the Italian Forces (as in this version) and also by the Australians and on a few occasions even by Rommel's Afrika Korps. It's also part of K&C's "SERIES 250" with 3 different versions being released, Italian, Aussie and Afrika Korps. This Italian version comes with its own vehicle commander.
  • IF015 -- Officer with Binos - This particular officer belongs to the "Trieste Motorized Division" attached to the "10th Bersaglieri Regiment".
  • IF016 -- Sergeant with Sub Machine Gun - This Bersaglieri NCO is armed with the iconic Beretta sub machine gun.
  • IF017 -- Corporal - This attacking NCO is gesturing to his men to follow him.
  • IF018 -- Grenadier
  • IF019 -- Firing Rifle
  • IF020 -- Machine Gunner - This lying prone machine gunner has been fortunate to be using the German MG34, one of the best weapons in the Axis arsenal.
  • IF021 -- Kneeling with Rifle
  • IF022 -- Lying Prone with Rifle

Special Note: Figures IF016 to IF022 inclusive are all from the "10th. Bersaglieri Regiment", one of the best fighting units in the Italian Army. They are dressed in the typical "Mixed Rig" of tropical khaki uniforms with traditional gray/green tunics. All of them wear the Italian sun helmet with black cockerel feathers... a distinct regimental feature of all Bersaglieri Regiments.

Italian Forces


During the fighting in Libya in 1941 the 6th. Australian Cavalry Regiment captured a number of Italian tanks (including M13/40's), which were taken over by Australian troopers and fought against their former owners. To help identify these "hybrid" creatures large white kangaroos were painted on the hulls and turrets.

  • EA059 -- Carro Armato M13/40 - Aussie version complete with Australian tank commander.
  • EA060 -- Aussie Sign Painter - Aussie soldiers have always been happy to leave a little sign for the enemy to see what they're up against. Here's a nice little add-on to EA059.

Montgomery's 8th Army

WWII - Afrika Korps

  • AK075 -- Carro Armato M13/40 Afrika Korps Version - The final version of the M13/40 from this "Series 250" group is the Afirka Korps version... Although all German forces usually much preferred their own weapons and vehicles in North Africa, because of constant lack of resupply, Rommels's men made much use of both captured Allied fighting vehicles and, on occasion, Italian... This particular M13/40 comes with an AK commander and carrying German recognition signs.

Afrika Korps


From the Middle East we go further East to India, to be exact to the North West Frontier of India in the late 19th. Century, the high noon of empire and one of its most troublesome spots. The Khyber Pass!

At this time (and even today) this was a lawless, dangerous place especially if you wore a red coat!!!

For K&C's second foray into the "Sons of the Empire" we have selected one of its most famous infantry regiments... the "15th Ludhiana Sikhs". It's also a Regiment we featured over 20 years ago. Now, we're returning with the first five figures of what promises to be a very exciting and colorful range within a range.

MATT OR GLOSS? THE CHOICE IS YOURS! And here's a little surprise... these new figures will be available in a choice of either MATT or TRADITIONAL GLOSS paint finish. Why you might ask? Well, in our humble opinion, it just seemed to suit the subject matter which has echoes of the "traditional toy solider" but with a lot more detail in both the sculpting and the painting.

Please Note our links below, just connect to the Matt Version, but the Gloss version is also available on our Son's of the Empire Page.

  • SOE004M -- Ludhiana Sikhs Regiment Standing At Attention
  • SOE010M -- Ludhiana Sikhs Regiment Drummer Bugler
  • SOE011M -- Ludhiana Sikhs Regiment Native Officer Saluting
  • SOE012M -- Ludhiana Sikhs Regiment Mounted British Officer - Although all Indian Army Regiments had a mix of both British and Indian Officers... All Colonials, Second-in-commanders, Adjutants and Squadron or Company Commanders remained British. Our mounted British officer is a Major (in charge of a Rifle Company).
  • SOE014M -- Indian Flag Bearer

Special Note: As you will see from the "missing numbers" more figures will be released during several months later this year. Photos of all this year's Ludhianas appear in the latest "COLLECTOR".

Sons of the Empire

WWII - American 8th Airforce

  • AF012 -- P47 Thunderbolt - This is the biggest and heaviest K&C Warbird yet, which is only fair because that's exactly what the "Jug" was in real life... the biggest, heaviest and meanest single engine fighter plane of WW2. This K&C model belongs to the 6th. Emergency Rescue Squadron of the 8th. Air Force and was based at RAF Boxted in Southern England. As with all Allied aircraft during and just after D.Day it sports the highly visible black and white "invasion" stripes. It comes with gear fixed down and pilot in the cockpit. Its colorful markings make it a great and historic addition to any aircraft collection. Please note, just 500 are being produced!

USAAF _ 8th Airforce

King & Country - May Releases

"Remember The Alamo!"

Well, as long as K&C produces "Alamo" figures we'll never let you forget it!

  • RTA055 -- Joe - "Joe", the personal manservant of Col. Travis was one of the few African- Americans present at the battle. Santa Anna spared only the women and the children and... a few black slaves after the Alamo's capture. "Joe" was one of the fortunate ones!
  • RTA056 -- General Sam Houston - Although not at the Alamo, Sam Houston's pivotal role in the fight for Texas Independence gives him an honoured role amongst the Alamo's heroes.
  • RTA057 -- Wounded Taxian
  • RTA058 -- Shot Mexican Dragoon
  • RTA059 -- Defending Frontiersman - Perhaps one of Crocket's men this defender will make every shot count.

Remember The Alamao

WWII - 8th Airforce

  • AF014 -- Climbing Pilot - One foot resting on a metal ladder this USAAF pilot figure can be placed next to any of our K&C warbirds.
  • AF016 -- Ground Crew on Bicycle - Useful on any airfield scene.
  • AF017 -- Crew Chief with Clipboard

US 8th Airforce

WWII 1945 - "Sometime in 1945, somewhere in Germany."

Hitler's "Thousand- Year Reich" is collapsing around his ears but still the last desperate battle goes on...

  • WS187 -- HALT - SS trooper with MP44 - With units being decimated and survivors fleeing the battlefield this SS man is stopping and checking all vehicles and their passengers.
  • WS188 -- Hitler Jugend Guard - Providing "back-up" for the SS man is this young Hitlerjugend rifleman.
  • WS189 -- SS Inspecting Officer - This veteran officer surveys the serious situation
  • WS190 -- MG42 - Instruction - Whilst the Hitlerjugend boy lies prone behind the machine gun his Luftwaffe instructor tries to explain the workings of the MG42.
  • WS191 -- Volksturm Walking with Bicycle
  • WS192 -- Hitlerjugend with Bicycle

Normandy '44 - Waffen-SS & Wehrmacht

Luftwaffe Vehicles Series 250 - Expected Late April

  • LW043 -- Luftwaffe Volkswagen

This is the first of three military Volkswagen "Beetles" being released as part of K&C's Series 250 range of multi optional choices of fighting vehicles. This particular "Holzbrenner" Beetle was fueled by a wood gas generator because of the gasoline shortage and comes complete with a roof rack full of supplies and a Luftwaffe driver.

Please note: Planned Production is just 250 vehicles of this version.

Other Versions: The two other VW versions include a camouflaged Waffen SS one and an Afrika Korps adaptation. They will be released shortly after the Luftwaffe Beetle.


King & Country Retired


Quite a large batch this month with many more to follow... Please note we only Hyperlink the catagories,
in case an individual piece has already sold out!

Ancient Egypt

  • AE033 Another Dancing Girl

Ancient Egypt

Battle of the Bulge

  • BBA030 M3A2 Half-Track
  • BBG021 Jagdpanzer IV
  • BBG022 Sd.Kfz. 251/22 "Pakwagen" Ausf. D (Winter)

Battle of the Bulge

D'Day 1944

  • DD088 GI Tank Crew
  • DD095 "The Rescue"
  • DD096 "Over There!"
  • DD097 2-Men Patrol
  • DD098 "Alive & Dead"
  • DD099 " I Need More Armour"
  • DD100 "General Philippe Leclerc

D'Day 1944

British Eight Army

  • EA008 Field Marshell Montgomery
  • EA021 On Guard
  • EA042 Desert Bentley

British Eight Army

Fields of Battle

  • FOB039 Blitzkrieg Panzer IV
  • FOB052 RAF Sergeant

Fields of Battle

First World War

  • FW008 Marching Bugler
  • FW017 Running w/Rifle & Bugle

First World War

Berlin 1938

  • LAH082 Nuremburg Review Stand
  • LAH083 Nuremburg Nazi Eagle

Berlin 1938

Life at the Berghof

  • LAH101 Berghof Waiters
  • LAH102 Berghof Table and Chairs
  • LAH112 Hitler's Berghof

Life at the Berghof

Napoleonic - British

  • NA169 Standing to repel

Napoleonic - British

Royal Airforce

  • RAF014 Nissen/ Quonset Hut

Royal Airforce

Desert Village

  • SP034 The Watch Tower
  • SP036 The Wall

Desert Village

Waffen SS

  • WS076 Bunker Defender Set
  • WS121 Sd.kfz.250/1 Leichter Schutzenpanzer wagen
  • WS128 Gen. Oberst Eduard Dietl
  • WS129 Gen. Lt. Fritz Bayerlein
  • WS134 Panzer III Tank

Waffen SS


John Jenkins



Red Jacket (known as Otetiani in his youth and Sagoyewatha after 1780) (c. 1750-January 20, 1830) was a Native American Seneca orator and chief of the Wolf clan

Red Jacket was one of the leaders of the native force that served with Porter's Third Brigade during the campaign of 1814. At Chippawa, the native warriors of both sides fought a violent battle in which no quarter was asked and none was given.

Red Jacket took this name, from a highly embroidered coat given to him by the British for his wartime services.

The Senecas took the British side during the American Revolution, a costly mistake, since their ally ultimately lost.

In the War of 1812, Red Jacket supported the American side.

Red Jacket became famous as an orator, speaking for the rights of his people. He played a prominent role in negotiations with the new federal government. In 1792 he was heading a delegation of 50 people to Philadelphia where president George Washington presented him with a special "peace medal", a large oval silver plate showing an image of Washington on the right hand side shaking his hand engraved upon it, below the inscription "George Washington", "Red Jacket", and "1792". Red Jacket wore this medal on his chest in every portrait painted of him. (The medal survives today in the collection of the Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society.)

  • JJCLUB-SET#7 -- The Battle of Chippawa, 5th July 1814 -- Red Jacket , Chief of the Senecas

Battle of Chippawa

John Jenkins Collectors Club

STATUS - Pre Order Period Ends May 18th

Stewart was a native of Scotland who fought and was wounded at the Battle of Great Meadows in July, 1754. He was promoted to captain in the Virginia forces on November 1st, 1754. Stewart commanded the troop of Virginia light horse on Braddock's expedition. His unit served as escort for General Braddock and fought at the Battle on The Monongahela.

During the Battle he had two horses shot out from under him and his sword and scabbard were shot away. He was one of only five members of a 29 man unit that survived the battle, suffering only a slight injury when one bullet creased his brow and another his forehead.

  • JJCLUB-SET#8 -- Battle On The Monongahela 1755 -Captain Robert Stewart, with Wounded Horse, Virginia Light Horse

Battle of Monongahela, 1755

John Jenkins Collectors Club

New Releases For April 2011
Battle of Fort Carillon, Ticonderoga fought on July 8, 1758

  • TIC-022 -- 42nd Regiment of Foot, 2 Grenadiers Advancing.

Battle of Fort Carillon

Battle of Chippewa - War of 1812
British Artillery Limber

The new artillery tactics of this period relied upon the maneuverability of the guns and, of their supply of ammunition. Guns in the front line without ammunition were obviously useless. The British limber was designed to carry a certain amount of ammunition, as opposed to the French system which relied on a separate ammunition caisson.

The British limber was designed to carry 44-66 rounds, as well as entrenching tools, rope, blocks and tackles, and other necessary items.

The limber wheels were also of the same size, and strength as those of the gun carriage, which meant they could be used to replace a broken gun wheel.

  • BCHLIMB -- British Limber Complete - (Includes Sets BCHGUN-01, BCHLIMB-01, BCHLIMB-02 and 2 x BCHLIMB-03)
  • BCHLIMB-001 -- British Limber
  • BCHLIMB-002 -- British Limber Horses #1
  • BCHLIMB-003 -- British Limber Horses #2

Battle of Chippawa

Battle of the Plains of Abraham

  • QF-023 -- Regiment De Languedoc - Officer

Battle of the Plains of Abraham


Lt. Joseph Jacobs flew this Fokker DR1 450/17 from 28th February 1918, until it was apparently destroyed by Sopwith Camels during an attack on the Jasta 7 aerodrome on 19th October 1918.

The Dr I was Jacob's favoured mount until October 1918 and he used its maneuverability to his advantage, becoming the triplane's highest scoring ace, with over 30 confirmed victories.

The plane was painted with wide bordered crosses in the usual positions, as well as on the top surface of the bottom wing.

There is very little accurate visual evidence for the image painted on the side of the fuselage. The image has been referred to by Jacob's wife as the "god of the north wind", by Jacob himself as "Dark Angel", and "Devils Head".

  • ACE-003 -- FOKKER DR1 450/17 JASTA 7, MAY 1918, Lt. Josef Jacobs
  • Model Weight 117g
  • SCALE 1/30
  • MODEL DIMENSIONS approx 9 1/2" x 8" x 4"

Picture includes ACE-03P Lt. Joseph Jacobs, estimated availability August 2011


Although the ACE-01P set has been released this month, it will not be available until early May.

Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen (2 May 1892 - 21 April 1918), widely known as the Red Baron, is possibly the most widely known fighter pilot of all time. He was a German fighter pilot with the Imperial German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkr�fte) during World War I. He is considered the ace-of-aces of that war, being officially credited with 80 air combat victories, more than any other pilot.

Originally a cavalryman, Richthofen transferred to the Air Service in 1915, becoming one of the first members of Jasta 2 in 1916. He quickly distinguished himself as a fighter pilot, and during 1917 became leader of Jasta 11 and then the larger unit Jagdgeschwader 1 (better known as the "Flying Circus"). By 1918 he was regarded as a national hero in Germany, and was very well known by the other side.

Richthofen was shot down and killed near Amiens on 21 April 1918. There has been considerable discussion and debate regarding aspects of his career, especially the circumstances of his death.

  • ACE-001P -- "THE LAST CIGARETTE" - MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN (The Red Baron) MORITZ and Crew, 21st April 1918

Knights Of The Skies - WWI

The Condor Legion - The Wehrmact's Training Ground

Condor Legion

Collectors Showcase

New Releases Expected Late April 2011

5th New York Duryees' Zouves

The 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, "Dury�e's Zouaves," was one of the most renowned fighting regiments of the American Civil War. Their colorful Zouave uniform, precise maneuvers, effectiveness in combat and steady bearing under fire, won them universal respect and recognition. "I doubt whether it had an equal," General George Sykes said of the 5th New York, "and certainly no superior among all the regiments of the Army of the Potomac." Many observers considered the 5th New York to be the best-drilled volunteer unit in the Federal Army. In addition to a casualty list that totaled 211 dead out of 1,508 men borne on the rolls, nine of its soldiers attained the rank of general -- five the full rank, and four by brevet.

  • CS00490 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Charging
  • CS00491 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Firing
  • CS00492 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Prone
  • CS00493 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Reloading
  • CS00494 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Wounded
  • CS00495 -- 5th New York Duryees Zouves Command
  • CS00490_CS00495 -- Complete Set of 5th New York Duryees Zouves (Sets CS490 - CS00495)

American Civil War

Royal Horse Artillery Battery w/Caisson

Flying Artillery, that's horse artillery. By 1806, eleven British Royal Horse Artillery troops had been created. RHA batteries told their damaging tale on the French at Waterloo and we have modeled an entire battery that will halt any French advance cold. It's the most comprehensive artillery issue we've ever created and this lays the template for all of Collector Showcases upcoming Napoleonic artillery issues: The return of the caisson limber set. In addition the ready ammo compartment on the gun actually opens up and a figure extracting ammo has been added to this great set. We've tried to create a caisson set that comes composed with just four horses to begin with but can be upgraded to the official 6 horse set easily.

  • CS00504 -- British RHA Artillery Cannon Destroyed
  • CS00505 -- British RHA Artillery Cannon
  • CS00506 -- British RHA Artillery Cannon Movers
  • CS00507 -- British RHA Artillery Ready Ammo
  • CS00508 -- British RHA Artillery Wounded /Loader
  • CS00509 -- British RHA Artillery Commander
  • CS00510 -- British RHA Artillery Igniter/Sponger
  • CS00504_CS00510 -- Set of British RHA Deployed with additions (Sets CS504 x 2, CS00505, CS00506 x 2, CS00507 x 2, CS00508 x 2, CS00509, CS00510 x 2)
  • CS00511 -- British RHA Artillery Caisson 4 Horse 3 Riders Caisson
  • CS00512 -- British RHA Caisson Horse Set 2 Horses 1 Rider
  • CS00511_CS00512 -- British RHA Artillery Caisson Set (Sets CS511 - CS00512)

Napoleonic - British Royal Horse Artillery

88mm Anti-Tank gun with crew and carriages and SdKfz7 Prime Mover with seated infantry booster sets

The Flak 37 comes with a ton of features and additions: The gun traverses and elevates on a custom gear set. The gun shield comes on and off creating different display possibilities. The gunners seat folds up just as the original followed by the two base legs. The gun mounts perfectly on the dual Carriages just like the original specifications. Spent ammo cartridges are included as well as two wicker ammo baskets. We've even added a SdKfz7 prime mover to give you the added mobility required.

  • CS00513 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Normandy with 2 crew
  • CS00514 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Winter with 2 crew
  • CS00515 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Normandy Crew - 3 Figures
  • CS00516 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Winter Crew - 3 Figures
  • CS00517 -- SdkFz 7 with Driver Normandy
  • CS00518 -- SdkFz 7 with Driver Winter
  • CS00519 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Normandy Caisson 2 pieces
  • CS00520 -- 88mm Anti-Tank Gun Winter Caisson 2 pieces
  • CS00521 -- SdkFz Riders Normandy 2 Figures
  • CS00522 -- SdkFz Riders Winter 2 Figures

German WWII

Collectors Showcase


Scenic Back Drops

Mark has introduced a new range of Scenic Back Drops, based on photos he has taken, these will enhance any scene you are creating.

These backdrops are all printed on heavy weight card stock in the highest quality and resolution. Each piece has a distinct matte finish specially designed for reducing the glare of cabinet lighting and flash photography. These beautiful backdrops can be cut to fit most cabinets and work great for any multi-scale scene and diorama.

Mark has introduced 25 different scenes, too many to list here, so please visit our scenic back drop page for more info.

Build A Rama Scenic Backdrops



Scenic Back Drops

Traverse has also introduced this month a scenic backdrop, which he hope will be the first of many. He has taken a different approach to Mark, in that his backdrop is based on scene he has created and is using a very different material. It is also reversible so you can easily change the scene and also you can join two together to create a longer scene.

A scene of varied countryside featuring boulder-strewn hills, woods, and plowed fields. Ideal for a wide range of eras, regions, and conflicts.

Add depth and realism to your display in minutes. All new original artwork painted on thin flexible plastic for long-lasting durability - won't wrinkle, crease, or tear like paper

Dimensions:36 L x 14 H Inches. Buy Two and create a 72 inch long display; Placed Together, Sides A and B create a continuous scene

ScenaFlex Reversible Backdrops


New Arrivals

  • AA34212 -- Boeing Chinook HC1B, ZA705/EZ, 7 Sqn, Beirut, Lebanon, 1983

Helicopter Legends

WWII Large Aircraft 1:72 Scale

  • AA37207 -- Handley Page Halifax GRII - HR686, 502 Sqn, Coastal Command, Stornoway, Oct 1944

British and American Bombers plus other large Aircraft


Hobby Master

New Announcement - Expected July / August
Air Power Collection (Propeller Powered) - 1:72 Scale.

  • HA2007 - B5N2 Type 97 Attack Bomber "Kate" Aircraft Carrier Zuiho, Oct 1942
  • HA3205 - A-26B Invader 670th BS, 416th BG, France 1945

Air Power Collection (Propeller Powered) - 1:72 & 1:32 Scale.

Air Power Collection (Propeller Powered) - 1:48 Scale.

  • HA7712A -- P-51D Mustang Major Clarence "Bud" Anderson, 363rd FS, 357th FG "Old Crow" Winter 1944 - Signature Edition
  • HA7712A -- P-51D Mustang Major Clarence "Bud" Anderson, 363rd FS, 357th FG "Old Crow" Winter 1944
  • HA7506 -- Boeing P-26A "33-23" US Army Air Corps 20th PG, Barksdale Field, L.A.
  • HA7804 -- Spitfire MK.1 "K9795" 19 Sqn, RAF, Duxford 1938

Air Power Collection (Propeller Powered) - 1:48 Scale.

Modern Air Power Collection

  • HA1050 - Lockheed TF-104 Starfighter USAF, 58th TTW, 418th TFS, Luke AFB, 1976
  • HA1314 - A-10A Thunderbolt II 343rd TFW, August 1986 "Spirit of Fairbanks"
  • HA1925 - McDonnell Douglas F-4E 3-6684, 32nd TFW, IRIAF 1986
  • HA3105 - F-102A-55-CO Delta Dagger 431 FIS, Zaragoza Air Base, Spain, April 1962 - Red Devils
  • HA3401 - Japan F-1 "20-8265" 3rd Sqn., 3rd Wing, JASDF, Misawa AB, Japan
  • HA3304 - Northrop F-5E Freedom Fighter Paris Air Show 1973 "Le Bourget 65"

Modern Air Power Collection

Ground Power Collection

  • HG1401 - SdKfz 222.Leichter Panzerspahwagen (4X4) 1st Company, 4th Kradschutzen Bttn.24th Panzer Div., Soviet Union - August 1942
  • HG3317 - T-55A MBT Romanian Army, The Anti-Communist Revolt, 1989
  • HG3509 - British Centurion Tank Mk.III C Sqn., 1st Royal Tank Regiment, Commonwealth Div., Korea 1953
  • HG4603 - German Panzer II Ausf. C Pz.Rgt.8, 15th Panzer Division, Libya 1941
  • HG4803 - UK Bedford QLD 10th Mounted Rifle Regiment Polish 1st Armoured Division

Ground Power Collection

Hobby Master

Very best regards from Mike & Myszka Hall and the Sierra Toy Soldier team - Andrew, Ann, Barbara, Dave, Evan, Gary, Michael (the Kilted Vampire), Matt, and Stephanie.