Sierra Toy Soldier News
December, 2013
December, 2013 Issue
Retail Store
Sierra Toy Soldier Blog
William Britain
King & Country
King & Country Retired
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Retail Store

We are open Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00pm. Sundays 12.00 - 5.00pm

Just a reminder for those of you living in Northern California, or perhaps just visiting, that our retail store dedicated to toy soldiers is open 7 days a week.

The store is located at
29 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030.
(408) 395 3000

Sierra Toy Soldier Facebook Page

Check out our latest arrivals, new dioramas and events at our store!

Sierra Toy Soldier Facebook Page 


Welcome to the December Edition of Sierra Toy Soldier News. Written on freezing cold day here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our temperature is actually lower than New York's. We had two days of rain, and then it stopped, so now all we Californians want is rain for Christmas.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year as we head towards the Christmas, and New Year period. Remember every big and little kid deserves a box of toy soldiers under the Christmas tree.

Our "Toys for Tots" drive is underway. This gives us the opportunity to provide gifts for kids who are not as fortunate. You can either bring new unwrapped toys, or purchase a gift certificate, and we'll take care of the rest.

Toys for Tots Page

Christmas is in full swing, with the holiday almost upon us. If you are local and would like to visit our store we are open every day, and will be open until 9.00pm every Thursday Night and most likely we will extend late night opening on Friday, and Saturday, please call for our opening hour updates. (408) 395 3000.

Not purchased that Christmas gift yet, no worry, it is not too late at all, we will still be shipping on Christmas Eve. Please try our Holiday shipping Guide, it may help.

Holiday Shipping Guide. - Last Days to Ship!  

A slightly smaller edition this month as many of the announcements are not in yet, so we will be bringing you up-to-date in January or sooner. This month we have some great announcements from Sierra Toy Soldier with our first exclusive set, Britain's and King and Country. Hope you enjoy.

We wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.


Los Gatos Christmas Parade - Saturday December 7, 2013 - Los Gatos, CA - Starts 11.00am

The 57th Annual Christmas Parade. For those living in the Bay Area it is a real treat. Arrive early, then stop by for a visit!

Toy Raiser
Learn To Paint A Toy Soldier - In Support of Toys For Tots - Saturday December 14, 2013 - Los Gatos, CA - 10.00 - 4.00pm

Come and have some fun learning how to paint a Toy Soldier. Designed for Little and Big Kids, Mums most welcome.

Event Price: Donate a toy to "Toys for Tots" and help support the Marine Corps, no reservation required. Sponsored by Britain's.

Bob Walker Christmas Open House - Sunday December 15, 2013 - San Jose, CA - From 3.00pm

One of the best treats this time of year is to be invited to someone's home that has been specially decorated for Christmas and view not only their soldier collection, but also all their historic collection and a unique Victorian house here in San Jose California.

Having been fortunate enough to visit his house on a number of times, I can promise you an experience not to be missed and never forgotten. Children are most welcome. Hope you can come. This year he is having it as pot luck, so please bring a desert to share.

Please note this year we are only able to extend invitations to existing customers.

If you would like details, please contact us at - subject Bob Walker Christmas.

William Britain

New Fall / Winter 2013 Catalogue - Expected Spring 2014!
Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive - Zulu Storehouse Attack

We have partnered with our friends at Britain's to produce the first in a range of exclusive sets available from us.  The first set is a limited production run of 300.  We hope to have this available for release in March.  It is available for pre-order now!

Zulu Storehouse Attack

Zulu Wars

Zulu Wars

Clash of Empires

In the 18th Century, the area known as the Northwest Territories was the traditional home to various native people. This same area was also important to the grand designs of European expansion and the clash of interests between the French and British culminated in the French and Indian Wars. The native people fought on both sides during this conflict.

British victory in 1763 gave control of the entire area to Great Britain. In the same year, a confederation of tribes resentful to the shift of power launched a series of attacks against British Forts which became known as 'Pontiac's Rebellion.' Hostilities ended after the British Army expeditions of 1764 and peace negotiations over the next two years established a new relationship.

The European view of land ownership and settlement was always at odds with Native views resulting in uneasy peace punctuated violence. Warfare on the North American frontier was brutal, and the killing of prisoners, the targeting of civilians and other atrocities were widespread. The ruthlessness and treachery of these conflicts was a reflection of a growing divide between the separate populations of the British colonists and the Native Americans.

The American War of Independence further aggravated the situation, and with the 1783 Treaty of Paris the territory again changed hands, this time to the young United States. Despite the treaty, the British kept forts and supported policies of native resistance to further settlement in the territories. President George Washington directed the United States Army to halt the hostilities between the natives and settlers and to enforce U.S. sovereignty over the territory.

The small U.S. Army was ill equipped for the task and suffered a series of defeats, including the Harmer Campaign of 1790 and St. Clair's Campaign in 1791. These humiliating defeats prompted Washington to appoint Revolutionary War hero General "Mad" Anthony Wayne to reorganize the Army to deal with the escalating situation. In 1793 Wayne took command of the new 'Legion of the United States' and led his men to a decisive victory over the confederation of tribes at the battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, With the treaty of Greenville in 1795, the Native leaders agreed to give up their lands and move to Indiana where in 1811, tensions would again erupt into open warfare on the frontier.

Clash of Empires

Napoleonic - Brunswickers

The Black Brunswickers were raised in 1809 to fight Napoleon Bonaparte's occupation of Germany. These Brunswickers were distinctively attired in black wool uniforms, black leather belting and wore silver death heads on their shakos, quickly earning the nickname 'The Black Legion' or 'The Black Horde.


Napoleonic - British 44th Foot

In the Eighteenth Century, British Infantry regiments were normally made up of nine companies of regular infantry and one company of elite grenadiers. Although this was successful for fighting in the developed European terrain, it was less successful in the virgin forests of North America. The British forces in North America developed tactics for this new kind of warfare and light companies were trained to fight in a non-traditional method relying on marksmanship and extended order. Although the experiment was successful, the practice was abandoned for a short period at the end of the French & Indian War.

By 1770, regular Regiments were required to have one company designated and trained as Light Troops. The training was inconsistent and often inadequate, but by the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, progressive officers were writing well thought out manuals for this new corps.

While most companies of the regiment fought in tight formations, the 'Light Bobs,' as they were nicknamed, fought up to 80 paces in front of the main body of troops in pairs and in spaced intervals. Additional tasks of these light troops included rear guard and flanking protection, reconnaissance and protecting artillery.

When infantry formed squares, light infantry and artillerymen were often instructed to take cover in the squares when they were attacked by cavalry. Our new offering of 'Light Bobs' of the 44th Regiment of Foot are on their way back to the protection of the Battalion and Grenadier companies formed up into a defensive square. One enterprising soul pauses to loot a watch from a French casualty before sprinting to safety as the Sergeant signals others to follow with a sharp signal from his whistle!

Battle of Waterloo, 1815


At 2:40A.M. April 15, 1912, the unthinkable had happened. The 'unsinkable' White Star flag ship, RMS Titanic slipped beneath the waves and into history.

The Titanic had been the largest ship afloat at the time and was considered a masterpiece of design in White Stars Olympic class of ocean liners. On this maiden voyage from Southampton to New York, she carried 2,224 passengers and crew. Just two hours after the Titanic foundered the Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrived on the scene of the sinking, where she brought aboard an estimated 705 survivors.

More than 1,500 people died in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in modern history and the disaster was greeted with worldwide shock and outrage at this huge loss of life. Even before the survivors arrived in New York aboard the Carpathia, investigations were planned to discover how this could have happened and what could be done to prevent a similar disaster in the future.

The Carpathia's arrival in New York led to a frenzy of press interest, with newspapers competing to be the first to report the survivor's stories. Newspaper reporters schemed and bribed to get the first news, with at least one boarding the rescue ship before it docked. Crowds gathered outside newspaper offices to see the latest reports being posted in the windows or on the billboards. It took another four days before a relatively complete list of casualties could be compiled and published, adding to the agony of the relatives waiting for news of those who had been aboard the Titanic. The Titanic's collision with an iceberg in the North Atlantic signaled an end to an era. The thought that anything was possible and that man and industry could design machines that could challenge nature itself, was now in question.

RMS Titanic

Royal Airforce

The Lewis automatic gun was designed by U.S. Army Colonel Isaac Newton Lewis in 1911. Because of political disputes between Lewis and the U.S. Army Chief of the Ordinance Department, the weapon was not adopted by the U.S. Army.

Colonel Lewis retired from the Army and headed to Belgium to establish commercial production of the gun. By 1913, the Belgian Army had adopted the design using the standard .303 British round, and in 1914, BSA purchased a license to build the in the UK.

The Lewis gun was officially adopted for use by British land and Aircraft use in October of 1915. The gun proved to be reliable and effective and was widely used by the British Empire and her allies during that conflict. With the loss of so much equipment after the disastrous campaign in France in 1940, the British Army was forced to press available stocks of old Lewis guns into home defense.

Over 58,000 weapons were taken from stores and refurbished and repaired during the course of WWII and many were used as dual mounts for close range air defense by the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. In this role, it was credited by the British as bringing down more low-flying aircraft than any other anti-aircraft weapon.

Royal Airforce

New Expected In December - Arriving Next Week!
Battle of Waterloo, 18152013!

Battle of Waterloo, 1815

American Civil War

American Civil War

History of the British Army - Redcoats Collection

History of the British Army - Redcoats Collection

Battle of the Somme

Battle of the Somme

United States Marine Corps

United States Marine Corps


King & Country December 2013 Releases!

Napoleon In Egypt

As Napoleon was to find out...his Egyptian Adventure was no "walk-in-the-park"! Almost as soon as his army landed they were involved in skirmishes, ambushes and full-scale battles...

They also quickly realized that much of their equipment and especially their heavy European-style uniforms were totally unsuitable for the Middle Eastern climate and conditions. Here we see our latest "Napoleon In Egypt" French troops in fighting formation defending their position. Wearing the small "jockey"-type caps and locally-made cotton trousers with shorter-cut jackets the soldiers can move and fight more easily.

Among these soldiers from the 9th Demi Brigade are...

Napoleon In Egypt

Diorama Building

  • SP058 -- Corner Flower Shop - This little corner shop is perfect for connecting any two of our new Normandy village facades and makes a colourful display even on its own. Just examine closely the exquisite detail.

Diorama and Scenic Building Collection

WWI - Baden 114th Infantry Regiment of 1914

As many of you already know 2014 marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War - the War to end all Wars! Alas that was not to be. However in the history of the planet that time along with the people and events that dominated it still have a special place in our world today.

To begin King & Country's remembrance of 1914 we are having a double release of all-new figures depicting part of Imperial Germany's army as it prepared for the conflict that would erupt in August 1914.

The first half of this 1914 release shows German infantry taking part in a "fire and movement" exercise sometime in the early summer of 1914. As the Kaiser is watching (a new mounted Wilhelm II is being released very soon) these infantrymen form a firing line.

Although dressed in one of the varieties of "feldgrau" (field grey) their uniforms still bear vestiges of peace time colour - their traditional red collars and cuffs. Just as traditional are their uncovered "Pickelhaub" helmets adorned with the Prussian Eagle.

Uniform Notes: These new WW1 German infantry are based on typical "soldaten" of the Baden 114th Infantry Regiment of 1914.

Additional Figures: Among the upcoming figures for release in January/February 2014 are a mounted Kaiser Wilhelm II and his Chief of the German General Staff, Helmuth von Moltke plus more Baden Infantry in action.

Baden 114th Infantry Regiment of 1914

KnC Plastic and Metal

This month K&C officially announcing there new "KnC" brand. They have we've been working, for over 18 months, on producing a line of figures and vehicles that will be complementary to our existing main stream production but will provide collectors, old and new, with a less expensive, more affordable line of products that we believe can fill a gap in the 1:30 scale market. Pre painted and manufactured in high quality, hard plastic resin the new figures and vehicles will provide collectors with a way to purchase "multiples" and "add-ons" that can extend and supplement existing K&C all-metal and mixed media collections and displays...not replace them!

We also believe that the more-affordable price-point will encourage younger collectors and even some plastic enthusiasts to venture into our part of the toy soldier/military miniature community...perhaps for the first time.

The first figure line is centered around our existing "Remember The Alamo" all-metal series and will be released in early 2014. However for the moment the first actual "KnC" release is...

  • KnC001 -- D.DAY SHERMAN TANK - This is one particular M4 Sherman that King & Country has never produced before...the unique "Wading Sherman". For D.Day certain M4A3 Shermans were fitted with tall wading stacks that were fixed on top and on the rear of the tank's engine compartment. This allowed the vehicles to be launched off the beach and wade, under their own power, onto dry land. Once ashore the stacks would be jettisoned and the M4 could resume its task and its normal profile appearance.
    Our new "KnC" M4 comes with 2 x removable stacks...1 x half-body tank commander...and a separate .50 calibre machine gun. Each tank is also carefully packaged in a specially-designed, sturdy "window" box that allows collectors to see exactly what they're buying...when they're buying it.

KnC Plastic and Metal

Battle of the Bulge

Although the German assault in the Ardennes in December 1944 caught the Allies by surprise they were simply not strong enough to turn a retreat into a rout!

Towards the end of that same month it was the Germans who were on the defensive as slowly but surely American and British forces squeezed "The Bulge" from north and south. And this is where our latest "Battle of the Bulge" release comes to the fore...Now it's Americans capturing Germans for a change!

Battle of the Bulge

Balkan Campaign

With the coming of WW2 Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler began the expansion of his Waffen SS that would continue almost until the final weeks of the Third Reich. What had initially been a solely "Germanic" and "Aryan" brotherhood opened its doors to an increasing number of foreigners. Among those "outsiders" who were now made welcome was a unique division made up of Bosnian and Croatian moslems...

The 13th Waffen SS Mountain Division "Handschar". Designated a "Mountain" division, it was mostly employed on anti partisan duties in the Balkans. Easily recognized by their blood-red and grey "Fez" headgear they quickly gained a reputation for brutality and savagery.

Balkan Campaign


King & Country - Being Retired


A large batch this month... Please note we only Hyperlink the categories in case an individual piece has already sold out!

USAAF _ 8th Airforce

  • AF024 Flying Tiger Pilot David "Tex" Hill
  • AF025 Flying Tiger Pilot "Kenneth A.Jernstedt"

USAAF _ 8th Airforce

Battle of the Bulge

  • BBA038 US Army WC63 11/2 Ton Truck
  • BBA049 Truck Passengers Set #2

Battle of the Bulge

Streets of Old Hong Kong

  • HK104G Chinese Kitchen Set (Gloss)
  • HK104M Chinese Kitchen Set (Matt)
  • HK105G Gift Givers(Gloss)
  • HK105M Gift Givers(Matt)
  • HK146G Flower Shop Set(Gloss)
  • HK146M Flower Shop Set(Matt)
  • HK171G Groom & Bride(Gloss)
  • HK171M Groom & Bride(Matt)


Berlin'38 Leibstandarte

  • LAH139 Marching Flag Bearer
  • LAH140 New Marching SS Banner Man
  • LAH142 New Standing w/ Banner
  • LAH144 Father & Son
  • LAH147 Street Poster Drum

Berlin'38 Leibstandarte

Medieval Collection

  • MK078 The Ambush
  • MK084 King Philip II of France
  • MK085 The King's Banner Knight

Medieval Collection

The Real West

  • TRW001 Mounted Dragoon w/Rifle
  • TRW002 Mounted Dragoon w/Guidon
  • TRW003 Mounted Dragoon w/Sword

The Real West


Very best regards from Mike & Myszka Hall and the Sierra Toy Soldier team - Andrew, Ann, Barbara, Evan, Gary, Michael (the Kilted Vampire), Matt, and Stephanie.