Sierra Toy Soldier News
July, 2013
July, 2013 Issue
Retail Store
Sierra Toy Soldier Blog
William Britain
King & Country
July Releases
King & Country
Being Retired
John Jenkins
First Legion
Black Hawk
Forces of Valor
Thomas Gunn
War Master
Century Wings
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Sierra Toy Soldier Web Site
Retail Store

We are open Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00pm. Sundays 12.00 - 5.00pm

Just a reminder for those of you living in Northern California, or perhaps just visiting, that our retail store dedicated to toy soldiers is open 7 days a week.

The store is located at
29 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030.
(408) 395 3000

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog

To try to keep you updated on all the latest news about what is happening in the wonderful world of Toy Soldiers, Model Aircraft and basically everything we sell and do. Updated frequently!

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog


Welcome to the July edition of Sierra Toy Soldier News, written over the July 4 Holiday weekend, where the weather has gone a little bit wacky to say the least. The week before we actually had rain, first time since January and then the temperature jumped to 104F in parts of the Bay Area, which is just miserable. This week it is supposed to be in the high 80's, so a perfect time to stop by and visit.

We have been able to secure an special guest for our King and Country event, we are very proud to have a WWII Veteran Harry Berkheimer joining as a speaker. He has some wonderful stories to tell, and is currently writing his memoirs. He fought in many places including D-Day and the Battle of the Bulge. He also has a story about firing a captured 88mm gun across the Rhine. Unfortunately this did not do much for his hearing. We are very lucky to have both Harry, and his son as store customers. So if you would like to hear some live history make sure you attend.

The boys in the store recently replaced some of our displays and we though you might enjoy seeing some pictures, and also thought it might inspire some ideas.

Custer's last stand: For this we used both King and Country and Black Hawk figures together to create a scene. We were surprised by how well both sets of figures worked together and complemented each other. For the ground cover we use Terrain mats from Build-a-Rama and JG Miniatures. We created a small mound and covered the base with terrain mats.

Normandy 1944 - German Advance: Here we used King & Country troops and vehicles, showing troops marching / advancing through the countryside, of France. We used Terrain mats, trees, foliage from Build-a-Rama and JG Miniatures.

We have some great releases for this month from Britain's, King & Country July releases, Jenkins, First Legion, Forces of Valor, Thomas Gunn, Black Hawk and more

Hope to see you soon!


Learn To Paint A Toy Soldier - Saturday July 13, 2013 - Los Gatos, CA - 10.00 - 4.00pm

Come and have some fun learning how to paint a Toy Soldier. Designed for Little and Big Kids, Mums most welcome.

Sponsored by Britain's.

King and Country Open House - Saturday September 14, 2013 - Los Gatos, CA

We are hosting our 6th annual King and Country open house in advance of the Chicago toy Soldier Show. Attending will be Andy and we hope Gordon (his brother). This is an all day event starting at 10.00am. If you would like to join, please email us [email protected] - subject K&C Open House, so we can estimate attendance.

King and Country Soiree - Saturday September 14, 2013 - Los Gatos, CA

This was such a great success last year that we are repeating it again. The event will be held in our store after the store closes. So we are going to invite Andy and Gordon to give a chat on all things K&C, answer any and all of your questions. While the rest of us can munch on an appetizer or two and have a beer or a glass of plonk (wine). Soft drinks will be available.

This is a reservation only evening event as space is limited. Children are most welcome. Please reserve as soon as possible, and when we know the final numbers we will contact you with final arrangements. [email protected] - subject K&C Soiree. 

Chicago Toy Soldier Show September 19 - 22, 2013.

We will be room trading on Thursday the 19th. We are hoping that we will have the same rooms as last year, 4203 and 4205. The room trading which is a ton of fun lasts until the Saturday night. Then we move down to the main ballroom, for the main event on Sunday. If you would like details, please contact us at [email protected] - subject Chicago Show. 

We welcome volunteers for a unique and crazy experience.

William Britain
King & Country - July 2013 Releases

American Civil War - Generals and Leaders

It's been quite a while between now and our last ACW release.  And so to make at least a little amends for that we're releasing these Civil War "personalities" that we've been asked for.  We're also making them available as single pieces or collectively in small sets with their own special box.

American Civil War

D-Day 1944 - American Forces

  • DD179 -- M4A3E8 'Easy-Eight' Sherman - This is K&C's second version of this iconic U.S. tank...We released a "winter" camouflaged "Easy-Eight" to accompany our last Battle of the Bulge GI's in late 2012. At the time many collectors also asked for a "standard" olive drab version and here it is! The "Easy-Eight" was faster, better armoured and, of course, mounted the impressive 76mm main gun. Our K&C model is all "buttoned-up" and ready for action but also has a half-body tank commander in the open top turret hatch on the lookout for the enemy.

D-Day '44

D-Day 1944 - British Forces

  • DD202 -- Morris C8 Field Artillery Tractor & Limber  - Commonly known as the "Quad" this was the British and Empire's primary vehicle to haul the 25 pounder gun howitzer and its limber. Originally designed in the late 1930's as war with Germany approached the Morris C8 Quad came into operational service with the Royal Artillery in October 1939...It stayed in production throughout the war until 1945. During the war (and for many years afterwards) they saw action wherever and whenever British and Empire Forces were engaged. Our K&C model sports typical "Mickey Mouse" camouflage and comes complete with a seated R.A. driver and the artillery limber for the ammunition.
  • DD204 -- British 25 Pounder Field Gun - If the Sherman tank was an American military "icon" of WW2 then the "25 Pounder" must be a British one!!! For generations of British guys (of a certain age) and that includes me...we all had models of 25 pounders in among our toy soldiers...Different versions and scales of this gun were manufactured by Britains, Lone Star and, of course, DINKY. I love this little field gun and I hope you will too... Over 13,000 were built (of the real gun) in Britain, Canada and Australia and remained in service with different overseas armies until the late 1970's. The K&C "25 Pounder" is in plain olive drab and comes with a removable seated gunner so that collectors can have the gun "in action" with other crew members or being towed behind the Quad and Limber.
  • DD205 -- Gun Commander - A single, standing officer about to give the order to commence fire!
  • DD206 -- Kneeling Bombardier - A kneeling corporal complete with "rammer".
  • DD207 -- Shell and Charge Loaders - Two "gunners", one holding an H.E. (High Explosive) shell and the other holding the charge... ready for battle.

D-Day '44 - British and Canadian

Fields of Battle

Recently K&C released our latest French Caf�/Restaurant (SP054) building. Well, what's a typical caf� without a couple of surly staff! Special Note: Of course you might be asking...who are they serving? Here's a "sneak peek"! The Germans will arrive shortly together with caf� tables and chairs.

Fields of Battle


Shortly after Dunkirk when the British Army had just escaped, by the skin of its teeth, from the Germans, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was already planning to strike back at the enemy.
Although he knew that Britain was incapable of any large-scale offensives against the all-conquering Nazi hordes he did recognize that they were vulnerable to surprise raids and attacks on their now vastly expanded European "Empire"... But he was going to need some special men with special skills who could think and act "outside of the box" militarily.
Thus was born "The Commandos". Small, highly trained, independently minded units of crack fighting soldiers who could "hit and run" where the enemy least expected it and disappear before the enemy could effectively react.
K&C's new "Commandos" portray the all-volunteer unit as they would have appeared in action in mid war 1942/43.
No less than 12 face-blackened Commandos take part in this, our first raid on enemy territory. An officer and two sergeants lead a crew of cut throats on a mission to take out an enemy position somewhere in occupied Europe...

British Commandos

Streets of Old Hong Kong

Now to a gentle garden or park somewhere in China.

  • HK217 -- New Chinese Pagoda - A new upgraded version of an old favorite and perfect for any "Streets of Old Hong Kong" display or "Imperial Collection" diorama.

Streets of Hong Kong - Matt Finish

Normandy 1944 - German Forces

  • WS228 -- Jagdpanther Ausf.GI - The Jadpanther (or Hunting Panther) was a German tank destroyer built on the chassis of the already successful Panther tank.
    It combined the powerful 88mm gun of the Tiger tank with the excellent armour and suspension of the Panther. This all-new Jagdpanther (K&C's last version goes back to 2004) is a battle weary one from the summer of 1944 covered in "zimmerit" paste that has been "chipped-away" in combat revealing the original rust-brown undercoat applied at the factory.
    Although most Jagdpanthers appeared on the Eastern Front they also fought in small numbers in the Battle of Normandy. The K&C model comes with two tank-crew figures who can be seen in the open hatches.
    A "winter" version will be released later in the year.

Normandy '44 - Waffen-SS & Wehrmacht


King & Country Retired


A large batch this month... Please note we only Hyperlink the categories in case an individual piece has already sold out!

Medieval Collection

  •  MK056 Duke Boris of Saxony
  •  MK057 Sir Roger De Tolkinghorn
  •  MK060 Kneeling Saracen Archer
  • MK061 Loading Saracen Archer
  •  MK062 Sir Arthur De Mountford
  •  MK063 Wounded Templar Set
  •  MK064 Standing Saracen Archer

Medieval Collection

Napoleonic Collection

  •  NA125 Coldstream Guards" Mounted Officer"
  •  NA126 CG Officer w/ Regimental Colour (Flag)
  •  NA127 CG Officer w/ King's Colour (Flag)
  •  NA128 CG Standing Firing Rifle
  •  NA129 CG Standing to Repel
  • NA130 CG Kneeling to Repel
  •  NA131 CG Sergeant w/ Pike
  •  NA133 CG Kneeling Firing Rifle
  • NA134 CG Standing Ready
  •  NA168 Scots Greys Officer


Real West

  •  TRW014 Mounted Indian w/Bow & Arrow
  •  TRW015 Mounted Indian w/Shield & Lance
  •  TRW016 Warrior Firing Musket
  •  TRW017 Warrior Running
  •  TRW018 Warrior Charging
  •  TRW019 Warrior Firing Bow

The Real West

Royal Airforce

  •  RAF005 Flight Lieutenant Sandy Johnstone
  •  RAF009 Flying Officer & Trophy
  •  RAF011 Wing Commander Guy Gibson VC
  •  RAF012 Flight Lieutenant Les Munro
  •  RAF013 Flight Lieutenant Harold "Mickey" Martin

Royal Airforce

D-Day 1944 - British

  •  DD055 Winston Churchill

D-Day '44


John Jenkins

New July Releases
Great War 1918 and Knights of the Skies!

Berliet was a French manufacturer of automobiles, buses, trucks and other utility vehicles, based in V�nissieux, outside of Lyon, France.

The Berliet CBA was one of the most important vehicles of WW1, it has been described as a Great War equivalent to the GMC, GAZ AA or Opel Blitz of WW2.

The Company that made the CBA Truck started in 1894 when Marius Berliet started experimenting with gasoline engines and built their first, primitive car. In 1906, Berliet's introduced their first real commercial truck, a chain-drive 2-tonne cab-over-engine machine, When WW1 started Berliet had just added a new 6-tonne truck to their range, this was the Berliet CBA.

The Berliet CBA followed the rather modern earlier designs of the Company, in that it featured a four-cylinder gasoline engine (25 HP, with a honeycomb radiator) with a chain drive, and steel chassis frame, instead of wood. It had a four-speed gearbox, solid rubber tires and a bumper in front of the radiator. It could carry some 3.5 tons and had a maximum speed of 30km/h.

Berliet offered the CBA to the Army, who accepted it as a standard truck.

It soon proved to be a very reliable and functional vehicle, and was to play a major part in the endless truck convoys on the "Sacred Road" which supplied the French forces fighting the Battle of Verdun in 1916.

The success of the CBA was not just due to the performance of the vehicle, but just as much to the fact that the firm of Berliet was such a modern and effective manufacturer.

In 1915 Berliet set up the World's first real Assembly Belt-type of production line. This led both to the price per unit being lowered, for the first time making motor transport as cheap as horse transport, and the production rate being very high - every day 40 new CBAs rolled out of the factory. At the end of the war 25,000 trucks had been delivered to the armed services.

The Berliet CBA was to be used all through the 20s and 30s and during the first years of WW2.

Great War 1918

Great War 1918

Great War 1918

Raid on Saint Francis, 1759

Raid on Saint Francis, 1759

Battle of the Plains of Abraham also suitable for Battle of Fort Carillon, Ticonderoga fought on July 8, 1758 and Battle of Leuthen 1757 - Seven Years War

The R�giment de B�arn was a French Army regiment active in the 18th century, and was recruited from the Picardy region of France. It is principally known for its role in the Seven Years' War, when it served with distinction in the North American theatre.

French Regiments at this time consisted of two battalions.

The two battalions of this regiment operated on different theatres of operation for most of the Seven Years' War.

The 1st Battalion remained in Europe, and was assigned to the defence of the coasts. At August 1, 1757, the 1st Battalion was stationed at La Rochelle in the Aunis country.

The 2nd battalion was sent to New France, and arrived in June 1755.

The Regiment was to take part at the siege of Fort William Henry 1757, and in 1758, the regiment participated in the defense of Fort Carillon.

On September 13, 1759, they were present during the siege of Quebec City, and at the Battle of The Plains of Abraham, it was deployed in the centre.

This Regiment probably underwent the most changes in its uniform, than any other regiment in New France. Waistcoats, collars and cuffs were originally blue, but were changed to red in 1757.

In 1760, the 2nd battalion returned to France.

Battle of the Plains of Abraham

Peninsular War 1807-1814

Peninsular War 1807-1814

Jacobite Rebellion 1745

The Royal Ecossais was raised in 1744 and discharged in 1752. Their officers were Scots and Irish, often exiled Jacobites, and the soldiers were of many European nationalities, including Scots, Irish and English. The regiment was raised by Lord John Drummond and was a regiment of Scots mercenaries in French service.

Jacobite Rebellion 1745

Battle of Chippewa - War of 1812

This period was full of activity for the Marines. Starting with the fights with the Barbary corsairs, and continuing throughout the War of 1812. The Marines were to take part in virtually every action at sea, on the Great Lakes, and also in many engagements on land. A section of the line at New Orleans were held by the Marines at this battle. Therefore they were extremely active despite the strength of the corps only averaging about 1,000 officers and men.

Battle of Chippewa - War of 1812


First Legion

New Releases Expected July 2013!
2nd Dutch Guard Lancers

First Legion presents you with the 2nd Lancers of the Imperial Guard, the legendary Red Lancers! Raised in 1810 originally of Dutchmen after the French annexation of Holland, the regiment served with distinction during all campaigns between 1812 and 1815. As the regiment was destroyed in 1812 during the Russian Campaign, the replacements were primarily Frenchmen and being one of the few original Dutch by 1815 was a source of great pride. With their striking red uniforms, their fearsome lances, and superb Colonel Edouard Colbert, the Red Lancers of the Guard served with great distinction in Russia, Saxony, the low countries, and the 100 days. We have presented them here in charging and fighting poses with nine total figures.

2nd Dutch Guard Lancers

Seven Years War

  • SYW021 Frederick the Great - King of Prussia - Frederick the Great was King of Prussia from 1740 - 1786 and was best known of his military genius and exploits along with his reorganization of the Prussian army. Like all great captains through history, Frederick was a serious student of military history and theory. Though he took part in the Silesian Wars in the 1740's, he is best known for his leadership of the Prussian Army in the Seven Years War from 1756 to 1763. Facing a powerful coalition made up of Austria, France, Russia, Sweden, and Saxony and with only England as an ally, he managed to repeatedly drive off invading armies and to keep Prussia in the war. Known for leading from the front, we have presented him here actively leading and inspiring his troops. One of the highest compliments paid to Frederick was that another great captain, Napoleon Bonaparte, called him the greatest tactical genius of all time.
  • SYW022 General Hans Joachim von Zieten - Hans Joachim von Zieten was a Lieutenant-General in the Prussian Army of the Seven Years War. He was one of Fredericks most trusted generals and served with distinction at numerous battles including the disaster at Kolin where his corps was the only victorious corps in the army. At Leuthen his cavalry initiated the attack and eventually drove the Austrians from the field. Though his career certainly had it's highs and lows, he retired a hero of Prussia.

Seven Years War

Waffen SS, Normandy 1944

The Waffen-SS was initially created as the armed wing of the Nazi Party, but gradually over the course of the war was expanded to some 38 divisions. They fought on both the Eastern and Western front alongside the Heer Divisions of the German Army. They were typically given priority for equipment and were, at least initially, made up of the most loyal and die hard soldiers. As such they proved extremely capable in battle with the tank divisions in particular being most feared by their opposition. Created for our Battle of Normandy range, these extremely flexible toy soldiers can be used as Panzer Grenadiers from just about any Waffen-SS division including 12th SS Hitler Jugend, 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, 17th SS Gotz von Berlichingen, 2nd SS Das Reich, 9th SS Hohenstaufen, or 10th SS Frundsberg. Our inspiration was to have them as members of the 17th SS opposing the US Paratroopers at the Battle of Bloody Gulch famously depicted in the mini-series Band of Brothers, however, as you can see they can represent any of these formations. With this latest expansion of our Battle of Normandy figure range the US now have some opposition as the Waffen-SS take the field!

Waffen SS, Normandy 1944


Black Hawk

New Expected July 2013! - Custer Charge at Gettysburg - Third day of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.

One of General Custer�s finest hours in the Civil War occurred east of Gettysburg. In conjunction with Pickett�s Charge to the west, Robert E. Lee dispatched J.E.B Stuart�s cavalry on a mission into the rear of the Union Army. En route to Little Round Top, Custer encountered the Union cavalry division of Brig. Gen. David McMurtie Gregg, directly in the path of Stuart�s horsemen.

Convinced that the Michigan Brigade could make a difference, Gregg asked him to stay and fight. The contest at East Cavalry Field, lasted well into the afternoon hours capping off Lee�s unsuccessful penetration of Cemetery Ridge. Charges, counter charges and hand-to-hand combat ensued. Drawing the Toledo Blade from its scabbard, Custer rode out front of the troops and led a mounted charge of the 1st Michigan Cavalry, "Come on you Wolverines!" breaking the back of the Confederate assault.

Custer�s brigade lost 257 men at Gettysburg, the highest loss of any Union cavalry brigade. Never before has so much extensive thought and detail gone into recreating the most historically accurate renderings of the Michigan Cavalry Brigade. The crack unit led by Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer and was quite possibly responsible for saving the Union right flank during the 3rd day of fighting at Gettysburg.

Accurately portrayed for the first time is the "Boy General" in his signature Black Velveteen Uniform and Red Tie astride his iron gray thoroughbred "Roanoke" a horse he'd hesitated to use in battle but was forced to when his horse "Harry" was shot from under him the day before at the Battle of Hunterstown.

The Standard Bearer carries the Michigan Cavalry Brigade Guidon often overlooked and stunningly recreated by the master artists and sculptors of Andrea Miniatures.

Joseph Fought the General's faithful bugler and confidant is portrayed for the first time here bringing a fitting addition to your home or office in these excellent keepsakes that you'll enjoy for many years to come.

Collect one or collect them all in this introductory collection entitled "Believe in the Bold" struck for this premiere showing at the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Custer Charge at Gettysburg


Forces of Valor

World War II Allied Tanks and Vehicles

World War II Allied Tanks and Vehicles

World War II German Tanks and Vehicles

World War II German Tanks and Vehicles

WWII Scale Model Ships

WWII Scale Model Ships

Modern Fighting Vehicles

Modern Fighting Vehicles

1:72 Micro Collection

1:72 Micro Collection


Thomas Gunn

New Releases Expected July 2013!

TG have announced 2 new edition to their July release, which we are hoping will arrive shortly.  We have also been able to obtain a limited supply of Club Figures.

  • V004 -- Reichenberg 
  • V003A -- Luftwaffe Guards - Normandy 
  • TG-FREE001 -- Gunn Club Figure 001 - Max W�nsche 
  • TG-FREE002 -- Gunn Club Figure 002 - Generaloberst Eduard Dietl 
  • TG-FREE003 -- Gunn Club Figure 003 - Ferdinand Schorner 
  • V002 -- Doodlebug and the 2 professors - The V1 was an unmanned flying high explosive warhead mainly aimed at targets in southern England by Hitler as part of his 'Vengeance Weapons' program. Fundamental in the design of this weapon were 2 former aircraft engineers Robert Lusser and Fritz Gosslau. Our set comprises these 2 figures surveying their handiwork on a rainy day in Peenemunde. As its raining, Lusser has removed the glasses he was so often photographed wearing! After the war Lusser went to the USA and assisted the US in the development of their own space program. Gosslau went to work for the Junkers aircraft company where he served as a director until his retirement. This Doodlebug is limited to 100 pieces with the 2 figures and a trailer.
  • V003B -- Luftwaffe Guards - Winter Version Only - Every airfield needs security and we have certainly provided it with 2 unique looking Luftwaffe guards. One figure has his rifle slung over his shoulder whilst the second an NCO, has an Alsatian dog to help ensure security is complete at Peenemunde. At present we only have the Winter version of these guards available, the Normandy version will follow next month. Please note the Winter version NCO in soft cap will not come with the snow effect on his hat as this has now been removed.
  • WH002A -- SdKfz 140/1 Aufklarungspanzer Reconnaissance Tank - Following a Heer requirement for a new armoured reconnaissance vehicle that could make use of the outdated 38T chassis, the SdKfz 140/1 was born. Just over 100 were made in 1944 before production was ceased in favor of the SdKfz 234 Puma series. Armed with a 2cm KwK 38 L55 cannon, the SdKfz 140/1 was well liked by its crews. As the tide of war turned against the Germans, the need for such light tanks was soon becoming obsolete. However as with all vehicles left in the German inventory, these tanks were sued right up until the end of the war. TGM has produced 200 of this beautiful looking vehicle in a Normandy and Winter version.! Please note no crew figure is included, although SS047 pictured with our tank does look very nice as an accompanying piece.
  • WH002B -- SdKfz 140/1 Aufklarungspanzer Reconnaissance Tank 

Allied and German forces

World War One

Lawrence of Arabia once said "The printing press is the most powerful weapon in the modern commanders armoury" but he still found plenty of uses for the Rolls Royce Armoured Car! Although limited in number they proved invaluable in providing machine gun support for his troops during their hit and run raids against the Turks. Once again TG have only made 100 of these iconic machines.  TG plan to make another Lawrence of Arabia figure later on this year to accompany the Rolls Royce, so watch this space closely!

World War One War One


War Master
Century Wings
Very best regards from Mike & Myszka Hall and the Sierra Toy Soldier team - Andrew, Ann, Barbara, Evan, Gary, Michael (the Kilted Vampire), Matt, and Stephanie.