Sierra Toy Soldier News
March, 2018.
March, 2018
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Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive
King & Country
John Jenkins
First Legion
History Works
Cobi Toys
Hobby Master
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We are open Monday - Saturday 10.00 - 6.00pm. Sundays 12.00 - 5.00pm

Just a reminder for those of you living in Northern California, or perhaps just visiting, that our retail store dedicated to toy soldiers is open 7 days a week.

The store is located at
29 North Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95030.
(408) 395 3000  

Sierra Toy Soldier Facebook Page

Check out our latest arrivals, new dioramas and events at our store!

Sierra Toy Soldier Facebook Page 

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog

Check out all the latest announcements. This is updated as soon as there is a new announcement.

Sierra Toy Soldier Blog 

Sierra Toy Newsletter - Online Edition

You can also read our newsletter Online if you prefer. You can also view past editions of our newsletter to view anything you may have missed. To do so visit our home page or visit our Online edition.

Sierra Toy Soldier Newsletter Online Edition 


Welcome to the early Spring Edition of our Newsletter. It is finally raining and we are getting some large snow storms in the Sierra. The Skiers are happy. So far for this winter our rainfall is only 1/3 of normal, not very good.

We have returned from a successful Westcoaster Show where we met many regular customers. The show was well attended and seems to have established itself at the new location. Thank you to Kevin Hansen who helped the entire weekend, and swears he had a great time packing and unpacking boxes many times. Also thank you to Richard Ciolek-Torello who helped us load up for our return journey. The help is much appreciated. If you missed it, hope you can come next year.

Our social media pages are active with new daily posts and dioramas. Cody and Aidan have been having fun setting up new scenes. If there are any you would like to see let us know.

Follow us on our Social Media Pages

Facebook: Sierra Toy Soldier Company

Instagram: sierratoysoldier

Twitter: @sierratoystore

We have just introduced a new line to our store: Cobi. They are similar to Lego but have military themes, including planes, tanks and armored vehicles. Feedback from our customers, young and old, has been very positive. The range is extensive. We will gradually be adding more items every few months.

We have a great set of releases from King & Country, John Jenkins, First Legion, History works, Corgi and Hobby Master, to name a few. Hope you enjoy.


Learn To Paint A Toy Soldier - Saturday April 14, 2018 - Los Gatos, CA - 10.00 - 4.00pm

Come and have some fun learning how to paint a Toy Soldier. Designed for Little and Big Kids, Mums most welcome.

Super Sale

Super Sale

This month we are having a very limited sale on a few overstock items. We have reduced the price on these items but only until the end of May, so do not miss out.

Super Sale

Collectors Corner

Collectors Corner

Occasionally we get a rare opportunity to acquire individual items and complete collections for collectors that are thinning out their collection or from other dealers. These pieces are items that we do not normally stock. All are in mint condition or and in their original boxes, unless specified in the description. Please note these may have been on display.

So these are ideal pages to view if you are looking for that missing piece in your collection or just looking to find some very unique pieces that are not normally available.

Collectors Corner

Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive

Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive with King & Country.
Wojtek the Bear - Final Sets Available!

Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive with King & Country. First Edition of 300!

Monte Cassino


New Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive Set - Expected 2018!
Zulu Storehouse Attack

The fifth release in the Sierra Toy Soldier Exclusive Range. With this set we wanted to continue to add to our mini series Zulu Storehouse Attack.

Zulu Storehouse Attack

King & Country

King & Country March 2018 Releases!

Robin Hood

Two more of the Sherrif of Nottingham's men that intend to make life miserable for Robin Hood & His Merrie Men... providing that is they can catch them first. No easy or simple task considering they will have to enter the dark green woods that are Sherwood Forest.

Robin Hood

Life of Jesus

  • - The transformation of water into wine is the first miracle attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John. According to the Gospel, Jesus, his mother and the disciples were attending a wedding feast when the wine ran out... Jesus then ordered the servants to fill large jars with water and then serve some to the Chief Steward of the house where the feast was being held. Both the Steward and then the guests remarked on how good this 'new' wine was. John in his Gospel says, "Jesus did this, the first of his signs, and it revealed his glory and his disciples believed in him." Our small set shows Jesus instructing a young servant to pour water into the large wine jars.
  • - A young Jewish woman cradles a baby in her arms.
  • - Poverty and sickness were never far away in The Holy Land at this time as this sitting beggar proves. Holding his bowl out this man asks for alms from a passerby.
  • - A woman makes her way home from the market carrying a tray of freshly-baked bread.

Life of Jesus

French Imperial Guard

  • - About to level his musket at the enemy this bicorne-wearing member of the "Old Guard" steadily marches forward into battle.
  • - Similar position to the figure above but wearing the famous symbol of the "Old Guard"... the tall, imposing bearskin bonnet.
  • - Musket thrust forward this Grenadier takes the fight to the enemy.
  • - "Ready... Aim... Fire!"
  • - The Emperor Napoleon was surrounded by Aide de Camps that he would send at a moment's notice with dispatches and instructions for his Generals. At the same time they would come back to Headquarters with the latest reports from the commanders in the field. This officer salutes as he prepares to undertake a mission on behalf of the Emperor.

French Imperial Guard

Saving Private Ryan

When we released the 2 x "Searching For Pvt. Ryan" sets (DD305 and 306) we already knew we had to produce the guy they were searching all over Normandy for...

Private First Class James Francis Ryan is an American paratrooper who served in Baker Company, 1st Battalion 506th P.I.R. of the 101st Airborne Division during the Normandy Invasion.

He was the youngest brother of 4 in the Ryan family. Already his three older brothers have been reported killed in combat when it is decided, back in Washington, to somehow find Ryan and pull him out of action.

In the movie "Saving Pvt. Ryan", Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) leads a squad of US Army Rangers deep behind the German lines to try to find Ryan.

After several false starts they eventually meet him in a field outside the fictional town of Ramelle in Normandy just after he has destroyed a German halftrack with a bazooka.

This is how we have portrayed him... helmet in one hand, bazooka in the other.

Gang of Heroes

Battle of Britain 1968

Back in the summer of 1968, a major motion picture was being filmed in the UK that would depict the epic battle between Britain's beleaguered Royal Air Force and Adolf Hitler's all-conquering Luftwaffe during another summer just 28 years before.

To tell the story the film makers gathered an aerial armada of vintage fighter and bomber aircraft from around the world. Real Spitfires and Hurricanes plus Messerschmitts, Heinkels and Junkers (albeit license built in Spain) took to the air once more to retell this mighty struggle. It's fair to say that 'The Battle of Britain' movie helped 'spur' the general public's interest in and fascination with the entire 'WARBIRD' movement of collecting and flying vintage aircraft which continues to this day.

  • - To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the making of 'The Battle of Britain' film we are replicating a Spitfire Mk.II in the exact markings of one of the leading characters in the movie played by the late, great British actor Robert Shaw... Sqdn. Leader 'Skipper'. In the film, 'Skipper' flies Spitfire 'AIA', decorated with both his squadron leader's pennant and 9 x German 'kill' markings.
  • - A standing figure of the character played by Robert Shaw... dressed in his No. 2 uniform, 'Mae West' life jacket and roll neck sweater.

Royal Airforce

"SEMPER FIDELIS" (Always Faithful)

  • - A kneeling, pensive looking Marine pays his last respects to the flag-draped body of his buddy...
  • - Our Marine is firing the Winchester 1897 Trench Gun. Designed by the legendary John Browning this weapon saw action in WW1, WW2, KOREA and even in VIETNAM in the 1960's. Strong, sturdy and reliable it was a great 'close quarter battle' weapon as its longevity with the US Military proves!
  • - The price of FREEDOM, as the saying goes, never comes FREE! Here two marines have paid the ultimate price...


Invasion of Malaya


During the tumultuous upheavals of the June War of 1967 the majority of the enemy troops fighting the Israelis were Egyptian and Syrian... Here we provide the first opposition for our Israeli paratroopers...

As you can see, virtually all their weaponry was supplied by the Warsaw Pact countries and the Soviets. Russian-style helmets were also much in evidence. Uniforms and other personal equipment however were mostly made in the Middle East with a motley mixture of boots, shoes and sandals worn.

Although possessing much modern weaponry the Egyptian and Syrian soldiers suffered from woefully inept leadership at all levels of the military... inadequate training and, importantly, a lack of initiative... Put all of that together and you have all the makings of a great military disaster.

Although individual Arab soldiers fought bravely they could not overcome the inbuilt deficiencies of their own military systems... Especially against an opposition that was skillful, well-trained and highly-motivated!

  • - Armed with the Czech-made SKS rifle this Syrian Sniper picks out his target.
  • - The Soviets and Warsaw Pact supplied both Egypt and Syria with many thousands of these fine weapons for their infantry... proving once more that you need a lot more than great weapons to make a great fighting force!
  • - The RPG-7 is a man-portable, reusable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Its ruggedness, simplicity, low cost and effectiveness made it a perfect weapon for Third World militaries and insurgents. In use since the early 1960's it was widely deployed during the SIX-DAY WAR by the Arab armies... with mixed results. Usually operated by a 2-man team with one soldier carrying and operating the launcher itself while the other carries extra rockets and a rifle. Our set shows the team in action.
  • - Moving forward with AK47 ready...
  • - Taking careful aim with his SKS Rifle.
  • - As you can see this 'Babe' is definitely NOT part of the Egyptian /Syrian Army!!! As anyone who has studied the Israeli Army in any detail knows there is no shortage of good-looking ladies in the IDF... So, OK, this one is a wee bit more provocative... But c'mon guys who said toy soldiers couldn't be FUN too...?

Six Day War

Corner Wall Tower

  • - This is perfect for connecting our 'Desert Village' Wall Sections to extend and develop into a bigger display. Also useful for many other different historical periods.

Diorama and Scenic Building Collection

John Jenkins

New John Jenkins March Releases!

Enemies of Rome


The Cuachicqueh was the most prestigious warrior society and the tlacateccatl, a very high ranking general, was always a member. Not much is known about this unique band of Aztec fighters, some sources mention them as being akin to the 'berserkers' - and thus their ranks only included esteemed warriors who had dedicated their lives to the pursuit of warfare, instead of titles and land grants. The cuachicqueh possibly comprised full-time soldiers who had proved their flair in battles with courage, ferocity and downright fanaticism. They were usually excluded from holding office because of their wild nature. They were usually recognizable by their shaven heads which left a crest of hair that is described in text sources as on the left side of the head, but usually depicted in pictorial sources in the middle. The Cuachicqueh took an oath not to take a step backwards during a battle on pain of death at the hands of their fellow warriors. The officers were recognizable in the battle by their wood poles (Pamitl) with the feathers and banners flying from them. They fastened this banner to their back, so that they did not become hindered in battle.

They often would be at the front of the Aztec army shouting insults and mocking the enemy in an effort to provoke the enemy foolhardy to break ranks and attack.

Aztec Empire - Conquest of America

Drums Along The Mohawk

Walter D. Edmonds wrote about the area of upstate New York, and detailed the lives of pioneer farmers along the Mohawk River during the American Revolution.

Edmonds wrote "The Matchlock Gun," which was about a 10-year-old boy defending his home against Indians in colonial New York, and won the Newbery Medal for Children's Literature in 1942. He also wrote about four women captives of Indians in 1778 in his 1947 book "In the Hands of the Senecas,"

Edmonds' books are considered the richest body of fiction about the time and region since the works of James Fenimore Cooper.

The initial sets for this series will include militia, wagoneers, and more girls with guns, all suitable for the American Revolution and French and Indian War periods.

The series will also attempt to cover probably the most significant battle of the American Revolution. The two Battles of Saratoga were a turning point in the American Revolution. On September 19th, British General John Burgoyne achieved a small, but costly victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold. Though his troop strength had been weakened, Burgoyne again attacked the Americans at Bemis Heights on October 7th, but this time was defeated and forced to retreat. He surrendered ten days later, and the American victory convinced the French government to formally recognize the colonist's cause and enter the war as their ally.

Drums Along The Mohawk

Knights of the Skies

Frank Luke Jr. (May 19, 1897 - September 29, 1918) was an American fighter ace , ranking second among U.S. Army Air Service pilots after Captain Eddie Rickenbacker in number of aerial victories during World War I (Rickenbacker was credited with 26 victories, while Luke's official score was 18). Frank Luke was the first airman to receive the Medal of Honor . Luke Air Force Base , Arizona, a U.S. Air Force pilot training installation since World War II, is named in his honor.

Luke's final flight took place during the first phase of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive . On September 28, after achieving his 14th and 15th victories, he landed his SPAD XIII at the French aerodrome at Cicognes where he spent the night, claiming engine trouble. When he returned to the 1st Pursuit Group's base at Rembercourt the next day, he was confronted by Captain Alfred A. Grant, his squadron's commanding officer (C.O.). Despite being under threat of arrest by Grant for being AWOL , Luke took off without authorization and flew to a forward airbase at Verdun , where his sympathetic group commander, Major Hartney, canceled the arrest order and gave Luke tacit approval to continue his balloon hunting. That evening Luke flew to the front to attack three balloons in the vicinity of Dun-sur-Meuse , six miles behind the German lines. He first dropped a message to a nearby U.S. balloon company, alerting them to observe his imminent attacks. Luke shot down the enemy balloons, but was then severely wounded by a single machine gun bullet fired from a hilltop above him, a mile east of the last balloon site he had attacked. Luke landed in a field just west of the small village of Murvaux -after strafing a group of German soldiers on the ground-near the Ruisseau de Bradon, a stream leading to the Meuse River. Although weakened by his wound, he made his way toward the stream, intending to reach the cover of its adjacent underbrush, but finally collapsed some 200 meters from his airplane. Approached by German infantry, Luke drew his Colt Model 1911 pistol and fired a few rounds at his attackers before dying. Reports that a day later his body was found with an empty gun and a bullet hole in his chest, with seven dead Germans in front of him were proven erroneous. According to author Skinner, the fatal bullet, fired from the hilltop machine gun position, had entered near Luke's right shoulder, passed through his body, and exited from his left side.

Eddie Rickenbacker said of Luke: "He was the most daring aviator and greatest fighter pilot of the entire war. His life is one of the brightest glories of our Air Service. He went on a rampage and shot down fourteen enemy aircraft, including ten balloons, in eight days. No other ace, even the dreaded Richthofen , had ever come close to that

Knights Of The Skies - WWI

Knights of the Skies

The First World War spelled the breakthrough as a means of transport for the truck, both for military use and in private enterprise.

Like the United Kingdom, Germany entered the First World War with a "Subsidy" system. Under this system civilian companies were allowed to purchase vehicles at a lower price provided that they would hand them over to the military in case of war. Their number, however, remained too low to fulfill the German Army's needs in 1914. As a consequence an enormous variety of civilian trucks were impressed into military service when the war started. However, in the coming years of war, this variety mostly vanished, as many trucks were used up in the daily grind and the army could order more unified military trucks. On the average some 25,000 trucks were in German Army service at any single day during the war.

During the war about 40,000 new trucks were manufactured between 1914-1918. One of the "Subsidy" truck designs that was kept in production throughout the war was made by Daimler Marienfelde (Marienfelde was the location of the Daimler factory). The truck was of modern design and went into production in 1914. It was used extensively wherever the German Army went. Technically it was a 3-ton truck with chain drive, using a 4-cylinder gasoline engine which gave it a maximum speed of some 30 km/h. Over 3,000 of these trucks were built between 1914-18.

Multiple period photos exist showing aircraft being transported on these lorries and towed behind.

Many of these trucks survived the war and were used by civilian companies or the German Reichswehr Army during the twenties and thirties, with pneumatic tires replacing the old solid ones.

Knights Of The Skies - WWI


Inter-War Aviation Collection


JJ WWII Collection

WWII - German

The Jagdpanther ( "hunting panther ") was a tank destroyer built by Nazi Germany during World War II based on the chassis of the Panther tank . It entered service in 1944 during the later stages of the war on the Eastern and Western Fronts . The Jagdpanther combined the 8.8 cm KwK 43 cannon of the Tiger II and the characteristically excellent armor and suspension of the Panther chassis

Mounting the deadly 8.8 cm PaK 43/3 L/71 cannon and protected by well-sloped 80 mm frontal armor, the Jagdpanther proved its worth as the most fearsome German tank destroyer of the war. Although too few were produced to affect the outcome of the war, the Jagdpanther represented an ideal blend of lethality, armor protection, and mobility that could destroy any allied tank with ease.

The Jagdpanther Ausf G2 was the final production variant of the deadly "Hunting Panther". It differed from the earlier Jagdpanther Ausf G1 by using the engine configuration of the Panther G. The other main difference was the relocation of external tool stowage from the sides of the vehicle to the engine deck and rear hull.

This model represents a Jagdpanther Ausf G2 of the 2. SS-Panzer Division "Das Reich". Late in the war, German industry could not keep pace with the tremendous losses of armor suffered by the Wehrmacht during the Battle of France, Operation Bagration on the Eastern Front, and the Battle of the Bulge. Consequently, tank destroyers like the Jagdpanther and Hetzer were often issued instead of tanks to Panzer Divisions late in the war. Das Reich was issued Jagpanthers in early February 1945 while it was refitting following the Battle of the Bulge. It used them in the 8. Kompanie of its Panzer Regiment during Operation "Spring Awakening" , the last major panzer offensive of the war around Lake Balaton in Hungary. Das Reich continued to employ Jagdpanthers on the Eastern Front until its eventual surrender to the U.S. Army in May of 1945.

The Das Reich Jagdpanther Ausf G2 comes in winter whitewash with a primer red interior and displays many late production modifications including a raised crew compartment heater over the left engine cooling exhaust fan, sliding plates over the right side air intakes to regulate radiator temperatures, and flame suppressing exhausts (Flammenvernichter). Its markings also include a stylized "G" on the front glacis plate and rear hull sides. This marking was evident on many Jagdpanthers and other panzers during this time frame and meant the vehicle had been treated with the winter antifreeze solution Glysantin. Prominently displayed, the Glysantin "G" alerted crews not to add the summer coolant Akorol, lest catastrophic engine damage occur.

JJ WWII Collection

First Legion

New First Legion March Releases!
Legio XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix

Legio XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix! The Imperial Roman legions were the backbone of the Roman army constantly engaged across the Empire both defending and expanding her far flung borders in a wide variety of geography and climates. Legio XIIII is our second foray into presenting the Legions of Rome as they would have appeared in colder climates as well as our second legion to be released which took part in, among many other campaigns, the Dacian Wars. The Legion was initially formed in 57 BC by Julius Caesar and participated in the majority of major campaigns between its formation and 198 AD. It earned the name Gemina ("twins") when it was combined with another heavily reduced strength legion in 31 BC and Martia Victrix ("martial and victorious") after the victory in Britain in 61 AD. Capricorn was the emblem of the Legion. For these particular figures, very special care was taken in the handed painted elements of the shield to achieve a very specific look that we were after and we could not be more pleased with how the figures came out, certainly the finest shields and overall release we've done for the series thus far. Because of the time consuming process of painting on the shields, we have produced fewer of these figures than we did with Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix.

  • To many items to individualy list.  Please click on the main link.

Glory of Rome - Legio VI Victrix



German Tiger I, 3rd Co 301st Heavy Panzer Battalion

BB007 Tiger "313" from the 3rd Company, 301st Heavy Tank Battalion. The Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E mounted the very high powered 8.8cm KwK 36 main armament which had a flat trajectory owing to the high muzzle velocity making it extremely accurate at very long ranges. With 100mm of frontal armor it was difficult for allied guns to penetrate. This tank remained in production until August 1944 when it was replaced by the Tiger II. Given its combat history, the "Tiger" is one of the most iconic tanks of the second world war. This variant of our Winter Tiger has been heavily kitted out with additional detail and stowage including jerry cans which are realistically secured to the hull deck, rear turret storage, various bags and equipment making it the most detailed variant of all of the Tigers we've produced to this point.

Battle of the Bulge

History Works
Cobi Toys

Cobi Toys

We are carrying a new product in the store designed for Kids aged 6 - 15, but the even bigger kids seem to be having a ton of fun with it. Using Lego style bricks to produce military style Vehicles of tremendous quality and design. They have been a great success in the store and make ideal birthday and Easter presents.

Cobi is a Polish toy company with its headquarters in Warsaw, Poland. Cobi's most prominent toys are building blocks with an interlocking stud and tube system similar to Lego blocks. Suitable for Children aged 6 -15 years.

  • To many items to individualy list.  Please click on the main link.


Hobby Master
Very best regards from Mike & Myszka Hall and the Sierra Toy Soldier team - Aidan, Ann, Barbara, Cody, Gary, Howard and Michael (the Kilted Vampire).