
I write this letter on behalf of Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania to request your or your organization’s support for the finalization of the Clean Air Act Rule by the EPA to reduce climate-warming methane emissions and health harming pollutants from oil and gas operations across the United States. EPA's current proposal would allow smaller wells with leak-prone equipment to forgo regular monitoring, despite the fact that the science is clear about the increased levels of pollution from these wells. EPA must work quickly to issue a supplemental rule that includes the strongest air pollution rules possible for the oil and gas industry, including enacting a ban on routine flaring, and eliminating potential loopholes that allow smaller wells with leak-prone equipment to forgo regular inspections. The finalization of this rule will improve the health outcomes for communities in Pennsylvania. 

Please see the attached sign on letter to EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan. 

As health professionals and concerned individuals, we must advocate for the communities that are put at risk everyday by the fracking industry. 


Marie DeMarco
Health Educator
Medical Advocacy Coordinator

Have questions or suggestions for PSR PA? Email us at [email protected].