Imagine the impact...of hundreds of people of all ages and abilities going out to serve those in need with compassion in Jesus' name! As part of our CONNECTED message series this past weekend Pastor Marc reflected on the amazing ways the Lord is moving among us along with the fact, it's definitely time to step out to serve as a community!

We were made for this!

Mark your calendar for...The Church Has Left The Building Serve Event on Saturday, Nov. 6! We will go out together into our community to be the Church by serving with the love of Jesus! No matter your age or abilities, with over 15 different serving sites/projects, there truly is something for everyone! Most serve projects will begin at 9:00AM and conclude no later than 12:00PM.

Now please take a choose what is best for you and/or your family and get signed up today!
Prayer Team | At Work Sites & On Campus

This group will be at serve sites to pray over the site, workers, families, and those who are being served as our work teams conquer tasks at hand. Some team members will gather in our St. John Chapel to pray in the same manner and include praying for our neighborhoods, communities and for Jesus’ love for them to shine through the work of our volunteers.
Neighbor to Neighbor Food Collection

Bring your wagons for this family-friendly serve opportunity suitable for all ages! In follow up to a postcard notification going out to our neighbors, this group will collect non-perishable food items door-to-door in the area surrounding our St. John campus. The food will be donated to Rochester Area Neighborhood House and God’s Helping Hands. 
Neighbor Yard Clean Up | Rochester Area – multiple sites

Multiple teams will go to assigned Rochester area resident homes to assist with yard clean up. This is a family-friendly serve opportunity appropriate for all ages.
Yard Clean Up | HOPE, Pontiac

This group will assist with general yard clean up, and weeding, and helping with fence repair. This is an adult-only serve opportunity.
Facility & Yard Clean Up | St. Paul Community Lutheran Church, Pontiac

This group will go to the St. Paul Lutheran Church facility to clean out the basement area, remove bushes, and help with landscaping, weeding and mulching. This is a family-friendly serve opportunity for all ages.  
Yard Clean Up | St. John Lutheran Church & School Campus

This group with assist with general yard clean-up, leveling of flower beds, planting, and spreading mulch. Detailed instruction will come with this serve opportunity. This is a family-friendly serve opportunity appropriate for all ages.
Site Leaders Needed

Each of these projects list above needs a site leader (or two) to make our efforts successful and we still need a few more leaders. Responsibilities include making a site visit ahead of time to assess needs and lead the team the day of the event.
Thank you for your willingness to serve together as One in Jesus, Reaching Many!

If you need any additional information about this event, please contact Jennie Eller, Mission & Ministry Coordinator, at or 248-402-8087.