With an observed average of 34 cars per minute passing each way under the pedestrian bridge over State Route 8 in Cuyahoga Falls, over 8,000 cars passed under our signs during the 2 hours of our sign wave. With an average of 2 people per car, that we sampled, over 16,000 citizens received our message about cleaning house at the FBI/DOJ/CIA and our demands for equal justice for ALL! This event was a huge success that was greeted by a majority of horn honks and friendly waves among a small minority of middle finger salutes! Thank you to the Patriots who attended! Those who did not join with us please plan to attend the next event! If you don't know why this important, please watch the video below from Tom Zawistowski today and then share it!
The Next Portage County TEA Party Meeting
will be held at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 23, 2019