Thanksgiving Meal Help Needed

Please Sign-up ASAP!

Once again, we'll be cooking turkeys the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and serving a full meal with all the trimmings on Thanksgiving Day to our Saturday community. If you can help by bringing a food item, cooking, prepping, setting up, serving, or cleaning up, we'd love your help! Sign up here.


Pledge Ingathering &

Feast of St. Andrew

Nov. 19, 8 & 10am

As a way to "savor the flavors of community", you're invited to participate in the annual St. Andrew's procession led by a bagpiper and drummer as part of 10am worship on November 19. We'll skip the procession at 8am, but still participate in a meaningful Ingathering ceremony. If you prefer, you can mail in your pledge card or complete one online. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Back to Basics/Newcomers' Class

 (req'd for Adult Confirmation)

Sundays, 11:15am-12:15am, 10/29-11/19

Whether you have some questions about what it means to be Episcopalian, would like a refresher on our tradition, or are planning to be confirmed by Bishop Susan when she visits on December 10th, this class is for you! Over the course of the four sessions, we'll cover Episcopal identity, theology, and history, as well as review The Book of Common Prayer.  Mother Dawn will be happy to answer questions, in-person or via email, about the class and/or about being received into the Episcopal Church. 

Savoring the Flavors of Community at St. Andrew's

Watch our celebratory video by clicking the image on the right

Join us in celebrating all that is wonderful about our St. Andrew's community by watching our celebratory video. Members of our community shared the one word that best describes St. Andrew's to them, and our Senior Warden, Julian Betts, compiled their responses into a celebration of all things wonderful about St. Andrew's. Enjoy!

Interfaith Service of Gratitude 

Monday, Nov. 20th, 7- 8:30pm, Rancho Santa Fe

You're invited to join the clergy of St. Andrew's at this Thanksgiving tradition. This year we'll be worshipping at the First Church of Christ-Scientist, 6165 La Flecha, Rancho Santa Fe, 92067. Please bring cookies to share at the post-worship reception.

Becoming Intentional

About Our Welcome

Nov. 5 & 26, Dec. 17, and Jan. 28

We are holding a series of forums exploring the difference between being an "accepting" congregation and becoming an "affirming" congregation. If you weren't able to join us at the first forum, you can view an overview of the material covered and watch an "intentional welcome" video here. Join us as we build on this discussion: Nov. 26, Dec. 17, and Jan. 28.

Poinsettia & Wreath Orders

Pre-orders only, due by Nov. 26

Purchase your Christmas wreaths and poinsettias from our youth group AND support their 2024 summer service trip. Order forms will be available in the Narthex on Sundays, or via this link, and can be left in the basket on the counter, or you can email Mindy (include quantities). Wreaths (22”) are $32 and Poinsettias (6”) are $22. Please include a check with your order form or pay online, choosing the “Wreaths & Poinsettias” fund. Items will be available for pick up on Dec 2 from 9:30am–1pm in the Bethlehem Lutheran parking lot.

Gearing up for Giving Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 28th

Giving Tuesday is coming up! This year, all proceeds will be put toward needed kitchen upgrades to help us serve our neighbors through our food programs. Please prayerfully consider what you might give, and be on the lookout for the link to donate on #givingtuesday.

Save the Date/Buy the Book

Wednesdays, 7-8pm via Zoom, Starting Nov. 29

In her imaginative book, Silence and Other Surprising Invitations of Advent, Enuma Okoro looks closely at the doubts and longings of Zechariah and Elizabeth. As we explore their story, we will reflect on our own experiences of waiting and longing, of grief and the need for community, and of hungering for God.

Advent Liturgy of Light and Remembrance

Tuesday, Dec. 12, 6:30pm, Chapel

Does the holiday season come wrapped in feelings that are less than joyful? Do you find that memories come flooding back, leaving you feeling anything but celebratory? Have you experienced a loss that makes this time of year extra challenging? If you long for a gentle space to experience God’s indwelling light, join us for prayer, music and contemplation. Time for individual blessings and anointings will be included.

This Week in Sunday School

Sunday School is on hiatus until December 10th. We are pausing for this week's Ingathering, next week's Thanksgiving holiday, and the very important visitor on December 3rd. We look forward to seeing everyone back on the 10th.

For more information about Children and Families Ministry click here.

Worship Livestream

Sundays, 10 am

If you can't join us in person click here to join the livestream worship. If the livestream is unsuccessful, there will be a recorded version posted to the website on Tuesday of the following week. Click here to access this week's bulletin.

Save the Date

  • 12/3 - Visit by St. Nicholas @ 10am
  • 12/10 - Bishop Susan's Visit & Confirmations
  • 12/24, 10am - Christmas Eve Morn (no 8am)
  • 12/24, 4pm - Nativity Pageant
  • 12/24, 9pm - Candlelight Christmas Eve
  • 12/25, 10am - Christmas Day (no 8am)
  • 4/19-21/2024 - Annual Women's Retreat
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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church | 760-753-3017 |
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