LandIQ ET Data Available Soon to View Online. Sign up now for Early Access to the Water Dashboard!

Landowners - you can join others in your area signing up to request early access to the Water Dashboard. The Water Dashboard is a tool that will help you track your ET data used to implement pumping cap policies.


Beginning summer 2022, landowners will have access to the same LandIQ data the Kaweah subbasin GSAs will use to track their pumping cap through a new online tool: the Kaweah Water Dashboard. Landowners will be able to view historical ET at the field level, with new data uploaded monthly, allowing for transparent implementation of new policies and associated billing.

Visit for more information. 

The Kaweah Water Dashboard is a joint effort between all three Kaweah Subbasin GSAs. If you own land in multiple GSAs, you will be able to view all data under a single user profile.

Request Early Access

Kaweah Water Dashboard Development Phases

The Kaweah Water Dashboard is a tool that empowers our landowners to strategically respond to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) by delivering key water use insights at the farm level. The Kaweah Subbasin GSAs have a long-term plan for the Water Dashboard that addresses the needs of their landowners and growers.

Development of the Water Dashboard is being done in phases, and future development will enable landowners to use the tool as a water accounting and trading platform. Enrolling early on will set our landowners up for a successful launch of future development phases. 

Phase 1

View historical evapotranspiration (ET) at the field level.

  • Understand ET data in the context of your farm operations and groundwater pumping
  • GSAs track ET data in relation to new groundwater allocation and pumping cap policies

Phase 2

Landowner water bank account.

  • Actively and efficiently manage groundwater and surface water supplies within the context of SGMA
  • GSA managers access full accounting of water in the subbasin and groundwater billing

Phase 3

Water management tools.

  • Landowners maximize profitability and optimize long-term asset planning
  • Management tools, including potential water marketing 
  • Maximum flexibility for landowners under SGMA

Landowners can sign up for early access to Phase 1 of the Water Dashboard at the link below:

Request Early Access to the Water Dashboard

Contact Johnny Gailey at or 559.906.6229
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