ID Federation is proud to announce that Vertafore will be the first agency mana
gement system certified to offer SignOn Once.
The partnership will enable agencies to reduce login and password issues and ensure a secure connection to carrier partners.
"Vertafore is psyched about bringing SignOn Once to our portfolio of insurance industry technology tools," says Bruce Winterburn, Vertafore's vice president of industry relations. "This is a game changer for both insurance agencies as well as carriers. It makes trusted transactions easier and faster, and ultimately enhances the industry's ability to serve customer needs."
If you're a Vertafore user and are VSSO enabled, contact your carrier(s) to see if they offer SignOn Once. Interested carriers can receive more information by emailing
Please Share New Video Outlining Value of SignOn Once
ID Federation Hires New Business Manager
Irv Kantar Business Manager
Insurance industry veteran Irv Kantar was named to the newly created post of business manager for ID Federation, the nonprofit coalition that created the SignOn OnceSM process for insurance professionals to connect with multiple business partners using a single, secure signon.
Kantar oversees planning, implementation and evaluation of ID Federation's programs and services. His efforts support the core initiative of enabling carriers and solution providers to become ID Federation members, complete certification for SignOn Once, and then implement the process.
Need More Info? New Brochure Released
We've created a new brochure to explain how SignOn Once works, how it connects to the industry and how you can get involved. Use it to:
Learn more about the SignOn Once process.
Inform colleagues about SignOn Once capabilities.
Enlighten carriers and management system providers.
View and download here. Plus, don't forget to share how you're using this new marketing tool.
Did You Know?
Password resets can cost up to $150 per incident in labor due to lost productivity.
Learn how SignOn Once can save you time, money and headaches.
ID Federation Attends 2017 NetVU Conference
ID Federation Inc., developer of SignOn Once, recently attended the NetVU conference in Nashville, Tennessee, in order
to create momentum throughout the industry and among influencers. The company hopes carriers will work toward offering SignOn Once to their agents after the interactions, conversations and awareness created at NetVU.
"SignOn Once is a great example of industry innovation spearheaded by volunteer efforts," says NetVU CEO Kitty Ambers. "We love sharing its progress and highlighting its achievements with our conference attendees."
At the event, representatives from ID Federation presented at the Agents Council for Technology meeting, participated in an Innovation Lounge Session and received a mention in the AMS360 Education Sessions. At the general session, Vertafore CEO Amy Zupon even mentioned how proud the company is to be the first SignOn Once-certified vendor.
Nellie Massoni, ID Federation advocate and senior product manager for connectivity at Vertafore, presents at the ACT meeting during the 2017 NetVU conference in Nashville, Tenn.. Photo Credit: NetVU
Jim Rogers, ID Federation volunteer board member and assistant vice president of eBusiness at The Hartford, provides an update at the ACT meeting. Photo Credit: NetVU
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ACORD Conference, October 24-26, Boston
MAIA Annual Conference & Trade Show, October 26-29, Boston