Reminder: Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period Ends this Saturday, January 15!
As of January 10, more than 296,000 Virginians had enrolled in or renewed their private health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace!
The Open Enrollment Period for the Marketplace will continue through this Saturday, January 15, 2022. This is a change from previous years, when the Marketplace Open Enrollment ended on December 15. So, Virginians got one extra month to shop for health insurance this year!
Don’t forget: Virginians can apply for and enroll in Medicaid/FAMIS year-round!
Virginia Will Extend Coverage to 12 Months Postpartum!
Beginning in mid-2022, women enrolled in Medicaid and FAMIS MOMS will receive continued coverage for one full year postpartum!
Currently, women in these programs are covered only for the duration of their pregnancy, and through the end of the month of their 60th day postpartum. While the Public Health Emergency (PHE) has kept many Medicaid members enrolled beyond their 60 days postpartum, extending FAMIS MOMS members’ coverage to the 12-month mark is a permanent change that will enable them to receive medical care so they and their newborns can stay healthy!
Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the 12-Month Postpartum coverage:
Who is eligible for the extended coverage? The 12-month extension of postpartum coverage will apply to lawfully-residing pregnant women enrolled in any covered group; if you are a member who becomes pregnant, be sure to report your pregnancy to your local worker so your coverage is protected.
What benefits will women be able to access during the year-long postpartum period? Women will continue to have access to the same comprehensive set of benefits offered by the programs now, including dental services, doctor visits, prescription coverage, and much more!
Will the 12-Month Extension apply to women enrolled in FAMIS Prenatal Coverage? No. Women enrolled in FAMIS Prenatal Coverage (coverage for pregnant women without regard to immigration status) will only maintain the coverage for the duration of pregnancy and 60 days postpartum, like they do now.
Application Assisters Help Nearly 1,500 Afghan Evacuees Enroll in Medicaid/FAMIS
Thanks to a herculean effort by Virginia’s Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), the Virginia Health Care Foundation’s (VHCF) Project Connect, and the Enroll Virginia Navigator team, 1,480 Afghan evacuees living in Virginia now have Medicaid/FAMIS!
This “tiger team” of Application Assisters traveled to 15 enrollment events at Fort Pickett and Quantico during Fall 2021, where they met face-to-face with Afghan families to help them apply for Medicaid/FAMIS. Norma Ryan, a VHCF Application Assister, summed up the feelings of all who helped, “ Helping these families made me feel full of gratitude, hope, and humility.”
As a reminder, an October 1 policy change meant that nearly all incoming Afghan evacuees meet the nonfinancial eligibility criteria for Medicaid/FAMIS. Adult Afghan evacuees (even those who enter as humanitarian parolees) are not subject to the 5-year bar.
“DMAS is grateful for – and proud of – the work of these Application Assisters,” said Sarah Hatton, DMAS Deputy Director for Administration. “We could not have enrolled so many individuals so quickly without their hard work!”
What Will the End of the End of the Public Health Emergency Mean for Those Covered by Medicaid?
When the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it allowed DMAS to create helpful new policies, flexibilities, and waivers; leverage enhanced federal Medicaid dollars; and, continue members’ Medicaid coverage without renewing eligibility annually.
Once the PHE ultimately expires, Virginia Medicaid will have one year to determine which of those currently covered by Medicaid are still eligible to retain coverage. This is referred to as “unwinding." Because this year-long enrollment event will be the largest in the history of Medicaid, it is important to start planning for it now. DMAS is planning for the PHE’s “unwinding,” and Virginians enrolled in Medicaid/FAMIS need to begin planning, too.
To facilitate this whole process, DMAS needs help to ensure that Medicaid/FAMIS members’ contact information is up-to-date, so that they can receive communication about renewals at the appropriate time.
If a member has moved or changed phone numbers since enrolling in Medicaid/FAMIS, s/he can report this important change:
- Online at,
- By calling the local Department of Social Services, or
- By calling Virginia’s One Benefits line at 1-833-5CALLVA.
For up-to-date information about the steps DMAS is taking to ensure eligible members remain covered after the PHE concludes, check out the NEW Cover Virginia PHE Planning page.
Oral Health: Impacts Beyond the Mouth
Growing evidence connects a healthy mouth with a healthy body. Here are some examples of why oral health is about much more than a smile:
High Blood Pressure: Putting off dental care during early adulthood is linked to an increased risk for high blood pressure.1
Diabetes: Untreated gum disease makes it harder for people with diabetes to manage their blood glucose levels.2
Dementia: Having 10 years of chronic gum disease (periodontitis) was associated with a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.3
Respiratory Health: Research shows that improving oral hygiene among medically fragile seniors can reduce the death rate from aspiration pneumonia.4
Adverse Birth Outcomes: Gum disease among pregnant women is associated with preterm births, low birthweight babies and preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that can cause organ damage and can be fatal.5
Smiles For Children is Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS dental program for children and adults, as of July 1, 2021. For information about Smiles For Children or to find a dentist in your area, call toll-free: 1-888-912-3456.
SignUpNow Workshops Available LIVE and On-Demand
The Virginia Health Care Foundation (VHCF) has added new live, virtual SignUpNow workshops in 2022, with more workshop dates to follow soon!
Can’t attend a virtual workshop? There is also an online, on-demand version of the SignUpNow training. On-demand workshops can be completed when it’s convenient for you, wherever you are – one module at a time. The on-demand workshops consist of the same content as the live trainings, broken down into 20-60-minute modules.
SignUpNow teaches the “ins and outs” of the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and post-enrollment information for Virginia’s Medicaid/FAMIS programs:
- New Adult Coverage
- Programs for children and pregnant women
- Plan First (family planning)
- Low Income Families and Children (LIFC) program
- Medicaid for Former Foster Care Youth
New Health Coverage for Adults: 600,000+ Enrolled!
As of mid-November 2021, more than 600,000 Virginians are enrolled in the New Health Coverage for Adults (“Medicaid Expansion”). This milestone represents the hard work of Virginia’s Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) and its partners to help ensure eligible Virginians obtain and keep their Medicaid health insurance, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.
Medicaid/FAMIS Enrollment
As of January 1, 2022, there were:
621,800 Virginians enrolled in the New Health Coverage for Adults
719,083 children enrolled in FAMIS and FAMIS Plus
26,875 pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid for Pregnant Women, FAMIS MOMS, or FAMIS Prenatal
152,502 parents or caretaker relatives enrolled in LIFC
2,078 young adults enrolled in Medicaid for Former Foster Care youth
48,732 adults enrolled in PlanFirst