March 19, 2021
Preaching this Sunday:
Rev. Josh Kilbourne
Acts 2: 41-47
Office hours are 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday, through Thursday.
Worship In-Person or Via Livestream

For the month of March, join us for blended worship at 9 am or 11 am in the Crest Center, online via Facebook Live, or on demand anytime after worship at 9 am via Facebook or YouTube. If you attend worship in-person, please be aware that we will do temperature checks, and we do require masks and social distancing.

In April, we anticipate moving the 11 am service back to the Sanctuary for a traditional service at 11 am and a contemporary service in the Crest at 9 am.

We will stream live from the Crest Center this Sunday with a blended worship service.

Beginning this Sunday, Nursery is available during 9 am and 11 am worship. RSVP is required. RSVP Below.
Family Church: March 21 & March 28, 2021
When?: March 21 and March 28th, during the 9:00 and 11:00 AM services, in-person.

What?: Downstairs in the Children's area, we will have Family Church! We will watch the church service together, and have activities and talk about some ways that parents can help engage their children in worship. This is designed for families that have children in grades Kindergarten through Third Grade. One parent or guardian must attend with your child (both parents are welcome!). All safety and COVID-19 protocols will be followed.

Why?: Family Church is designed to help your family transition back into in-person worship! We will also talk about ways to help your child and family enjoy worship together.
Adults, join us Sundays from 5 pm to 6:30 pm in the Interpreter's Room for a new class co-led by Rev. Josh Kilbourne and Director of Discipleship, Rebekah Ducote. We will focus on how we can open ourselves for the true path God intends for us and our relationship with Jesus.
All students (middle and high school) are welcome to join us for youth from 5pm-6:30pm on Sunday evening! All students participating in person must wear a mask, social distance and have their temperatures taken upon arrival. All Holston Conference and Signal Crest Health and Safety Guidelines will be followed closely.

We will continue to have an online presence. If you are joining us virtually, we encourage students to join our Signal Crest Youth YouTube page and the live chat from 5:10pm-6pm for our regular youth programming and then join their small group for a time of discussion via zoom from 6pm-6:30pm. Zoom links for your student's small group is below. Zoom links will be available for all groups even if their group is in person.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Drew Barton (
We are excited to share a new opportunity to connect with the Howard School this spring through their baseball program. We are in need of 24 individuals or families to partner with the baseball program as prayer partners for this upcoming season (March-May). This partnership will include praying for a player, writing a weekly note of encouragement to a player and supporting a player at a game (or more) this spring. If you have any questions, contact Drew Barton ( or Connie Young (
Join us for a churchwide work day on Saturdays, March 20th and 27th. Most of the work is outdoors so please dress appropriately (masks are required). If you have trimmers, pruners, or other yard tools, please bring them to assist with landscaping clean up.
The next United Methodist Women Book Club will meet on Wednesday, March 24 at 10:00 am via Zoom. They will be reading Dangling: I may have cancer, but cancer doesn't have me! by Amy Carr. To receive the Zoom link email Rebekah Ducote:
Fuse Family Nights are back. Join Ms. Rachel and others Sunday evenings for fun time of connection and faith. Fuse can be found on the YouTube channel below.
Join us on Wednesday nights at 6 pm via Zoom for a quick in-person, yet virtual weekly connection point with Bible stories, games, and fellowship.
Prayer List
Please Remember in Prayer: Our college students • Students , Teachers, and Parents • All medical professionals • All impacted by the Corona Virus • Emily Drake • Betty Bonnard • Kathy Gardner •  Jon Preston • Doug and Shea Williams • Ray and Joyce Feher • Betty Spaulding • Matthew Coker, son of John and Megan • Jane Duncan Brown • Mary Nelle Moreland • Mary Lynn Newman • Shonda Nix • Monteen Smith • Liz Blair • Tom Breeding, father of Callie Kilbourne • Martha Rodgers • Jennie Owen • Pat Boles • Caroline Raborn • Ray Hamilton • Linda Hurstad • Phyllis Copeland • Hailey Reynolds • Aethon S'aulis and family, nephew to Dave and Chamar Drane • Katie Wildman •  Lisa Gillie • Linda Moore •Kathi Shuster • Charles (Chay) Adams • Myra Creasman • Dennie Wolfgang • Mary Jane Hardison • Elizabeth Barton • Lynn Heck • Randy and Becky Beavers • Bob Anderson • Sherry Markwell, daugther of Les and Kay Wallace • Janice Davis, mother of Julie Lane • Bill and Dorothy Brevard, Darien Brevard's parents • Duane Case • Allison Maynard • Farrell Eaves • Shannon Lowe and family on the passing of Shannon's mother, Anne

All who are serving in our military • Those from Signal Crest serving in the military: Eric Delwiche • Tim Wolfgang, who is actively deployed to the middle east for 6 to 8 months

Member Needs
It is the desire of the church to call on members who are in the hospital or ill at home. Members and friends of Signal Crest, knowing of such cases, are encouraged to notify the church by calling the church office at 423-886-2330 and leaving a message. If you are calling after office hours, contact Rev. Bill Thornton via cell at 423-580-0892. 

Prayer Chain
If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please send a note to Kay Wallace at

Freezer Meal Pantry
This is a reminder that Signal Crest United Methodist Church has a Frozen Meals Ministry. Meals are kept in the downstairs refrigerator, and you are welcome to provide them for families and individuals as needed. Members are also encouraged to participate in this service by providing meals. Please contact Faye Hitchcock (423-280-0091), or Bertie Strickler (804-922-1610) regarding utilizing and serving in this ministry.
Membership Vows in the United Methodist Church
Be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church and do all in your power to strengthen its ministries; Faithfully participate in its ministries by your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Get Plugged In
In addition to ministry highlights above, here are a few links you may find useful:
We encourage you to pray about Signal Crest and to invest as you feel called. If you would like to plan or make a gift to help meet ministry needs for 2021, please click below.
We discourage the use of credit cards
if you will incur debt in the process.