Hazardous Weather Training is Important Year-round |...
With ice and snow recently in the forecast, it is an important reminder to ensure there is adequate coverage with individuals in your unit with Hazardous Weather Training.
COVID-19 Modifications to be Rolled Back | Signs Up!
As of March 1, 2022, all temporary changes made to Scouts BSA advancement requirements to address the COVID-19 pandemic will expire, and there will be a return to the standard rules for Scouts BSA advancement.
Fishawack's Finest Dinner Moved to May | Signs Up!
Fishawack's Finest Fellowship Dinner has been rescheduled to May 17, 2022. Fishawack packs, troops and crews are encouraged to honor one of their volunteers with the Fishawack's Finest award.
Deadline for Crew Registration for Philmont 2023 Nears | ...
Is your unit looking to take part in a Philmont high adventure in 2023? The online crew application is now available through January 21, 2022, to take advantage of an opportunity to experience the Watchu program as a council contingent.
Now for a limited time, you can obtain a gift certificate for a Scout to use on a variety of Patriots' Path Council-sponsored programs. This may include day camp, summer camp, Philmont, NYLT, NOAC, Sea Base or the National Jamboree.