"We need to confront the impact of bias and racism in our systems at every level and to move, boldly, into action to create change."
The recent state sponsored killings of George Floyd and Breona Taylor by law enforcement have fueled an uprising across the country, as communities have stood up and demanded greater accountability from law enforcement and for the violence and discriminatory treatment directed at Black communities by the police to cease. This includes here in the Commonwealth, where thousands took to the streets - from Boston's Franklin Park to Brockton, Newton to Taunton, and many others - demanding change. Now we ask that this incredible passion and energy for change be directed towards our  our state legislators and policy makers. Take action to shed light on the racial impact of the legal system and hold law enforcement accountable!
Email your State Legislators asking them to support a set of bills, which combined constitute a package of reforms supported by CfJJ and our allies promoting racial justice in Massachusetts.
Action Item 1: Find your State Representative and State Senator here and email them using this sample email script .

Action Item 2: Amplify this message on Social Media. Download graphics for facebook , twitter and instagram.

Action Item 3: Share these demands on your social media platform tagging your State Representative and State Senator's social media profiles.

Action Item 4: Invite your friends and network of activists to take action and link to this page .