Ordinary People. Extraordinary Community.
And Special Request

As you can see, tremendous progress is being made on the Garden Project. Within this report are pictures taken of the garden on Wednesday June 9th.

This is the first bed which was planted a month ago. It contains five varieties of kale, onions and other assorted greens. The first harvest of kale was taken off a week ago. In total, 7.5 kg of kale was harvested and taken to the Glen Cairn Community Centre to be distributed to members of their community. The kale has grown back quickly and will be harvested again in the next week or so. 

This bed was planted last week and contains four varieties of Tomatoes, Eggplant and Peppers. 
This bed (below left) contains seed potatoes and was planted two weeks ago. As you see the potato plants are now emerging.

We currently have five, 100-gallon totes of water set up to support the garden. Jeremy and the two Students have been very creative and resourceful by converting this wooden pallet into a potting table. 

SPECIAL REQUEST- We are in need of 2x4’s, 1x6’s or 4x4’s to create additional potting tables and benches to put around the garden. If you have any spare pieces of wood greater than 2 feet in length, it would be greatly appreciated and you can drop them off beside the storage shed at the front of the garden. 

The final picture is the metal bin used to store all the garden tools, plastic ground cover and other supplies to operate the garden.

SPECIAL REQUEST- We are in need of two shelving units to help keep the supplies organized and off the floor of the bin. If you have an old shelving unit you are no longer using, dimensions 6 feet tall, 3 or 4 feet wide and 18 inches or 2 feet deep, we would very much appreciate your donation. The shelving units can be dropped beside the bin.
Thank you for your continued support of the Garden Project.

Randy Donkervoort