Graceview E-News

December. 1 , 2022

What does God have In store for the family of Graceview in 2023?

On January 7, 2023 We are hosting an ALL-CHURCH-FAMILY MEETING, at 9 a.m. It is important for you, as a church member, to participate in a congregation led church. Together, as God’s family, filled with the Holy Spirit, using God’s Word and his wisdom, He will provide direction for Graceview through you; in ministry, outreach, restoring relationships, and enlarging God’s Kingdom.

To plan for productive and meaningful conversations, we are asking you to participate in a church evaluation. We need your heart-felt honest answers. Your answers will require prayer. Carefully follow the instructions. Here is the LINK.

The more members who participate, the more productive the meeting can be. Your submissions will be received until Dec 14. Please remember this will be a “meeting” to provide solutions, vision, and hope for the future of Graceview.

Your input is vital to Graceview. 

1 Corinthians 12:26-27, “If one member suffers, everyone suffers with it. If a member is honored, all rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and each of you is a member of it.”

Pray thru the Bible with us, Zechariah 9:9-13

We can have great joy from this side of the cross in the prophesy fulfilled in Zechariah 9, "your king comes to you, righteous and victorious," This is the continued glorious walk, in which we get to spend intimate time with our savior. He will be evident in us as we cling together in unity to do God's will. ~Church Staff


Our annual collection for Tomball Area Nursing Homes has begun. We will be distributing much needed gifts the week before Christmas, so please bring your gifts to the display in the Welcome Center area on or before December 18. Place your presents in gift bags only - no tissue or wrappings please. If you have questions give Kathleen a call/text, 281-728-6776.

New or gently used:

  • Afghans or Lap Blankets
  • Warm Up Pants, S/M/L
  • Costume Jewelry
  • Non Skid Footies
  • Small Stuffed Animals


  • Carmex
  • Bubble Bath
  • Liquid Soap
  • Lotions

There are only a few weeks left to support Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministry by collecting coats at Graceview. Last day to drop off your donation is December 15. Drop off donations at the display located in the church office reception area.

Coats should be clean - new or used.

TEAM food donations are always welcomed. Look for the red wagon in the office reception area (North Entrance) thru December.

Would you like to donate Christmas gifts for T.E.A.M. clients?

"HERE" is a gift idea list. Please deliver your purchased gifts in their original packaging, unwrapped to Tomball Bible Church.

TEXT Shirley Leigh (281-923-8338) to schedule your delivery to Tomball Bible Church's main entrance. These are the available dates/times for delivery:

Dec. 2, 10 AM - 2 PM

Dec. 5, 10 AM - 2 PM

Dec. 7, NOON - 2PM

Dec. 9, 10 AM - 2 PM

Delivery instructions are SUPER IMPORTANT. Your gifts will not be receive without an appointment for delivery. You are responsible for the delivery of your gifts. Graceview is not collecting gift items.

Holiday Opportunities for You!

This event is for the public too. You can copy this ad and share with friends and neighbors. Share it from Facebook TOO!

Bring your favorite cut of meat, your own drinks and a chair. Everything else will be provided. RSVP by Dec 7 to Rob Thrower,

Dates to Remember Thru the Holidays


3, Women's Christmas Banquet

9, Family Movie Night - You're Invited!

10, Men's BYOB Event, RSVP by Dec 7 to Rob Thrower

11, Parents Night Out - Birth thru 5th Grade, sign up your family "HERE"

15, Last day to donate coats for TEAM

15, Last Regular Thursday Evening for 2022

18, Special Called Business Meeting just after Worship Service - Congregational vote for 2023 budget & nominated deacons for deacon council. They are: Stuart Thrower, Barrett Pace, Ryan Atkinson, Mark Solt

23 & 26, Office Closed for Christmas

24, Christmas Ever Service, 6 PM

25, No Sunday School

25, Christmas Day Worship Service Online Only, 10:30 AM on You Tube

30, Last day to give contributions to reflect giving in 2022, by NOON


1, In-person Worship Celebration, 10:30 AM-No Sunday School

2, Church Office Closed for New Years

7, ALL CHURCH FAMILY MEETING, 9 AM. Link to Evaluation

12, Regular Thursday Nights Resume, 6 PM

15, Spirit Walk: What If... (5-Week Session), 9 AM

29, 5th Sunday Fellowship and Breakfast, 9 AM, Fellowship Hall

Church Calendar

Dear Ministry Leaders, be sure to fill in Facility Request Forms for 2023

(Sunday school is an exception)

$$$ Do You Accept The Challenge?

We want to keep reminding you of the challenge for increased and consistent giving to recover from the unpredictible deficit we found ourselves in earlier in 2022, and how to manage 2023 giving. Here's the challenge:

  • 100 families giving $100 extra per week covers the deficit by year-end.

$10,000 more in tithing per week. That is $40,000/mo above our base level giving is what is needed to recover the deficit by year-end.

  • Going forward in January (once the deficit is recovered).

Those same 100 families would increase their weekly giving by $20 a week.

$8,000/month. That is $96,000 more a year to cover the budget needs for 2023.  

God can do this through our faith and generosity to return back what already belongs to him! Do you accept the challenge? #returnthetithe #testgodwithgenerosity

Give at our website


TOTAL ....................... $12,422.59

General Fund .............. 12,008.59

Growing in Grace ............. 414.00

Our Weekly Budget for the General Fund is $14,000.00


The last day to receive contributions to reflect 2022 giving is Friday December 30, NOON.