News & Updates

May 10, 2024 Issue

TCNT Annual Luncheon, September 20, 2024

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DART Begins Testing Silver Line Vehicles on Local Rails

Dallas Area Rapid Transit began testing vehicles for the Silver Line rail on May 5 and announced plans to continue tests into 2025, according to a news release.

DART is running Silver Line trains on the Trinity Railway Express tracks to test the vehicles, train operators and vehicle systems. The train will run full routes on the TRE from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each Sunday over the next few weeks.

The test runs are occurring on Sunday since there is no regular service scheduled on that day of the week. The train will make brief stops at each station along the TRE though no passengers will be allowed to board during the tests.

“It's exciting for everyone associated with this project because this means we’re that much closer to opening for revenue service and having passengers on these new trains,” said Anthony Fuller, vice president of Silver Line maintenance and operation, in a statement. “The goal is to operate these vehicles and ensure that all the systems are operating as they should while running, stopping and starting on the tracks. Much like a new car before it’s put on the lot, we want to make sure that everything is ready to go starting day one for our customers.”

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TxDOT developing Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is developing a Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan (SMTP), which will take a comprehensive look at current and emerging forms of public transportation and the intersection between transit and active transportation. 

The SMTP will lay the foundation for future transit plans by supporting local and regional public transportation plans, uncovering gaps and opportunities and developing strategies to meet future challenges facing the growing state. 

Developing the SMTP will allow TxDOT to identify strategies that will address access, connectivity, safety and congestion-relief solutions across the state. 

Through public outreach in fall 2023, TxDOT visited rural and urban areas, covering 155 out of Texas’ 254 counties. Talking with people who do or do not use transit and with various backgrounds, TxDOT notes the conversations helped gather valuable insights into what Texans need and expect when it comes to transit. 

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Fort Worth Mayor Makes Urban Rail System a Priority

Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker has announced the creation of a new committee to examine bringing a fixed rail system to the city. 

The Mayor’s Urban Rail Committee Supporting Economic Development & Tourism, launched with Trinity Metro, will explore the creation of a rail system between Fort Worth’s entertainment districts, as well as potential financial support and mechanisms for construction and operations. 

“It is about tourism and economic development. Absolutely,” Parker said. “But I think there’s a huge element to also meeting the needs of the population that lives here, that enjoys those entertainment districts.”

The committee, formally announced May 2, will also look at legislative priorities and how different organizations can enhance possible economic development and tourism rail projects. Consultant Jay Chapa, a former deputy city manager now working to establish a downtown Fort Worth campus with the Texas A&M system, will chair the committee. 

Paul Paine, president of the nonprofit Fort Worth Stockyards, Inc. and one of the new committee’s members, described the committee as an “exploratory” team to research and determine what the city’s transportation needs are before committing to a potential rail system in the future. He said he’s joining the committee “with an open mind, without preconceived ideas or agendas,” other than his belief that a new transportation system could be a tool to help grow accessibility in Fort Worth. 

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Irving Infrastructure Summit is Back!

The City of Irving and the North Texas Commission have teamed up to bring back the Infrastructure Summit. This comprehensive event will span a full day and a half, featuring a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Regional Transportation Council (RTC), and showcasing panel discussions dedicated to addressing crucial infrastructure vital for sustaining the region's growth. 


When: Thursday, August 8 – Friday, August 9, 2024


Where: Irving Convention Center at Las Colinas (500 W. Las Colinas Blvd)


Hosted by: The City of Irving and the North Texas Commission 

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Transit Coalition of North Texas