February 9, 2017
Shevat 13, 5777
In This Issue
D'var Torah
Inside the Classroom
School Notes and Reminders
Catching up with Classmates
Mazel Tov
Community News
Silver Snapshots

Open House & Student Showcase
We are excited to celebrate our school and students' work!

February 9  -   7 :00-8:00 pm
The Silver Academy,  Wolfson Cafeteria

Hear from students, parents, and faculty as we showcase every aspect of our school and open our doors to the community. See you tonight!
D'var Torah 

D'Var Torah for Parshat B'shalach
by Rabbi Gewirtz
CLICK HERE  to read  this week's D'var Torah.

Inside the Classroom

Middle School Language Arts
Mrs. Sandy Nussbaum

"Flowers for Algernon," a short story by Daniel Keyes, has captivated our Middle School Language Arts students.  It is a story about Charlie, a 37 year old man with a low IQ, who is the subject of a scientific experiment designed to triple a person's IQ. Both Charlie and a white mouse named Algernon undergo this experimental surgery. Sadly, the positive results for both Charlie and Algernon prove to be temporary and Charlie reverts back to the way he was.

As a culminating activity we created BODY BIOGRAPHIES! Each of our four groups crafted a "life-size" Charlie. The students divided the tasks, some creating the actual Charlies and others researching quotes and ideas from the text which demonstrated Charlie before and Charlie after the operation.  They used Charlies' head to explain his thoughts, his right arm to show his strengths, his left arm to show his weaknesses, his heart to reveal his desires, his back to share his secrets, and his legs to verify his beliefs. The results of the research were affixed to the actual Charlies  which were then shared and displayed.  This activity provided our students with the opportunity to cooperate with one another in a small group, as well as to develop their abilities to analyze  and view the literature from a different perspective.

2nd Grade Hebrew
Morah Alla (Mrs. Alla Fligelman)

If you ask students in second grade about learning Hebrew, they will assuredly say that they love it! This is due in large part to the new online iTaLAM program that our school started using this year. This is an addition to the "TaLAM" program that we have used for several years. The new program provides fun, interactive, online activities that are curriculum driven. Here's a little about what we have been studying, and how the iTaLAM program enhances our learning.
The Month of Shevat is here and we are busy reviewing information learned in Kitah Alef regarding nature and the holiday Tu B' shevat. We use the "Camera" game in iTaLAM to review vocabulary.
Through iTaLAM, we began a guided exploration of all types of trees. The end goal is to write our own "Tree Research Project" in Hebrew, which is very exciting ! We will be composing our own "Tree Book" with iTaLAM. A "Check List" in Hebrew will help and guide us to make sure we are focused on the task and remember all the parts and details necessary to make the book.
While learning each of the stages of our research project, we continue to expand our vocabulary and to practice Hebrew reading and listening comprehension through the books we read, activities and games we play, some online and some in the classroom. Throughout the unit, we also practice our Hebrew grammar, speaking and syntax.
Looking ahead, we are very excited about our yummy Tu B'shevat Celebration - The New Year for the Trees in Israel, as we strengthen our learning and connection to the land of Israel.



School Notes and Reminders


  • Learn ways to respond to your child's writing that will inspire them to continue creating and sharing their work.
  • Open to Silver Academy parents and community members
  • RSVP by Feb 21 to Amy at The Silver Academy: [email protected] or 717-238-8775
CLICK HERE  for more information

JCC HBG Basketball

Come Support Our Basketball Players!

Click Here for Game Schedules - (Boys and Girls)

See you at the game!

Catching up with Classmates

Noah Gorelick
Class of 1999

7th grade - 1998

Front Row:  Noah Gorelick, Julia Fankston-Morris, Kenneth Ellenberger, Michael Siegel, Shoshana Kurlantzick.  Top Row: Mr. Gold, Rachel Gewirtz, Igor Krashunskiy, Vitaliy Zayatz, Roni Parsowith, Rabbi Skaist

"SUPER" Good News!

to Rabbi Elisha and Yamit Friedman on the birth of their baby boy during the Super Bowl on Sunday February 5!

From the Office of Development

Join us for our "Year 1 Legacy Celebration"

Come celebrate our community success as we thank those who signed a letter of intent to secure our Jewish future!

Thursday, March 2nd, 6:00 pm, at Stock's Manor

CLICK HERE  for more information 
or contact Shari Dym, [email protected]

Community News

Mark your calendar!

CLICK HERE for more info on this Seder

Order Your Challah Here

Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers
  • Order your challah by Thursday at this website:  challahwithatwist.com. It will be delivered to school on Friday.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist , or use  .
"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.
Varda Gewirtz, 717-919-1358

  Silver Snapshot Snapshots

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Visit our Silver Academy Facebook page!



Feb 9, 7:00-8:00 pm
Open House and Student Showcase
CLICK HERE for info

Feb 17 - School IS Open (This is a schedule change)

Feb 20, No School

Feb 27, 6:00 pm
Parent Cafe' - Writing Workshop
CLICK HERE for info 

March 2, 6:00 pm
Legacy Celebration

Life and Legacy


Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!

Click Here to...

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Don't Miss These
EASY, Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities!

Clip  BoxTops 4 Education symbols on General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nestle Juicy Juice, Progresso soups and others. Each is worth 10ยข and can be redeemed by The Silver Academy for cash! Please visit the  Box Tops 4 Education  website for more details.

Giant Gift Cards
Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash. The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold!  You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.

This is how it works...Download the free Shoparoo App on your phone and use the code VuG13074. You will then complete a profile and pick The Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy. Then after you complete a shopping trip, take a picture of the receipt using the camera on your phone with the app open. It is that easy! Once a year, Shoparoo sends the school a check from the percentages!