From Rachel Zilbering, Principal
It's Adar and we are happy! This has been a fun week at The Silver Academy and it is not over yet! There has been joyful singing and dancing in the halls each morning...It is such a wonderful way to start the day. Each day
we had a different dress-up theme, and students expressed their creativity in ways that I never expected. You can see many highlights in the pictures below.
Since Purim falls on Saturday night and Sunday,
we will be having our Purim celebration this Friday
with activities and an abridged Megillah reading. I hope to see you at one of the many Purim events around Harrisburg this weekend.
Shabbat shalom
D'Var Torah
by Alana Reid, 8th Grade
to read
this week's
D'var Torah
for Parshat Tetzaveh
Morah Tamara (Mrs. Tammy Reid)
is busy learning about the four mitzvot of Purim; hearing the megilla, giving gifts to the poor, sending mishloach manot, (gift baskets of food), and eating a Purim seudah, (feast).
We baked hamantaschen, made our own megilla with an abbreviated story of Queen Esther. We read Sammy Spider's Purim story and made a
gragger (
noisemaker) like the one Josh created in the story. We even put a paper spider inside because Sammy the Spider crawled inside Josh's
. I call our
mishloach manot
project "Shalach Magnets." We made a basket of
(blessing) cards with different food for each
. The cards have magnets on the back with the intent that they end up on the 'fridge' to help us make
Chag Purim Same'ach (Happy Purim)
Morah Tamara
Art Class
Mrs. Debra Reitmulder
Art is a favorite class of many students here at The Silver Academy. Students use a variety of techniques and media while creating beautiful works of art. They also learn about famous artists and their unique art styles and techniques. Here is an insight into a few of our student projects.
7th and 8th grades:
Optical Illusion Hand prints. This was a lesson in measurement and color selection. Student's traced their hands first and then measured 1/2" sections on each side of the paper. The measured sections were connected without drawing through the hand prints. They drew arcs inside of the handprints. Each arc had to attach to a line to make the optical illusion visible. Students choose at least 3 colors to complete the project.
5th & 6th grade - "Trees of Life" in the style of Gustav Klimt, made with tissues paper and tempera paint. The background was made by gluing tissue paper to white paper using a glue "wash" of glue and water. Once the tissue dried, Tempera paint trees were painted on the tissue. |
4th grade - Torn tree project showing shadows from the moon. Shadows are made using oil pastels.
- Torn paper snowmen with tempera paint snowflakes.
3rd grade - Pointillism trees. The artist Georges Seurat was discussed as well as his style of painting (Pointillism), using only dots to create his art. Student's used the eraser end of a pencil to create their works of art.
1st and 2nd grades - Teddy bear designs in the style of Piet Mondrian.
4th grade - Tree landscape in the style of Eloise Renouf, a designer and illustrator from the U.K. The students cut paper for the leaves and then added the tree forms using indelible marker. Perspective, placement, color and weight of the artwork were discussed.
If you want to share your story, recent event or just send a shout out, please email us at
Lisa Isaacman Micley
A 1970 Graduate
JCC - Mary Sachs Auditorium
Mishloach Manot Cards
What is better than a basket of goodies on Purim day?
A little relaxation with your festivities!
Help your friends unwind as they celebrate with the hottest trend-adult coloring pages- in our exclusive 2017 Purim postcard.
- Cost: $1 per card
- To purchase cards, call the school office 717-238-8775
- Proceeds benefit the Silver Academy PTO.
Purim Pasta Pizazz Seudah
Sunday, March 12, 2017 - 6:00 pm
JCC Mary Sachs Auditorium
Let's celebrate Purim together over a meaty pasta experience with all the fixings, and Morah Tamara's homemade hamentaschen for dessert!
$12 per person / $40 max per family
or 717-238-8775 by March 8, 2017
Make checks payable to The Silver Academy
This event is a fund raiser for The Silver Academy Israel Trip
Challah With a Twist
Offers Weekly Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers
- Order your challah by Thursday at this website: It will be delivered to school on Friday.
Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist
, or use
"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years. Varda Gewirtz, 717-919-1358 |
Having fun getting ready for Purim!
Making Hamantaschen
Hebrew classes have an "upside down day"...
boys and girls switch roles!
Crazy Hair Day!
Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!
Click Here to...

Don't Miss These
EASY, Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities!
Clip BoxTops 4 Education symbols on General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nestle Juicy Juice, Progresso soups and others. Each is worth 10ยข and can be redeemed by The Silver Academy for cash! Please visit the
Box Tops 4 Education
website for more details.
Giant Gift Cards
Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash. The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold! You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.
This is how it works...Download the free Shoparoo App on your phone and use the code VuG13074. You will then complete a profile and pick The Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy. Then after you complete a shopping trip, take a picture of the receipt using the camera on your phone with the app open. It is that easy! Once a year, Shoparoo sends the school a check from the percentages!