April 6, 2017
10 Nisan, 5777
Our next Silver Summary will be April 27! 
Wishing everyone a happy Passover! 
D'var Torah
Inside the Classroom
Student Award Winners!
School Notes and Reminders
Catching Up with Classmates
Development Office News
Silver Snapshots
From Rachel Zilbering, Principal

This has been quite a week here at The Silver Academy!  Our Judaic studies classes have been learning about and preparing for Passover during the past several weeks, and it all came to fruition with our model seders.  On Tuesday , we held four different model Seders that were built around age-appropriate learning and development. I hope that all of the students will bring home some of their experiences to share during family seders next week. 

Tonight is a big event for Silver Academy students! Our spring program, "The Celebration of Learning", will be held at 6:45 in the Mary Sachs Auditorium. Students have been practicing and are excited to present musical and theatrical performances that highlight their general studies classes. You won't want to miss this joyous event!

There is so much more to tell! Please take a few minutes to read the articles and look at the pictures in this issue.

Shabbat shalom and Happy Passover to everyone. 

D'Var Torah 
on the Haggadah: The "Rasha"
by Joshua Jackson

to read  this week's  D'var Torah 


1st Grade General Studies
Mrs. Brandy Hurley

Recently, the first grade traveled to 5 different countries, all from the comfort of our classroom! As part of our 'Cinderella Around the World' unit, we learned about Mexico, Egypt, China, Russia and Ireland. After learning facts about each country, we read a Cinderella tale that originated from there. This allowed us to compare setting, plot and characters from each book. Learning about different cultures helped us understand the differences in each story and how each culture developed its own version of Cinderella. We had the privilege of having Meyer's mother, Seena share her knowledge of the Mexican culture. In computer class, they were able to visit some of these countries via Google Earth! 

1st and 2nd Grade Hebrew
Morah Alla

Wow - spring is beginning, the flowers will soon bloom and there is so much to do in preparation for the holiday of Pesach.

In 1st and 2nd grades we have been learning how to prepare for the holiday, the names of the holiday, the symbols of the Seder and finally Magid - the story of Pesach, which we prepared as a musical play that was part of our model seder. To practice our parts, we used iTalam animated Pesach story, where we read and recorded ourselves singing and speaking. It helped strengthen our Hebrew reading and speaking fluency, syntax, vocabulary and grammar. In each section of the animated story we answered comprehension questions using a video clip as a resource to help us remember the story.
 After students practiced individually with the iTalam computer program, we came together to perform the story and really felt ourselves as slaves breaking from slavery to freedom, with G-d's mighty hand. We also made costumes and beautiful decorations for our play!
We loved practicing setting the Seder table and are ready to help at home...we really know what needs to be on the Seder table and the meaning of each part of the Seder. 
All of our learning culminated Tuesday at a joyous Model Seder, full of stories, songs, and good food! We would like to thank all of the parents, grandparents and friends who came to share our simcha!
We wish you a happy and kosher Pesach!



Science Fair Award Winners!

Recently several of our seventh and eighth grade students participated in the 60th anniversary celebration of the Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair held at the Whitaker Center in Harrisburg. Students in seventh through twelfth grades from the Capital Area presented their science fair projects and answered questions from a panel of judges. This year a total of 360 students attended the fair. Samuel Shvartsman, Chaim Bell, and Alana Reid represented the Silver Academy and received second place awards for their projects.

In addition to her second place award, Alana was selected to participate in the PA BioGENEius 2017 Challenge! It is a science competition to display innovative and original science research projects in Biotechnology. Harrisburg University's Biotechnology program hosts the event. What a wonderful opportunity!

Chaim was the Junior Division winner of the 2017 Capital Area Science and Engineering Fair special award recipient in Statistics. The award was based on his understanding and application of statistical methods used in his science fair project. The Harrisburg Chapter of the American Statistical Association presented him with a certificate and a $50 cash award. In addition, Chaim received the Junior Division Chemistry Award. This special award was presented by the Susquehanna Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for his pursuit of excellence in science and engineering. Chaim was awarded with a certificate and a $100 check.

We are so proud of all the students' accomplishments!

Holocaust Essay 1st Place Winner!

Alana Reid, an eighth grader at The Silver Academy, was the first place winner of the Schwab Holocaust Essay Contest! The contest is sponsored by the Schwab Holocaust Education Fund of the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg, and was open to Central Pennsylvania students in 8th through 12th grades. Alana received the first place prize of $500.00

This year's topic was: How can individuals and societies remember and commemorate difficult histories like the Holocaust? What is the purpose of remembering? What are the consequences of forgetting?

Alana and other winners will read their essays at the Harrisburg Yom Ha'shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) commemoration. If you would like to attend, it will be held Sunday, April 23, at 11:00, at the Harrisburg Holocaust Memorial (1300 block of Front Street, along the Susquehanna River) . We are very happy for Alana's success!

CLICK HERE to read Alana's Essay!


Kesher Israel Congregation 

Silver Academy  Shabbaton


April 8 - 

Pre-Pesach Meal


CLICK HERE for info about the menu, cost, and registering



If you want to share your story, recent event or just send a shout out, please email us at [email protected]

Julia Glick
Class of 2005



A Peak at the Past


CLICK HERE to read EITC news and updates!

Thank you to our EITC Supporters! 


Next Challah Pickup will be Friday, April 21!

Challah With a Twist 

Offers Weekly Order and Delivery To Students and Teachers
  • Order your challah by Thursday at this website:  challahwithatwist.com. It will be delivered to school on Friday.
  • Send check to school, payable to Challah with a Twist , or use  .
"Challah With a Twist", (a.k.a. Varda Challah), has been providing home baked challah for the Harrisburg community for over 20 years.
Varda Gewirtz, 717-919-1358


More Pictures from Our Model Seders

Model Seder with the JCC Seniors

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April 6, 6:45 pm
Celebration of Learning

April 7
CANCELLATION - No Kabbalat Shabbat

April 8
Silver Academy Shabbaton at Kesher Israel

April 10-14
No School

April 17-18
No School

April 26 - May 9
7th-8th Israili Trip

May 1, 8:15 am
Yom Hazikaron 

May 2, 9:30
Yom Haatzma'ut Celebration

Life and Legacy


Silver Summary is for Grandparents too!

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EASY, Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities!

Clip  BoxTops 4 Education symbols on General Mills, Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Nestle Juicy Juice, Progresso soups and others. Each is worth 10ยข and can be redeemed by The Silver Academy for cash! Please visit the  Box Tops 4 Education  website for more details.

Giant Gift Cards
Purchase these dollar for dollar in the school's office, and then spend them the same as cash. The Silver Academy earns 5% - that's $50 earned for every $1,000 sold!  You may also purchase by calling Susan at 717-608-0190.

This is how it works...Download the free Shoparoo App on your phone and use the code VuG13074. You will then complete a profile and pick The Rabbi David L. Silver Yeshiva Academy. Then after you complete a shopping trip, take a picture of the receipt using the camera on your phone with the app open. It is that easy! Once a year, Shoparoo sends the school a check from the percentages!