January 6, 2022
Silverdale Chamber of Commerce Survey
What is the biggest challenge your business
is facing as you start 2022?
Answer Below
Continued Supply-Chain Issues
Labor Shortage
Maintaining Customer Base
Evolving Customer Expectations
The Silverdale Chamber is committed to learning how best we can engage and work for our business membership. Your participation in poll questions like these help us to work better for you! Please complete only one survey for your business each week.
Click here for the most recent
county data reported by
WA House Returns to Mostly-Remote Session
In this Jan. 13, 2021 file photo, Washington Sen. Emily Randall, D-Bremerton, works at her desk on the otherwise empty Senate floor, at the Capitol on Olympia during a joint session of the Washington Legislature being held remotely. Ted S. Warren, AP
In response to an increase of COVID-19 cases across the state, the Washington House is scaling back the number of people allowed in the chamber for the upcoming legislative session, with an updated plan requiring a majority of lawmakers to vote remotely, as they did last year.

While the plan will be reassessed every two weeks, when the 60-day session starts next Monday, two lawmakers from each caucus and the presiding officer will be allowed on the House floor, two more members than were allowed last year, but fewer than an original plan released in November anticipated. All must show proof of vaccination — and the new plan requires any lawmaker or staffer on the floor to also verify that they have received a booster.

NEW! Chamber Legislative Updates
Friday, January 7, 2022, 11:30 am
Join us for the first in a series of twice monthly legislative updates during the 2022 Washington State Legislative session with Brad Boswell from Boswell Consulting, Inc. Find out what is on the legislative agenda for our local lawmakers and what actions might impact your business. Weekly updates will be provided in the Thursday Business Brief e-newsletter, with Zoom updates brought to you twice each month.
Small Business Season: Keeping the Sales Momentum Going
If you participated in small business season—a push to support small businesses during the holidays—we hope you experienced a significant uptick in sales. If you did, you may be wishing that this kind of support, caring, and revenue could continue throughout the year. It can. You just need to leverage the momentum you already built.

AWB Hosts 2022 Legislative Day & Hill Climb
January 18 and 19, 2022
Amplify the voice of our state’s business community in Olympia this session.
This annual, members-only, exclusive event will be a hybrid format this January with both in-person attendance and virtual attendance options.

The hill climb will be all virtual to align with the virtual legislative session. AWB is coordinating 15-minute Zoom meetings on January 18 and 19 with Washington state legislators, as availability allows, exclusively for AWB members. Let us chase the calendars so you can focus on what you do best: running your business and telling your story to our state lawmakers.

There will be in person components in 2022 as well. Topic lunches that will give you an opportunity to hear from leading policy experts in a small-group discussion format. Lunch topics include energy, healthcare & long term care, and employment law (lunch content will be hybrid, locations, dates and times TBD see Agenda below for up to date info).

In Person Only:
A networking reception will be hosted in-person only the evening of January 18 in Tumwater.

We look forward to welcoming you however you chose to join.

Please note, we are monitoring the incidence of Covid-19 in the region and will continue following guidance from local and state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding indoor gatherings. Masks will be required when guests are not actively eating or drinking, and the venue rooms will be at reduced capacity with social distancing in effect.
Wednesday, January 26: Member Luncheon with St. Michael Medical Center
Contact Us
Silverdale Chamber of Commerce
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday - 11 am to 5 pm
Friday & Saturday - 11 am to 3pm