
Wishing you a Good Moed - Moadim Lesimchah, a good New Year, Good Yom Tov - Chag Sameach - an exuberant Simchat Torah!! We look forward to seeing you at Shul!

May we celebrate the holidays in Jerusalem!!

Rabbi Yakov & Shulamit Kirschenbaum 

Holiday & Shabbat Meals - RSVP Here

Guide to Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah - click here

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Holiday & Shabbat Candle-Lighting

Wednesday, October 23

Eve of Shemini Atzeret

Light Candles: 5:45 pm

Thursday, October 24

Eve of Simchat Torah

Light Candles after: 6:43 pm

from a pre-existing flame

Friday, October 25

Light Shabbat Candles at: 5:42 pm

from a pre-existing flame

Shabbat, October 26

Shabbat Ends: 6:40 pm

Find out more about Shabbat & Holiday candle-lighting

Schedule for Shemini Atzeres, Simchas Torah, & Shabbos Bereishis


Minchah, Maariv: 5:55 pm

Followed by Hakafot!


Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:56 am 

Shacharis: 10:00 am

Yizkor: not before 12:15 pm

Minchah, Maariv: 5:45 pm

Followed by Hakafot!


Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:57 am 

Shacharis: 10:00 am

Kiddush before hakafot, not-yet sponsored.

To sponsor, click here

Hakafot: Appx. 11:45 am

Minchah, Kabalat Shabbat: 5:45 pm


Tehillim: 8:30 am

Tanya & Tuna: 9:30 am

Say Shema before: 9:57 am 

Shacharis: 10:00 am

Services followed by a kiddush-farbengen, not-yet sponsored.

To sponsor or part-sponsor this kiddush or any kiddush, click here

Minchah: 5:00 pm

Followed by a Holiday-closing Farbrengen!

Maariv/Shabbat Ends: 6:40 pm

A Holiday Insight

A Deeper Look at Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah

One holiday or two? Do we eat in the Sukkah? What are we celebrating?

Painting by Zalman Kleinman | Courtesy Zev Markowitz / Chai Art Gallery

JKrC4509268 image

For [the] seven days [of Sukkot] you shall bring a fire offering to G‑d. On the eighth day, it shall be a holy convocation for you... It is a [day of] detention.

Leviticus 23:36

[G‑d says to Israel,] "I have detained you [to remain] with Me." This is analogous to a king who invited his sons to feast with him for a certain number of days, and when the time came for them to leave, he said: "My sons! Please, stay with me just one more day; it is difficult for me to part with you!"

—Rashi's commentary ad loc

After the seven-day holiday of Sukkot, we celebrate an independent one-day holiday, called "Shemini Atzeret." Outside of Israel, as is the case with almost all Biblical holidays, an extra day is added to this holiday (see Why are holidays celebrated an extra day in the Diaspora?), and this day is known as "Simchat Torah." Although this holiday directly follows Sukkot, it is not actually part of Sukkot.


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"Everyone must regard himself and the world as evenly poised between good and guilt...If he performed a good deed, he has shifted the balance of his fate, and that of the entire world to good, and has brought deliverance and salvation upon himself and upon them all."
-Maimonides, Laws of Teshuvah Ch. 3, Law 4
"The time of our redemption has arrived."
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, 1990-1 See Yalkut Shimoni Yeshayahu, remez 499