Strong Communities for Life
Creatively Cultivating Connections
Stories from the Soul, an online journal published monthly by women for women, will feature essays in celebration of Women’s History Month during the month of March. This blogging community is made up of women 55+ who write and post about their life journeys and experiences. The group meets weekly to discuss, draft, support and critique one another’s work. To date, they have published over 70 blog posts on topics ranging from careers and retirement to family, COVID and love. The blog, which is supported by Jewish Women’s Giving Fund, is a program of the Edward A Myerberg Center. To learn more or to join, please contact Holli Friedland.
Vaccine Clinics Ensure Simplified Access for Residents and Staff
This week, many residents and staff at Weinberg Senior Living buildings will receive their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. CHAI is pleased to offer onsite clinics through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program, helping residents avoid having to navigate this complex process on their own. Resident response has been overwhelmingly positive. “I want to express our sincerest, heartfelt thanks to you and those who supported you in this effort to bring the vaccine to Weinberg Village. We can’t really describe how much this fantastic opportunity means to us,” says one resident. CHAI is grateful to CVS and property staff for facilitating this important opportunity.
Recognizing True Heroes

CHAI and the Pikesville Schools Coalition have launched the “Teachers Are Heroes” project, an initiative providing opportunities for the school community to express appreciation for teachers’ unwavering dedication throughout the pandemic. In honor of Valentine’s Day, teachers and principals were flooded with handmade cards and notes of gratitude. One Wellwood International School parent writes “There are not enough words to say how much of a blessing you are to our family. With all the craziness of this year, it has been so nice to have comfort in knowing [our child] is in such good hands.” Teachers have communicated how meaningful and encouraging these gestures have been. To learn how to participate, please contact Stephen Bowley, CHAI's Pikesville Community and Schools Director.
Myerberg Launches Tablet Share Program to Connect Seniors

This month, the Myerberg Tech-Knowledge Hub is launching a new tablet sharing program for residents in 10 of CHAI’s Weinberg Senior Living Communities. Residents will be able to sign out a user-friendly Android tablet for up to one week at a time. The Myerberg will pre-program the devices, generously donated by T-Mobile, with useful applications, including the Myerberg’s Virtual Center, which offers access to 60 weekly live and recorded classes and social programs. Activity directors and service coordinators will be onsite to provide one-on-one tech assistance. CHAI and the Tech Hub are helping older adults stay connected to friends, family, programming and information that will enhance their lives and reduce feelings of isolation.
Get Involved!
Volunteer with CHAI
Help Older Adults with Tech
Students can earn school credit for their time assisting Myerberg members
with technology. Email Tech Concierge, Melanie Waxman, at to learn more.

Help Fight Food Insecurity
Support CHAI's efforts at a local community food distribution.
Learn more or register here.

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CHAI, a proud agency of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore, depends on the funding it receives from The Associated’s Annual Campaign. Now, more than ever in its 100-year history, our Associated network needs your support to ensure that our community stays strong and whole. Can we count on you? For a limited time, all new and increased gifts will be matched by 50%. Let your donation go further and help us raise an additional $600,000
for our Baltimore Jewish community.