Senate District 19 Newsletter
May 7, 2023
Sine die is upon us

On top of my desk in the Senate chamber sits a calendar with a countdown to the last day of session. According to that same calendar, we have finally reached Sine Die, which is Latin for "without day" and marks the end of the legislative session. We invoke the phrase "Without Day" because it signifies that there are no more days for meetings or hearings, and, therefore, the legislature is adjourned. "The motion to 'adjourn sine die' has the effect of clsoing the session and terminating all unfinished business before the Senate, and all legislation pending upon adjournment sine die expires with the session."

Although Sine Die is upon us, we have until midnight to conclude our business. Much can still happen in these final hours, so I cannot yet summarize what happened this session. For now, I want to extend my enormous gratitude to the nonpartisan senate staff, both out front and behind the scenes, that make the proceedings at the Capitol happen. I am also grateful to my office staff, including my aide, Aaron Silverstein, and interns Natalie Delman, Norm Schultz, and Gabriel VanHorssen. Their hard work and support was vitally critical to our collective success.

I will provide a more in depth summary of the session at a later date, and I am grateful to the constituents of Arvada and Westminster for electing me to serve as Senator for State Senate District 19.
In the News
Legislative Town Hall Meeting: Legislative Wrap-Up

Mark your calendars now for next month's town hall meeting. Please plan to join us on Saturday, May 20 from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm. We will be returning to the Standley Lake Library. The legislative session ends on May 8, so we will provide a wrap-up of what occurred. For more information, click HERE.
Zenzinger Bills
Below is a list of bills that I am sponsoring that have been introduced and are awaiting action from either the House or Senate. For a full list of bills, click HERE.
SB23-001 Authority Of Public-private Collaboration Unit For Housing: Concerning additional functions of the public-private collaboration unit for public projects that provide housing.

SB23-007 Adult Education: Concerning enhancing adult education in Colorado.

SB23-049 Special Mobile Machinery Registration Exemption: Concerning the registration exemption for special mobile machinery, and, in connection therewith, eliminating the requirement that an owner of such machinery regularly have at least one thousand items of such machinery in the state to obtain a registration exempt certificate for the machinery.

SB23-082 Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program: Concerning creation of the Colorado fostering success voucher program to assist foster youth.

SB23-094 School Transportation Task Force: Concerning the creation of a task force to report on measures to improve school transportation.

SB23-097 Motor Vehicle Theft And Unauthorized Use: Concerning the adoption of the 2023 recommendations of the Colorado commission on criminal and juvenile justice regarding motor vehicle offenses committed by a person who is not the owner of the motor vehicle.

SB23-099 Special Education Funding: Concerning funding for special education services.

SB23-110 Transparency For Metropolitan Districts: Concerning transparency for metropolitan districts.

SB23-112 Department of Agriculture Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of agriculture.

SB23-113 Department of Corrections Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of corrections.

SB23-114 Department of Early Childhood Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of early childhood.

SB23-115 Department of Education Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of education.

SB23-116 Department of Governor, Lt. Governor, & OSPB Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, and state planning and budgeting.

SB23-117 Department of Health Care Policy & Financing Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of health care policy and financing.

SB23-118 Department of Higher Education Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of higher education.

SB23-119 Department of Human Services Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of human services.

SB23-120 Judicial Department Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the judicial department.

SB23-121 Department of Labor & Employment Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of labor and employment.

SB23-122 Department of Law Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of law.

SB23-123 Legislative Department Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of legislature.

SB23-124 Department of Local Affairs Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of local affairs.

SB23-125 Department of Military Affairs Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of military and veterans affairs.

SB23-126 Department of Natural Resources Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of natural resources.

SB23-127 Department Of Personnel Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of personnel.

SB23-128 Department of Public Health & Environment Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of public health and environment.

SB23-129 Department of Public Safety Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of public safety.

SB23-130 Department of Regulatory Agencies Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of regulatory agencies.

SB23-131 Department of Revenue Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of revenue.

SB23-132 Department of State Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of state.

SB23-133 Department of Transportation Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of transportation.

SB23-134 Department of Treasury Supplemental: Concerning a supplemental appropriation to the department of the treasury.

SB23-135 Capital Construction Supplemental: Concerning funding for capital construction, and making supplemental appropriations in connection therewith.

SB23-136 Adjustments To School Funding Fiscal Year 2022-23: Concerning adjustments to school funding for the 2022-23 budget year, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.

SB23-138 Appropriation To Department of Health Care Policy And Financing For Denver Health: Concerning authorizing the department of health care policy and financing to distribute money to the Denver health and hospital authority, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-139 State Severance Tax Trust Fund Allocation: Concerning the appropriation of money from the severance tax operational fund to the wildfire mitigation capacity development fund, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-140 Fentanyl Study Deadline and Appropriation: Concerning extending the contract deadline for the independent study of House Bill 22-1326, and, in connection therewith, extending a related existing appropriation.

SB23-142 Information Technology Project Appropriation Process: Concerning the information technology capital appropriation process for information technology projects submitted to the general assembly by certain state entities.

SB23-155 Sunset Continue Nursing Home Administrators: Concerning the continuation of the regulation of nursing home administrators, and, in connection therewith, implementing the recommendations in the 2022 sunset report by the department of regulatory agencies.

SB23-182 Temporary Suspension Of Medicaid Requirements: Concerning the temporary suspension of certain statutory requirements for medical assistance programs.

SB23-214 2023-24 Long Bill: Concerning the provision for payment of the expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial departments of the state of Colorado, and of its agencies and institutions, for and during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023, except as otherwise noted.

SB23-215 State Employee Reserve Fund General Fund Transfer: Concerning the transfer of money from the state employee reserve fund to the general fund to fund monthly housing stipends for department of corrections staff.

SB23-216 Colorado Universal Preschool Program Funding: Concerning funding to the department of early childhood for the Colorado universal preschool program.

SB23-217 Separating Fees In Records And Reports Cash Fund: Concerning no longer requiring the fee collected for the background checks for child abuse or neglect to support the costs associated with the appeals process for a person who is found responsible in a confirmed report of child abuse or neglect.

SB23-218 Repeal School Transformation Grant Program Administration Cap: Concerning the repeal of the cap on the amount of money the department of education may expend on costs incurred in implementing the school transformation grant program, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-219 Supports To Students And Facility Schools: Concerning services to support students eligible to enroll in facility schools, and, in connection therewith, making and reducing an appropriation.

SB23-220 Public School Capital Consrtuction Assistance Grants: Concerning the use of money previously allocated for public schools, and, in connection therewith, reducing an appropriation.

SB23-221 Healthy School Meals For All Program Fund: Concerning the funding of the healthy school meals for all program, and, in connection therewith, creating the healthy school meals for all program general fund exempt account, allowing expenditures in excess of appropriations for the program, clarifying how the program should be accounted for in the annual general appropriations bill, and making an appropriation.

SB23-223 Medicaid Provider Rate Review Process: Concerning the annual report the department of health care policy and financing submits to the joint budget committee concerning the medicaid provider rate review process.

SB23-224 Colorado Commission Policies Postgraduate Student Exchange Program: Concerning policies to be established by the Colorado commission on higher education related to postgraduate student exchange programs.

SB23-225 Specialty Education Colorado State University Medical School Partnership: Concerning the use of higher education specialty education services funding for the school of medicine partnership operating on the campus of Colorado state university.

SB23-227 State Agency Attorney Hourly Rate: Concerning the hourly rate compensation for attorneys who contract with state agencies to provide legal representation.

SB23-231 Amend Fund To Allow Payment Overdue Wage Claims: Concerning the ability of the division of labor standards and statistics in the department of labor and employment to disburse money in the wage theft enforcement fund to employees after an employer fails to make payments determined to be owed to the employees, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-232 Unemployment Insurance Premiums Allocation Federal Law Compliance: Concerning unemployment compensation, and, in connection therewith, reducing employer premium rates; creating support surcharge rates; adjusting the allocations of employer premiums and support surcharge payments to the unemployment compensation fund, the employment support fund, the employment and training technology fund, and the benefit recovery fund to comply with federal law; and making and reducing appropriations.

SB23-233 Employment Services Funded By Wagner-Peyser Act: Concerning a merit system for county employees who provide employment services that are paid for with federal funds pursuant to the federal "Wagner-Peyser Act".

SB23-235 Department Of Law Funds For Unanticipated State Legal Needs: Concerning the authority of the department of law to use litigation management funds for unanticipated state legal needs.

SB23-238 Small Communities Water and Wastewater Grant Fund: Concerning authorization to use money in the small communities water and wastewater grant fund to provide the state funds for water projects for which a state match is required to qualify for federal funds for the projects.

SB23-239 Hazardous Site Response Fund Transfer: Concerning the transfer of money from the hazardous substance site response fund to the hazardous substance response fund.

SB23-242 Community Corrections Financial Audit: Concerning financial audits of the community corrections programs in the state, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-243 General Fund Transfers To Capital Construction Fund: Concerning transfers from the general fund to the capital construction fund.

SB23-244 Technology Accessibility Cleanup: Concerning updates to language in relevant Colorado statutes related to ensuring technology accessibility to persons with disabilities.

SB23-245 Transfer To Revenue Loss Restoration Cash Fund: Concerning a transfer to the revenue loss restoration cash fund.

SB23-246 State Emergency Reserve: Concerning transfers to the state emergency reserve for the 2023-24 state fiscal year.

SB23-281 Limited Transferability Of College Credits Notice: Concerning a required notice of limited transferability of college credits from a private occupational school.

SB23-283 Mechanisms For Federal Infrastructure Funding: Concerning mechanisms to utilize federal funding under federal infrastructure-related acts.

SB23-287 Public School Finance: Concerning the financing of public schools, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SB23-289 Community First Choice Medicaid Benefit: Concerning seeking an amendment to the medicaid state plan to implement the community first choice optional benefit.

SB23-294 Increase General Fund Transfers To Capital Construction Fund: Concerning increases in the amount of transfers from the general fund to the capital construction fund to be made on July 1, 2023.

SB23-297 America 250 Colorado 150 Commission: Concerning the expansion of the America 250 - Colorado 150 commission, and, in connection therewith, making an appropriation.

SR23-005 Single Parent Day: Concerning recognition of Single Parent Day in Colorado.

SJR23-008 Police Week And Peace Officers' Memorial Day: Concerning declaring the week of May 12-16, 2023, as Police Week, and, in connection therewith, declaring May 15, 2023, as Peace Officers' Memorial Day.

HB23-1001 Expanding Assistance For Educator Programs: Concerning expanding financial assistance for educator programs.

HB23-1053 Veterans' Cemetery Department of Public Safety Gifts Grants Donations: Concerning the authority to accept and expend gifts, grants, and donations, and, in connection therewith, authorizing the division of veterans affairs to expend gifts, grants, and donations in support of the western slope military veterans' cemetery, authorizing the department of public safety to accept and expend gifts, grants, and donations in support of its purposes, and creating the department of public safety gifts, grants, and donations fund.

HB23-1061 Alcohol Beverage Retail Establishment Permit: Concerning permitting a retail establishment to serve complementary alcohol beverages at a place of business.

HB23-1084 Continuation Of Military Retirement Benefit Deduction: Concerning the continuation of the income tax deduction for military retirement benefits.

HB23-1089 Special Education Services For Students In Foster Care: Concerning the continuation of special education services for a student in foster care when the student moves.

HB23-1135 Penalty For Indecent Exposure In View Of Minors: Concerning the offense classification for indecent exposure in view of a minor.

HB23-1189 Employer Assistance For Home Purchase Tax Credit: Concerning an income tax credit for employer assistance to employees in making a home purchase.

HB23-1228 Nursing Facility Reimbursement Rate Setting: Concerning nursing facility reimbursement rate setting.

HB23-1241 Task Force To Study K-12 Accountability System: Concerning creating a task force to study the statewide K-12 education accountability system in order to address resource inequities contributing to student performance.

HB23-1259 Open Meetings Law Executive Session Violations: Concerning provisions in the open meetings law for an executive session of a local public body, and, in connection therewith, creating a local public body's right to cure a violation of the open meetings law for an executive session, adding prerequisites for a person to challenge a violation by a local public body of the open meetings law for an executive session.

HB23-1263 Translating Individualized Education Programs: Concerning translating individualized education programs for children who may be eligible for special education services.

HB23-1276 Scope Of Bridge And Tunnel Enterprise: Concerning the bridge and tunnel enterprise, and, in connection therewith, expanding the scope of the enterprise's powers to include the completion of preventative maintenance bridge projects and allowing the enterprise to repair, reconstruct, replace, and maintain a fair-rated bridge under certain circumstances.

HB23-1295 Audits Of Department Of Health Care Policy And Financing Payments To Providers: Concerning the review of payments made by the department of health care policy and financing to providers.

HB23-1300 Continuous Eligibility Medical Coverage: Concerning extending continuous eligibility medical coverage for certain individuals, and, in connection therewith, seeking federal authorization and making an appropriation.

HB23-1305 Continue Health Benefits In Work-related Death: Concerning the program to provide the continuation of health benefits for dependents of certain local government public safety employees who die in a work-related death.
About Senator Rachel Zenzinger
Rachel Zenzinger (D-Arvada) was re-elected to a second term in the Colorado State Senate, representing District 19 (Arvada & Westminster) in November 2020. Previously she served on the Arvada City Council. Senator Zenzinger is the Chair of the Joint Budget Committee and Vice Chair of Senate Appropriations.

200 East Colfax, Denver, CO 80203 | [email protected]
303-866-4840 office | 303-748-0770 cell