Fourth Sunday in Advent - Dec. 24, 2023


Last Saturday night Epiphany went caroling. I went along, but to be honest, I wasn't very happy about it. It felt like just one more thing to do during a busy, busy time. The next two hours changed me. It felt so good just to sing about Jesus and visit with people who were glad to see us and hear us sing the Gospel.

Friends, when Epiphany goes caroling next year, let me heartily recommend participating to you. Bring your family or come yourself. Caroling is a great thing to do. It not only brings joy to others, but it brought Christmas joy to me in a time when I can sometimes miss it in the middle of everything there is to manage.

Angels sang at Jesus' birth, and we can too!

"Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace among those

with whom he is pleased!" (Luke 2.14)

Merry (almost) Christmas!

P.S. See below for details about Christmas Eve worship and Lessons and Carols on Dec. 31.

Christmas Eve Worship and

New Year's Eve Lessons and Carols

Christmas Eve is on Sunday this year.  We will mark the fourth Sunday of Advent with a single service at 10:15am on Dec. 24.  Christmas Eve services will be a family service (with children and youth Gospel presentation) at 5pm and a traditional service at 9pm.  Lessons and Carols will be at 10:15am on Dec. 31. There will be a 8am Eucharist on Dec. 31.

A New Way to Support the Epiphany Gift

One of our Christmas traditions at Epiphany is giving a gift as a congregation. This year, we are supporting The Bike Ministry. Our gift will allow this local ministry which is lead by the Rev. Robbie Pruitt to fix 250-500 bikes over the next year. Learn more about this year's Epiphany Gift here. For those who use Epiphany's directory and giving app Church Center, it is also possible to give directly to this project by making a gift through the app and designating "Epiphany Gift" in the drop-down menu.

End of Year Giving Reminder

Thank you for your generous giving in 2023. As a friendly reminder, pledges to be counted towards tax year 2023 must be made by December 31, 2023 if using the Church Center Giving App or PayPal. If checks are being mailed in, they must be postmarked and sent by December 31, 2023.

Stewardship Update - Still Time to Pledge

Last Sunday was Stewardship Sunday at Epiphany. We are very grateful for the 60 pledge cards that you offered to God as part of our worship. So far, we have collected a few more pledge cards than we had at the same time last year, which is great to see. That said, we are still a few short of the total number of pledges we had for 2023 (63). It would be great to see equal or better participation in this year's pledge drive than we had last year. Pledging is anonymous at Epiphany. Pledge cards can be placed in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed to the church office. Extra pledge packets and pledge cards are available in the fellowship hall or by contacting the church office.

Two Words, One People

Coates Weekend Food Bags Due Jan. 7

Please bring your donations of individual food items or packed gallon bags by Sunday, January 7 for our next delivery. Not sure what is needed? Contact Sally Eckard ( or Bea Long ( 

Stand in the Gap Prayer Ministry Needs People to Pray for Epiphany's Leaders

December is the last month of the Stand in the Gap assignments and it is time to sign up for January through April.

What is Stand in the Gap? Once you sign up for this ministry, just before the beginning of January, you will be given the name of a Priest, a Staff Member, or a Vestry Member, their email address and phone number. They will be given your information as well. You are to pray for them during the months of January through April. In addition to speaking to them directly, you will be given a guide to help you in your prayer time.

These leaders have stepped up to serve the Lord and you through some very challenging times. Will you Stand in the Gap for them? If you wish to be a part of this ministry, call or email Jan Reiter (

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Dec. 22 - Dec. 31

Friday, December 22

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, December 23

Sunday, December 24

10:15am Worship (livestream)

1:15pm & 2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

5:00pm Christmas Eve Family Service (livestream)

9:00pm Christmas Eve Traditional Service (livestream)

Monday, December 25


Tuesday, December 26


Wednesday, December 27


Thursday, December 28


Friday, December 29


Saturday, December 30

Sunday, December 31

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

10:15am Lessons and Carols (livestream)

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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