
All HaMakom Services and Events

Take Place at

Unitarian Universalist Congregation

107 W. Barcelona @ Galisteo

Santa Fe, NM 87505

February at HaMakom

9 AM Morning Blessings meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings with Hazzan Cindy on Zoom

February 1 10 AM Shabbat morning service and potluck lunch

February 8 10 AM Shabbat morning service and potluck lunch

February 10 Book club discussion at 4 PM on Zoom

February 11 Continuing Education Presentation at 7 PM on Zoom, Naomi Sandweiss, Jewish Servicemen and Women During WWII

February 13 Tu B'Shvat Seder at 3:30 PM at private home

February 15 10 AM Shabbat morning service and potluck lunch

February 18 Rabbi's Monthly Torah Study on Zoom at noon

February 21 6 PM Friday Evening Shabbat service and dinner

February 22 10 AM Shabbat morning service and potluck lunch

March 14 10 AM Purim Party and Megillah Reading

Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Dinner

Third Friday of Every Month at 6 PM

Welcome Shabbat together as we sing the joyous Friday night liturgy and songs of hope and peace.

Join us February 21, March 21

Shabbat Morning Service

Saturday, February 1 at 10 AM MST

Dynamic Musical Shacharit

and Interactive Torah Study

Parshat Bo

Read This Week's Torah Portion

Service Led by Rabbi Jack Shlachter

and Hazzan Cindy Freedman

Livestream On Zoom


During the winter months, if there is snow on a Shabbat morning please check your email to see if services have been designated online only.

Kiddush Vegetarian Potluck Lunch

following service.

Bring a delicious vegetarian food offering that will serve at least 10 people.

We'll provide the bagels and lox!

HaMakom Tu B'Shvat Seder

Thursday, February 13, 3:30-5:00 PM

Location: Home of Karen Milstein

3024 Governor Lindsey Rd.

Led by Hazzan Cindy Freedman and Karen Milstein

and HaMakom Community Members

The Jewish sacred calendar offers many occasions to honor the glory of creation, the earth, and all it supports. One of the most beautiful, accessible, and crucial for our times is Tu B'Shvat, (“The New Year of the Trees”), both a mystical celebration and a call to environmental awareness. 

Tu B’Shvat is celebrated with a simple Seder, a ritual meal with a prescribed order of of fruits and nuts, drink, and blessings. As we experience the symbolism of fruits and nuts, we dedicate ourselves to the preservation and care of life, together exploring personal and mystical meanings of the natural world. 

And of course, there will be music and singing!

Songs for the Earth

Interested in attending? Interested in helping?




HaMakom Continuing Education Presents

Jewish Servicemen and Women During WWII

Tuesday, February 11, 7PM MST on Zoom

Presenter Naomi Sandweiss Willie

It has been 80 years since the end of World War II. This presentation will share the stories of Jewish men and women who lived and served in New Mexico and overseas. From Raton to Silver City, Jewish New Mexicans answered the call to military service. They were also subject to some of the war’s horrors, including the Bataan Death March, imprisonment and even death. Learn about these individuals and how they participated as New Mexicans, Jews and Americans. 

Naomi Sandweiss Willie is author of Jewish Albuquerque 1860-1960 and many other articles regarding Jewish history and the Southwest. Naomi is co-president of the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society.  She lives in her hometown of Albuquerque where she works for the University of New Mexico. 

Morning Blessings


Hazzan Cindy Freedman

Monday, Wednesday, Friday Mornings at 9 AM MST on Zoom

Start the day with 15 minutes of blessings from our morning

liturgy, songs of gratitude, and community sharing.

Enrich your weekday mornings in 2025

with gratitude and community sharing.


HaMakom Book Club

Currently Reading

The Confidante: The Untold Story of the Woman Who Helped Win WWII and Shape Modern America

by Christopher C. Gorham 

Book discussion

Monday, February 10 at 4 PM MST

On Zoom

Click Here


Respecting the health and well-being of our members, please refrain from wearing scented body oils and fragrances when attending services. Todah rabah.

The Exploring the Jewish Experience Course (EJE): Winter/Spring Trimester on

Jewish Practice and the Way of Life

The EJE course presents a comprehensive overview of Jewish teachings, practices, history, and culture. It is an ideal opportunity for people reconnecting to Judaism, exploring their religious identity, or who are curious about the unique Jewish story.

Instructors: Rabbi Jack Shlachter and Rabbi Dov Gartenberg

Times: Wednesday evenings from 6:45-8:15 pm MST.

18 sessions from January 29th to June 4th, 2025

Format and Location: Primarily an online course with in-person option in Santa Fe

Tuition: $36 for online attendees, $18 for in-person

Learn more. Rabbi Jack Shlachter, Rabbi Dov Gartenberg

We Remember Them


David Sussman

husband of Barbara Sussman

father and grandfather of Aviva and Elie Sussman

Leslie Davis, first president of HaMakom

wife of Bill Lazar

Albert Scharfstein

father of Deborah Avren

Ethel Scharfstein

mother of Deborah Avren

Arnold Bockar

father of Susan Goldstein

Donate to honor the memory of departed loved ones

and support HaMakom

The observance of Yahrzeit is a sacred mark of reverence for the beloved departed; remembering them imparts a dimension of sanctity to our lives as we join together to recite Kaddish at services. Our noble tradition also invites us to kindle a memorial candle at home, and to make a memorial offering in honor of the person who is being remembered.

Jewish New Mexico

Inclusion in this section does not represent an endorsement by HaMakom

Become a Legacy Donor

Assuring Jewish Tomorrows

in New Mexico

LIFE & LEGACY is an endowment program designed to help create permanent legacy gifts, demonstrating belief in the continuity of Jewish life in New Mexico for generations to come.

For More Information



P.O.Box 6777

Santa Fe, NM 87502