HaMakom Tu B'Shvat Seder
Thursday, February 13, 3:30-5:00 PM
Location: Home of Karen Milstein
3024 Governor Lindsey Rd.
Led by Hazzan Cindy Freedman and Karen Milstein
and HaMakom Community Members
The Jewish sacred calendar offers many occasions to honor the glory of creation, the earth, and all it supports. One of the most beautiful, accessible, and crucial for our times is Tu B'Shvat, (“The New Year of the Trees”), both a mystical celebration and a call to environmental awareness.
Tu B’Shvat is celebrated with a simple Seder, a ritual meal with a prescribed order of of fruits and nuts, drink, and blessings. As we experience the symbolism of fruits and nuts, we dedicate ourselves to the preservation and care of life, together exploring personal and mystical meanings of the natural world.
And of course, there will be music and singing!
Songs for the Earth
Interested in attending? Interested in helping?