
On Sunday, we will restore singing to our worship! This comes after declining COVID transmission rates, and as other congregations have been safely singing while masked. We are confident we can manage the current level of risk with masks. We ask that you please wear an N95/KN95 mask, which are available at church, or double mask while singing. To guide our return to song, we will have a brief review of music and learn some additions on Sunday prior to our 10:30 am service.

I hope you are planning to join us on Sunday, February 27th for an additional service at 4:00 pm, when I will be installed as vicar of Holy Trinity. I'm delighted that my former professor of preaching has agreed to be with us, as well as Michelle Heyne the presiding sister of the Order of Ascension. All are welcome to attend. To help us with a head count for the reception, please RSVP by registering here.

Lent begins March 2 on Ash Wednesday, with services at noon and 7:00 pm in the church. During Lent, there will be several opportunities for worship and formation.

  • Online Morning Prayer. Please join me on Zoom at 8:00 am Monday through Thursday mornings beginning Monday, March 7th. Click here to join.
  • Online Centering Prayer. On Wednesday, March 9th, the Harlem Clericus & Manhattan North Inter Parish Council will begin a five-week series of centering prayer on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm over Zoom, culminating in an in-person gathering on April 6th at Holy Trinity. More information will be shared on our website.
  • Daily reading & prayer prompts. During the 40 days of Lent, I'm offering daily messages (text or email) for readers to consider how they are a part of Christ’s story. Let me know if you would like to participate in this Ignatian practice.

There will also be service changes during Lent:
  • Rite I until Passion (Palm) Sunday. On Sunday March 6, during the first week of Lent, we will sing the Great Litany. The second Sunday, I will say the Exhortation. Then we will begin with the Penitential Rite and the Decalogue. 
  • Review of our Practice. On Sunday, March 6th, after the service, we will have a review of how to participate in the Eucharist, including everything from crossing oneself to bowing to receiving the chalice.

Please stay well and warm, and may blessings to you!
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