SPIRIT is a Siskin Hospital e-newsletter for friends, supporters and patients

Matt's Message

For many nonprofits, the last two months of the year are known as the ‘giving season’, a time when they receive the majority of their annual revenue. In fact, according to the 2023 M+R Benchmarks Report, December giving accounts for roughly one-fourth (26%) of annual nonprofit revenue.

For Siskin Hospital, our revenue numbers are a little different since many of our patients are insured. But year-end giving is important to fund our critical initiatives to:

  • Build a scholarship program for individuals who have suffered traumatic injury or illness and cannot afford their physical rehabilitation care, and

  • Build the region’s first Healing Gardens to improve patient outcomes and reduce stress for guests and our associates.

We would be honored to have you partner with us on these initiatives. To give, please click on the 'Give Today' button below and designate your gift to one of these initiatives. Thank you in advance!

Donating Appreciated Securities

While many of our donors prefer to give from cash-on-hand, I like to look at year end as a time to work with our investment advisor so we can make the most of our charitable giving. For instance, gifts of appreciated assets like individual stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds may make more sense this year than in 2022.

We reached out to friend and Siskin Hospital Board Member, Jones Krogh, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®, with HHM Wealth Advisors, for the reasoning behind gifts of appreciated securities. He shared the following: “Many consider this a ‘two for one’ because the potential tax benefit comes in two parts:

1. Avoiding Capital Gains

The maximum federal capital gains tax rate on marketable securities is 20 percent on long-term holdings. But if you donate the appreciated security directly to a charity, there is no capital gains tax to pay and you may still be eligible to deduct the full fair-market value of the asset you donated from your income taxes.

2. Maximizing Your Charitable Contribution

By donating an appreciated security that has appreciated for more than a year, you have the ability to give up to 20 percent more than if you sold the security and then made a cash donation with a net of tax proceeds.”

For many donors who have already supported our initiatives through Possibilities, our Golf Classic, or to the Healing Gardens at Siskin Hospital campaign, giving appreciated assets may be a new reason to give again.

Krogh explains it this way, “Your financial advisor may welcome the opportunity to talk with you about a portfolio reset that allows you to reduce future capital gains tax exposure, reduce a concentrated position, and/or rebalance your portfolio to reach target asset allocation and risk metrics.”

Whatever the reason, we welcome gifts of appreciated assets. For more information or to make such a gift, contact Karen Sherrill at [email protected] or 423.634.1208

Give Today 


For the third consecutive year, Siskin Hospital is named as one of America’s best physical rehabilitation facilities by Newsweek magazine. There are more than 1,000 inpatient physical rehabilitation centers in the United States and this award recognizes the leading facilities based on a survey of experts, quality metrics and accreditation data. “We are proud to be the highest-ranked rehabilitation facility in East Tennessee,” says President and CEO, Matthew A. Gibson, Ph.D., FACHE. “This endorsement, along with other national recognition we’ve received, honors our commitment to deliver the highest quality of patient care.”

Johnny's Story

August 18th was Johnny’s birthday. A year ago, on his birthday, he found himself undergoing surgery to correct an aortic aneurysm. When complications arose, Johnny spent the next thirty-five days in an ICU room in Atlanta. There were days when Mary Elizabeth did not believe her husband would survive. As a former elementary school teacher, she diligently kept a journal documenting every moment of his days in the hospital. Johnny said he is unable to read the journal because it is too much to bear, knowing what she went through without him being fully present. Roughly three months later, the difficult decision was made to amputate his legs, after which he needed inpatient rehabilitative care. Even though they live in North Georgia, Siskin Hospital was their top choice.

To read more, click here.

Siskin Hospital is proud of recent renovations to patient care rooms that are now fitted with state-of-the art technology for both lighting and video conferencing. The new LED fixtures offer ambient, reading, night, and exam lighting. The new wall-mounted, adjustable TV monitor provides ease of access for programming, training, and video conferencing with a touch screen display at the patient’s bed. Additional sound reducing measures were incorporated into the walls and ceiling to offer greater privacy. All of the materials and colors were selected to help provide a relaxing environment that is focused on the patient’s health and recovery.

One Siskin Plaza Chattanooga, TN 37403


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