The story about Sister Jeanette Braun's award was filmed and aired on local news.
SNDdeN Receives Public Service Award
Sister Jeanette Braun, SNDdeN, director of the Table of Plenty in Half Moon Bay, Calif., has been awarded a Jefferson Award for Public Service. The all-volunteer organization offers a weekly, restaurant-style no-cost dinner to members of the community in need. Sister Jeanette, an SNDdeN for 65 years, has been director since its founding 10 years ago.

Ipswich Sisters Share Warmth with Others
In recent months, Sisters living in Ipswich have made more than 400 cozy winter hats for distribution across the country.

Sister Carolyn Buhs teaching geography to young future teachers in South Sudan.
Book Discusses Mission Work in South Sudan
Sister Carolyn Buhs, SNDdeN spent nine years working in South Sudan as a librarian and instructor at teachers' colleges run by the Solidarity With South Sudan organization.

She co-wrote and edited a new book about the group's experiences called “Collaborative Mission in South Sudan” that addresses their innovative model of representatives of different religious congregations working together.

Sister Francis Murphy, 92, spoke to the Guild of Our Lady of Providence. The group has been doing good works in the Worcester, Mass. area for 72 years. It was founded at St. Vincent Hospital, and named after the chapel dedicated to Mary.
Sister Speaks About Biblical Women
Recently, Sister Francis Murphy, SNDdeN spoke to the Guild of Our Lady of Providence in Worcester, Mass. During her talk, Sister Francis reflected on 13 women in Scripture who lived courageous lives as vessels of God’s power and love.

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