January 24, 2020
Sonic Wave Technology
Thank you all so very much for your positive feedback with our Newsletters. We keep signing up more and more Demo Locations. As you keep spreading the word of true Sonic vibration exercise, we keep sending out more commission checks! Great work Good Vibe Tribe! Keep up the great job you are all doing. You are all appreciated very much…

When I first experienced true Sonic Vibration Exercise back in 2005, after I had done several sessions on the machine while standing, I set the Turbosonic in manual mode at 40 Hertz and about 50% power, and sat on the plate to feel the energy radiating through my body. It was quite a trip. As time moved on, I would encourage people to try meditation while sitting on the Sonic plate, and to add in Solfeggio frequencies or Gregorian Chant music through the Audio in, and use headphones from the Audio out at the same time. Everyone that tried it loved it, and would do a morning stand up exercise session, and an evening sit down relaxation session.

It was later on while investigating why everyone was feeling so much better on Sonic vibration than they did on mechanical vibration plates that I read about cats purring. A cat's purr is between 25 and 150 Hertz, but all of the cats I have had, or been around were in the lower range of 25 to 50 Hertz. Veterinarians have joked that if you put a cat in a closet with a bunch of bones the purring of the cat would heal the bones, or something like that.
YOU are OUR "SalesForce"
Every week we are sending out checks for Referrals, Affiliate fees, and Sales Commissions to Sonic Life people just like you, that have shared their good sonic vibrations with friends, neighbors, and groups.
You could be supplementing your income, or saving for a special vacation. You can call Christy for details at 877-684-7245 M-F 10-5 or email sales@soniclife.com.
Are You Listed on www.soniclife.com as a Demo Location?
Every several days we will get a call from a potential customer looking for a Sonix machine to try in their area. We go to our website and check. If your location is listed it could mean more potential customers stopping by, and even a potential sale or two. If you would like to be listed on our website, send your listing information to Sales@soniclife.com or call 877-684-7245
Featured Sonic Vibration Locations!
Diabetic Support Services of Salem Oregon
The Rest of the Story….

Al Underberg's life changed dramatically for the better when Dr. Junggi Hong contacted his wife Sondra to do a Sonic Whole-Body Vibration study in 2011. But back in 1962, Sondra Underberg was newly married to Al for just 8 months and 8 months pregnant with their son when her intuition said her 21 year old husband might be diabetic. "I had noticed him frequently getting up in the middle of the night and also drinking a lot of water. So, his Mom, a nurse's aid, and I teamed up to convince Al to give a urine sample that my mother-in-law brought to work." The Type 1 diabetes test result sent them on a sixty mile trip to a diabetes specialist. "During the first 20 miles, Al drank a six pack of 12 ounce Cokes trying to quench his relentless thirst."
With every email we are going to be featuring various Sonic Vibration Locations – If you would like to have your location featured drop us a line at sales@soniclife.com
Want a New Sonix but can’t Afford One?
We have a solution. Process 5 sales through Sonic Life and we will send you your very own, brand new, in the box Sonix WBV machine. Call Christy for details at 877-684-7245.
Sonic Vibration Tip of the Day
 Sitting on the Sonic Plate
Years ago, I was told by several Alternative Practitioners, Chiropractors, and Acupuncturists, and people that studied the effects of various frequencies on the human body, that 10 Hertz was kind of a magical frequency. I was told it stimulated the production of ATP energy in the spinal erectus muscles, it helped repair damaged DNA, it opened up the calcium ion channel across the cell membrane, increasing HGH, and other hormones. So, in the last Newsletter, we tried sitting on the sonic plate at 35 Hertz (called the Bliss frequency), and how did that go for you? This time let’s try sitting on your sonic machine at 10 Hertz at a very low amplitude, like 10-20 %. Just sit quietly and see if you feel the energy going up and down your spinal column and if you feel more energized and alive after your sonic session. You can also use the 10 Hz frequency in a standing position at about 50% amplitude, but you won’t experience your spine being directly in the PEMF field. Let me know how it goes.
Monday through Friday
from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Pacific Time.
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