Private e-newsletter for the clients of the M.W. Aragao companies | July 20, 2018
Keeping Summer Safe: Pool And Spa Safety Tips
The backyard pool can be great summer fun, but it can also be a source of danger for children. Every year, hundreds of children fatally drown. In fact, drowning is the leading cause of preventable death among children ages 1-4.

If you have a pool or spa, here are seven simple tips to keep your children and their friends safe during swim season.

  1. Adult Supervision: Always be present when children are using the pool. As any parent knows, it only takes moments for children to place themselves in dangerous situations, so stay attentive.

Where to Keep Important Documents
It is recommended that you keep the following documents in a secure location in your home:

  • Copies of wills and trusts;
  • Copies of living wills and powers of attorneys;
  • Income tax returns

To read places to keep other sensitive documents, click below.

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6 Financial Milestones to Hit By 60
Once you reach 60, retirement is usually right around the corner, and the last thing you want to do is leave the workforce before getting your financial house in order. Here are six critical money milestones you should aim to reach by age 60 that will set the stage for a more secure retirement:

  1. Have a fully loaded emergency fund

When you're in the latter stage of your career, the last thing you want is for an unplanned expense to wreak havoc on your near-term finances. That's why it's important to have a healthy emergency fund in the years leading up to retirement.

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M.W. ARAGAO INVESTMENT ADVISORS, LLC, a registered investment advisor, provides dynamic, tactical investment management and wealth planning services to individuals, families, trusts, corporations and retirement plans. M.W. ARAGAO & COMPANY, LLC provides year-round income tax preparation and planning services, business consulting and generalized accounting services. All services are delivered with personalized attention.