Six Renewable Energy Trends To Watch In 2019

2019 promises to be an exciting year for renewable energy. An increasing number of countries, companies and regions are embracing new technologies and establishing markets for renewables and storage. Here are 6 renewable energy trends to watch in ...

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" The real wealth of the nation lies in the resources of the earth — soil, water, forests, minerals, and wildlife. "
-Rachel Carson
Sono Unveils Production Version of Sion Electric Car...

Sono Motors is unveiling today an updated production design of the Sion, its electric car partially powered by solar panels on the vehicle. We've been reporting on Sono's effort to bring its electric car with solar integration to market for a...

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Belgian Scientists Announce New Solar Panel That Makes...

After 10 years of trying, researchers at KU Leuven have created a prototype solar panel that not only makes electricity but hydrogen gas as well. Imagine if you could heat your home with clean hydrogen made right on your own roof?

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Access the tools, knowledge, and network you need to close solar deals, increase your bottom line, and grow your solar business. The  Solar Executive MBA  is technical, rigorous, and challenging. It's the most intense six-week course you'll ever find but also the most valuable. We developed it for leaders who are responsible for the financial details that drive solar projects.
Why These Chefs Want More Restaurants To Become Carbon...

While the talk about plastic straws may have taken off in 2018, there's a lot more waste in the food industry that needs to be addressed. A Bay Area-based nonprofit, Zero Foodprint, wants more restaurant to think about their "foodprint."

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Developed Economies' CO2 Emissions Efforts Are Beginning ...

The efforts of developing economies to cut carbon dioxide emissions and tackle climate change are beginning to pay off, according to new research led by the Tyndall Centre at the University of East Anglia, with policies supporting renewable...

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The Next Money Crop for Farmers: Solar Panels

Randy DeBaillie pointed to the power meter on his snow-covered farm: Even on a foggy, monochromatic day, with the sun barely piercing the clouds, the flat black panels planted nearby in two long rows were generating electricity....

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Enbala to Enable World's Biggest Residential...

Enbala, the Denver, Colo.-based startup with software that runs virtual power plants across North America, has landed a contract to manage the world's biggest aggregation of household solar and behind-the-meter batteries with Australian utility...

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SOLAR 2019 'Race to Renewables' August 5-9th, 2019 in Minneapolis, MN.

The National Solar Tour from October 5-6, 2019 is the largest grassroots renewable energy event in the nation .

Solar@Work  is ASES's bulletin by and for solar pros.
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SOLAR 2019:  The 48th National Solar Conference
