Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First ReadingGod gives repentance for our sins. (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19)

Psalm – "Lord, you are good and forgiving." (Psalm 86)

Second Reading – The Spirit intercedes for us. (Romans 8:26-27)

GospelLet the seeds grow together until harvest. (Matthew 13:24-43)

Sunday Bulletin
Meet w/Fr. Dan

All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun...

Bridge to a Brighter Future

Faith is a bridge to all dreams! And education is more than just imparting knowledge, it is a bridge to a brighter future. Your generosity to our Annual Fund makes a lasting impact on our school by providing access to faith formation, quality education and a strong community for students who may not otherwise be able to afford a Catholic School education. Your donation may directed to bridge one, or more, of these gaps: The Opportunity Gap (Tuition Assistance), The Digital Divide (Infrastructure & Technology) or Safety & Security.


To make a donation to the Annual Fund and become a bridge builder:


We are grateful for your partnership and commitment to our shared vision. May God bless you abundantly for your support!

Questions? Please contact the school office at (847) 437-3322 or

Annual Fund Sponsorship

Holy Hour for Life Honoring Marriage & Family

As Catholics, we are called to protect all of God's precious creation. We are called to a culture of life. On Wednesday, July 26th, join us at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard Church for a Holy Hour for Life to pray for the protection of Marriage & Family.

Rummage Sale: FINAL WEEKS!

We have added more new items as we continue to consolidate and organize here at the parish. So, even if you've been through the Rummage Sale, stop back! Ask a Greeter or Usher to show you the way when you attend Mass at St. Julian Eymard Church (Sat 5pm; Sun 9:15am or Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15am), or drop by during parish office hours:

  • Monday to Thursday 10am to 5pm
  • Friday 10am to Noon
  • Thursday, August 10th from 9am to 6pm
  • Friday, August 11 from 9am to 3pm
  • August 12th/13th FINAL WEEKEND!

Questions? Please contact the parish office at (847) 979-0901 or today!

Teen Center WILL Open Today

We know many of you are in Marshalltown, Iowa with Mr. Van for Catholic Heart Work Camp, but Mr. Mattey will be here at 2pm today for any teens that would like to come hang out! Snacks, video games and more!

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Welcome the Stranger Update

From Cardinal Cupich: "In the fall 2022, as thousands of asylum seekers began arriving in Chicago, I asked Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago (CCAC) to work with our parish leaders to create the archdiocese's Welcome the Stranger program. Our aim was to accompany these newcomers on every step of their journey, from welcome to integration. Since then, we have partnered with parishes, community organizations, the State of Illinois, and City of Chicago to respond with compassion to new arrivals from countries throughout Central and South America. Our work was extended recently with the request to CCAC from the Illinois Department of Human Services to assist them in transitioning families out of shelters into stable housing.

Follow this link to view the report from CCAC which documents our progress thus far. I am particularly grateful to and proud of the parishes that have answered my call to sponsor families. CCAC informs me that nineteen parishes are working with them to this end and I know additional parishes are involved. Assuring you of a place in my prayers.

July Rosary Schedule

To allow parishioners to attend the Mid-Summer Concert Series and to avoid traffic and parking issues, we will move Rosary Group to Monday nights at St. Julian Eymard Church at 7:00pm during July. Those dates are:

  • July 24th
  • July 31st

On August 8th, we will resume our regular Tuesday schedule at 7:00pm.

Please note, due to early bulletin submission deadlines, the date of the July 3rd Rosary is misstated in the July 2nd bulletin. The next Rosary date is Monday, July 3rd at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard.

Rotary Fest

Rotary Fest runs from July 19th to July 23rd. The Village will be using our Queen of the Rosary Church parking lot during Rotary Fest, so please plan accordingly.

Enjoy rides and games provided by Fantasy Amusement Carnival. Check out live music Thursday thru Saturday. Food Vendors and Beer Court including wine and seltzers. Discover more.

August Summer Supper

Thank you for rallying together to help make Summer Suppers an unforgettable experience for everyone involved—guests, volunteers and organizers alike! For August we're planning a menu of Hot Dogs, Mac 'n Cheese, Salad and Apple Pie. We're looking for volunteers to help with setup, food prep, service with a smile and cleanup crew. Please use the button below to signup or contact the parish office for assistance.

Shop, Cook, Prep, Pack or Serve!

Prayer and Devotional

Parish FORMED Account. FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families and individuals. Here you will find titles created to enrich faith and build Catholic culture for adults and kids alike that are not available anywhere else. There is something for everyone here: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books and family-friendly kid’s programming. Read/watch on your smart phone, put it on in the car for the kids or watch at home as a family on any internet-connected device!

Follow this link to create your free account. Follow the prompts to enter our parish zip code, 60007, then enter your name and e-mail and your account is ready to go!

Free Ascension App. The Ascension App is a Bible and Catechism app that helps Catholics live their lives through the lens of Scripture and discover God's plan of sheer goodness for them. Plus, it's the #1 Bible App in the App Store—and it's free! Follow these links on your smartphone to download the app for free, or search "Ascension App" in your phone's app store:

Praise in the Car. A new practice this season from Ablaze Family Ministries: Long commute to work or quick run to the grocery store? Try dedicating your time in the car to praise! Maybe you only listen to prayerful music or just take the ride in silent prayer. You’re going to be stuck in the car anyway, may as well use this time to rest your heart on God’s heart.

Eucharistic Adoration. In addition to our First Friday devotion, don't forget that we have opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration every week. Adoration begins at the conclusion of the 8:15am daily Mass:

  • Wednesdays at St. Julian Eymard Church, until approximately 8:00pm when Reconciliation concludes.
  • Saturdays at Queen of the Rosary Church, until approximately 1:00pm when Reconciliation concludes.

We'd love to hear from you...if you incorporate a Prayer and Devotional resource or idea into your faith life, tell us about it!

Does it deepen your relationship with God? Does it change your outlook? Are you doing something you'd like to share with the Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament faith community?

Tell Us About It!

Music Notes

Please take note of our schedule for Charismatic Mass, Adult & Kid's Choir and Guitar Group. All other liturgies will feature our talented Cantor & Accompanist tandems leading sung prayer. Whichever liturgy you attend, please join in and help us make a joyful noise!

Our Adult Choir is taking a well-deserved Summer Break. Stay tuned for news on rehearsals later this Summer!

7/30 | 9:15am | Charismatic Mass (SJE)

Discover more!

Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events!

7 • 19 • 23

Eucharistic Adoration continues through Reconciliation at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard Church.

7 • 19 • 23

OLBS Teen Center (Rooms 4 & 5 at St. Julian Eymard) open on Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm!

7 • 26 • 23

Holy Hour for Life at St. Julian Eymard Church at 7pm. All are invited!

View All

Download the complete 52-Week Mass Discussion Guide for Families.

Gospel in Focus

July 23, 2023 Jesus tells parables to describe the Kingdom of Heaven as a mustard seed, yeast that leavens the dough, and wheat that grows with weeds in

a field... “Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears ought to hear..” —Matthew 13:43

Discussion Questions

What stuck out to you about the readings this week?

Which parable makes the most sense to you? Why?

Which parable challenges you the most? Why?


Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year continues! Discover the Queen of the Rosary School advantage.

Also, school families may earn referral credits for sharing Queen of the Rosary School with family, friends and neighbors who are NOT currently enrolled at our school. Follow this link to complete the referral form, we'll follow up and if the family enrolls, once they complete 6 months at Queen of the Rosary School, you'll earn $250 referral credit in the form of tuition credit on the following month's tuition bill. Help us spread the word!

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Registration for the 2023-24 RE Year is open! Follow this link to register. If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Office at (847) 979-0901 or

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Mr. Van and adult chaperones are in Marshalltown, Iowa with 12 teens for Catholic Heart Work Camp. Follow us on Facebook to see updates from the week!


CHWC | JUL 16-22 | Marshalltown, Iowa

Alexian Village | JUL 24

NCYC | Nov 16-19 | Indianapolis, Indiana

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Prayer Life

Contact Us

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(847) 979-0901 |

Worship sites:

Queen of the Rosary

750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.

St. Julian Eymard

601 Biesterfield Road


Queen of the Rosary School

690 Elk Grove Blvd.

(847) 437-3322 |