Here's What's In This Email:
This Week's Bulletins, New Office Email, Ashley Puga, Rector Search, Fall Fellowship Weekend, Weekday Eucharists, Conversations on Scripture, Summer D-Groups, The Chosen Bible Study, Mexico 2023 Team, Film School, Youth Group, Sign Up For Stuff, Children's Sunday School, Kid's Club, Coffee Hour, The St. Thomas App, Livestream Website, Weekly Tuesday Zoom, Online Giving
All the Gold Text in this email is clickable/tappable and will take you to the website or email address listed plus you can even click/tap on the pictures :-)
The Bulletins For This Coming Sunday Are All Below
please click/tap on them

You can also find the weekly bulletins, liturgies, & readings
on our Livestream Page

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Need to email St. Thomas? Please use
This email will go directly to our office and be checked by Ashley

Please add that email to your contact list, put it in your phone, stick it in your address book, or wherever you keep that sort of info. Then please DELETE

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Please welcome to the
St. Thomas Church Staff
Ashley Puga
Ashley and her family have a long history in connection to St. Thomas. Her husband, Humberto, have participated in the life of St. Thomas ever since they were married by Fr. Aran in 2014. Ashely is the daughter of Joanne (Dan) Siracusa. She, along with her sister, Amy, participated in the youth ministry at St. Thomas when they were in high school. Ashley and Humberto have two kids, Avery and Henry. Humberto is currently stationed overseas in the US Military. Please stop by the St. Thomas office, introduce yourself, say hi, and please do offer your prayers for her and her family as she transitions into this new position!
A big "THANK YOU" to all who participated in our May 21 discernment opportunity after we had our One Service at 9AM. God's Spirit was evident as people shared their thoughts, their hearts, and their spirits about where St. Thomas has been, where we are, and where God is leading us next.

Your Search Committee continues to meet, pray, gather, worship, and discern together. They are now in the stages of taking all that YOU have said and compiling and sorting and building those things into our St. Thomas Parish Profile, which will be used to show others who we are and what we are looking for in our next rector.

Please continue to pray for Dave, Genevieve, Brad, Claire, Gordon, Rachel, Jen, and Anne.

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Fall Fellowship Weekend

September 8-10, 2023

Forest Springs


Fall Fellowship Weekend is exactly as it sounds. It's in the fall, there are tons of opportunities for fellowship, and it's a Friday evening thru Sunday morning weekend event. And YOU are invited!

St. Thomas has been organizing this event for more than 50 years. Families, couples, individuals, everyone is welcome! It's a casual and relaxed atmosphere. The food is prepared for you, the dishes are done for you, there's childcare if you need it, the activities are staffed, and the lodging is your choice between a hotel-style room or a family sized cabin. Both have electricity, plumbing, heat, beds, etc. No one will be roughing it or camping unless they want to!

Online sign up will be available soon so please watch for that over at

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Holy Eucharist, Communion,
The Lord's Supper, Agape Meal

All are welcome to attend, worship, prayer, and participate

(note the new days and times)
Mondays at 8:30AM

Wednesdays at 12:30PM

Thursdays at 12:30PM
(healing Eucharist)

Join us in the chapel

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This Sunday morning spiritual formation class for adults is taking a break for the summer but will reignite in September.

Please contact Jill Beverlin with questions:

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Summer D-Groups
They're for you if you just finished 6th grade or anywhere
up through recently graduated seniors (class of '23)

D-Groups during the school year have ended but that means SUMMER D-GROUPS are here! Check out all the amazing and incredible events we've got planned for you, just as you are. Some events you can just show up to, others you'll need to sign up for! But you can now find the whole Summer D-Groups schedule online over at

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"A bible study different from any you've ever done before..."
Thursdays from 9:30-11:00AM
in the St. Thomas Lounge

Join us as we watch an episode of The Chosen each week and discuss and converse afterwards. The Chosen lets us see the human side of Jesus.  Each episode brings the Old and New Testaments to life in a fresh way.

Any questions your can can contact Mary Kay Hietpas at or 920-740-5737. 

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Love Journey to Mexico
July 15 - 22, 2023

This summer, the above 31 people will be building two houses for two families in one week in Ciudad Juárez, México, partnering with Casas por Cristo. Please hold them in prayer and feel free to head to the Love Journey website for more information about what we'll be doing.

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Film School
9:00 AM
7th graders and up

Film School goes dark during the summer months. But fear not, we'll be back in September with a whole new slate of films!

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Sunday Youth Group
Fun & Service
6th - 12th graders

While Sunday Youth Group always takes a break for the summer, that doesn't mean there's nothing going on for all you middle and high school students! Check out all the amazing things going on with Summer D-Groups. We'll start Sunday Youth Group events back up in September.

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Sign Up For Stuff

There are several events coming up in the next few weeks and months that our middle and high school students - as well as young adults - can participate in that require an online sign up ahead of time. Students and parents can head to and check out things like Six Flags, Kayaking, a Mystery Tour, and MORE!

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If you have any questions or want to know more about Children's Sunday School which meets on Sunday mornings 9:00-9:50 during the school year in the downstairs classrooms, please contact Jessica at

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If you have any questions or want to know more about Kid's Club which meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 in the parish hall, please contact Jessica at

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taking place after both 8AM & 10AM services

You're invited to COFFEE HOUR!! We'll provide the individually wrapped snacks, plus hot and cold drinks, and you all can take care of the fellowship and conversation with one another.

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The St. Thomas App has a ton of features such as ministry info, prayer wall, sermon videos, scripture passages, livestream

The easiest way to get the app is to go to St. Thomas' website
Scroll to the bottom and click/tap on "Get Our App"

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Did You Know That There's A Website Dedicated
to all things livestream?

You will find the Livestream video, weekly bulletins, liturgies, announcements, as well as links to all the other places you can find our Livestream. There are even links to past Livestreams and Sermons.

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Everyone Is Invited
to hop on the Weekly Tuesday Night 7PM Zoom. It's a time of casual conversation, caring for one another, sharing, laughing, and prayer. All ages and all people are welcome all the time!

Plus you can also find the link at

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Don't Forget That You Can Give Online To St. Thomas Church

Need help? There are details and instructions available at

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The St. Thomas Website is the
easiest place to find our livestream
Make sure you LIKE our Facebook Page so you get a notification when a Livestream begins
Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our Channel to be notified when a Livestreams starts
No Livestream here but JOIN
the Group so you can SHARE photos, comments, & prayer requests
FOLLOW this feature of Twitter and receive an alert at the start of St Thomas' Livestream
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our Twitch Sessions so you'll know when we go live
Yes you can even find the
St. Thomas Livestream on
our very own App
If you are on any of these platforms
please Add or Follow St. Thomas Church
@stthomaswi1916 on Instagram
@stthomswi on Twitter
@stthomaswi on Snapchat
Have Questions? Need More Information?
Feel free to contact St. Thomas Church directly
(920) 725-5601