Sent to: All Skål International Members

This month's newsletter is again packed with great information for you! The theme is #thecomeback.
We are covering stories from the industry as well as from our Skål International clubs around the globe. 

I mentioned that to be the President of Skål International is an honor as well as a responsibility.

As the elected leader of Skål International, that responsibility requires decisions... 

In these last weeks, our sector has experienced a rebirth of face-to-face activities in which we have actively participated and hae positioned our organisation in the front line of the main tourist forums.
Skål International Annual General Assembly 2021 
The Annual General Assembly of Skål International 2021 will be held virtually on Friday 10 December 2021 at 05:00h CET (Central European Time). Check your local timing here.
Europe switched to winter time on 31 October; we recommend that you make sure to double-check your current local time changes, and we suggest to confirm your local time a day before the meeting here

The Agenda for the Annual General Assembly of Skål International, which includes the annual and financial reports and the candidates for election, is now available.

You may access this document by entering the Skål International website For Members' area clicking here (log in required).

Skål International General Secretariat will submit the login instructions for the online AGM platform for delegates and members in the coming days.
We welcome new clubs!
By Denise Scrafton, ISC President
"As I head towards my last month as President of the International Skål Council and Christmas is just around the corner, I am delighted to bring you greetings from Oceania. 
In addition to my role on the International Skål Council, I have also been a member of the Executive Board with part of my responsibility being Oceania Membership Engagement."
Find out the latest news from Skål International Europe Area and our Skål International clubs in Bhubaneswar, Boston, Calabria, Goa, Las Vegas (in charge of the IMEX stand), Melbourne, Miami, Mumbai South, Napoli, Orlando, Villa La Angostura, and Wien.
Skålleague of the Month
This time we highlight Tim Hemphill, from Skål International New Orleans, as Skålleague of the month.

Let's find out more about him!
"Tim has been one of the major players in the #comeback of the Skål International New Orleans club and its current trendsetter status in New Orleans for the Travel and Tourism Industry. This month, the theme is #thecomeback, so we asked Tim to share the process of their comeback with global Skål membership and how they reclaimed the status of being the trendsetter in the industry."
Skål International website
Please contact our helpdesk with any questions you may have logging in.
Tech survey
Technology in tourism: friend or foe? 
An article by Stéphan Parent
President 2021 of Skål International Quebec

Some use virtual concierge and all the automation tools they can find on the market to adapt to labor shortage situations. Aside from the fact that these tools will continue to evolve, a lot more is already out on the market, creating new paradigms in the tourism industry, like AI. Frightening?
Business travel spend set to reach two thirds of pre-pandemic levels by 2022, reveals new report from WTTC
Here is a reading recommendation from Burcin Turkkan, Vice President of Skål International.
Worldwide business travel spending looks set to rise by more than a quarter this year and reach two thirds of pre-pandemic levels by 2022, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).
Skål International Benefits
Nursesimple is a concierge health service available to Skålleagues at an exclusive special rate.

The service grants 24/7 access to a licensed healthcare provider who will assist with your travel health needs as well as ongoing follow up and support in navigating and coordinating day to day healthcare for you, your family and your employees.
Following our agreement with the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), Skål International offers all its members the possibility to implement the #SafeTravels Stamp in their companies. Apply now!
Skål Resource Centre
More webinars
Different topics and sessions to keep updated and improve your professional skills.
Check them out!
Trends & Insights
A collection of resources
to stay updated with the
industry and anticipate
future trends.
UNWTO Tourism Data Dashboard
Destination Tracker
Help Desk
Together with the implementation of the new platform, we have incorporated a new member service, a Help Desk where you may contact us to answer questions and queries about the operation of the platform, which came into force in January 2020, through the ticketing system on our website, via email or telephone.

From the Help Desk, we provide information and solutions related to:
  • Data update
  • Benefits
  • Database
  • Change of email
  • Membership certificate
  • New member quota inquiries
  • Various queries that are derived to the corresponding Department
  • Club pairing
  • Logins 
  • Digital Membership Card
  • Member transfers/withdrawals
New members at Skål International
I have the pleasure of reporting that since 25 October, we have incorporated 183 new members, among them, three Active Individual members that have led Skål International to expand to Cameroon and Sudan. We have also recently been delighted to welcome two new Clubs to the Skål Movement: Napoli (Italy) that has come back to the organisation after 23 years, and Bhubaneswar (India).

Remember the November/December promotion directed to new members and also the incentive approved for those members who had to interrump their membership during 2020 and 2021. For any clarification required, please contact [email protected].

I would like to take this opportunity to again appeal to clubs to encourage their members to update their details directly from the 'My Account' section on the Skål International website. The major benefit we offer is a Global Database for members to do business with each other. It is, therefore, essential that we have up to date details for our members.

Daniela Otero
CEO Skål International
Membership Development Fund
We would like to remind you that Skål International has a Membership Development Fund to support initiatives organised by Clubs to give greater visibility to the organisation and at the same time to attract new members.

It is important to note that this fund has limited liquidity as it is financed by voluntary contributions from our clubs and National Committees around the world.

This is part of the spirit of Skål International, so whether you can donate to help the clubs that need it most, or if you would like to apply to the fund to support your membership drives, you can find all the information on our website.
Membership Project
We share with you the exciting Membership Project led by Lavonne Wittmann, Interim Director of Skål International, whereby weekly video testimonials from club members around the world are being posted on our corporate social media channels telling about their experience and the value of our membership.

All videos can also be viewed on our YouTube channel! Below is a playlist of the latest Skålleagues videos that have been edited and shared as well the latest corporate video #BringBackTheHeart produced.

If you have any suggestions for collaboration, please contact Lavonne Wittmann. Thank you!
Skål International, 1940 - 1945
An article by Antonio García del Valle, Honorary President
A letter is received in Zurich, signed by G. Emich with his Heil Hitler! sign off.

It is dated 13 February and is addressed to Fr. Streibel, asking the Skål Club of Zurich to leave the AISC and join the IKT.
Uzakrota Travel Awards
Uzakrota Travel Awards, the global initiative to recognize and reward excellence in travel and tourism, has unveiled the 2021 winners of its World Leading categories.

After registration, the voting began on 1 October, lasted until midnight on 29 October 2021. As a result of the competition, in which 194,743 votes were registered globally awards were distributed in 53 categories.

The awards will be presented to the winners of the 2021 awards at Uzakrota Awards in Madame Tussauds Museum Istanbul on the evening of 3 December 2021.
Best Western
Get Double Points on Every Stay!
Register Before You Stay! Best Western Rewards® members who stay between December 6, 2021 and February 6, 2022 at any Best Western® branded hotel in the United States, Canada or the Caribbean will earn double points on every stay, no limit. Please allow 7-10 business days for all double points to post to your Best Western Rewards account. Earn more and redeem for a variety of gift cards.*

* URL will be live on December 6.
Skål International at IBTM World 

Skålleagues present at the IBTM World Trade Show in Barcelona, Spain from 30 November to 2 December 2021 are most welcome to visit the Skål International stand #C76 to meet and interact with local members.
WTM London
Delegates hail the success of WTM London and Travel Forward 2021
MATKA Nordic Trade Show
Skål International at MATKA Nordic Trade Show

Skål International at MATKA Nordic Trade Show from 21-23 January 2022. ome and meet local Skålleagues at the Meeting point area in MATKA Business Forum on Thursday 20 January 2022 (TM420).
Invitation to attend Matka Nordic Travel Fair
(21-23 January 2022)
Registration code for Skål members only: MATKASKAL22
Skål Now. Skål International Newsletter
If you missed the October 2021 issue of Skål Now, the Skål International Members Newsletter, here is the link:
Tourism Now. Skål International Magazine
Here you have available the latest edition of our magazine Tourism Now, dedicated this time to the Skål International Spirit.

Feel free to share it with your contacts and colleagues in the travel and tourism industry!
Boost your brand with Skål International
We want to improve!
Please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] with any questions or suggestions for new editions of Skål Now. Thank you for your interest.
Burcin Turkkan
Senior Vice President
Skål International
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This correspondence complies with current law on processing data for promotional, advertising, and marketing purposes. You are receiving this email as a member or contact of SKÅL INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION – A.I.S.C. – SKÅL INTERNATIONAL or because you have completed one of the forms on our website at In accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which approves the General Data Protection Regulation, and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and the Guarantee of Digital Rights, you have the right to access, rectify, limit processing, delete, request portability, and oppose your personal data's processing, as well as to withdraw your consent by means of a written, signed request addressed to Skål International, P.O. Box 466, 29620, Torremolinos, Málaga (Spain) or by sending an email to our Data Protection Officer at [email protected]. If you do not wish to receive any further communications from our Association you can unsubscribe by accessing your user profile on our website and checking the option “Unsubscribe from Skål International communication”.