Ski Challenge | SEASON WRAP UP
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Our 38th season of the Ski Challenge has wrapped up! It was a great year!
Despite the crazy weather year, we pulled off another fun-filled season! Our 2023 season started off with cancellations due to too much snow, had some cold temps and then rain thrown in during mid-season, and then had to deal with more heavy snow on the tail end. Thanks to the ski areas and Midwest Masters for helping us to get our final year-end races in. Our weather and conditions at Giants Ridge couldn't have been more perfect! It was a great finish to the season. 

We had more than 5,200 regular-season race results throughout the season—close to 1,500 for Wild Mountain and 3,300 for Buck Hill. We had 255 Saturday night NASTAR finishes at Buck Hill this season.

223 individuals participated in our Championships at Giants Ridge. We had close to 1,000 individual race starts in the two days of competition.

A BIG thank you to our participating ski areas and their staff at Buck Hill, Wild Mountain, and Giants Ridge. Also, thank you to all our participating Sponsors. We couldn't do it without our great Ski Challenge staff and most of all, we thank all the Ski Challenge racers for all your support and continued participation.
League Champions for 2023
Congratulations to our 2023 League Champions!
To see all results go here: LEAGUE RESULTS
Ladies of the Night - BHSUNA
Tuckin' Fools - WMSUNA
Shotskis - WMSUND
Team Schuss - WMSUNP
Schliders - BHSUNP
Wasted Youth - BHMON
Locked & Loaded - BHTUES
The Birds of Prey - BHWEDD
The Naski Boyz - BHWEDP
Premature Release - BHTHUR
Group W Bench - WMFRI
Championships at Giants Ridge Results and Photos
Check out all the results for the Championships by following this link:

Photos from our Championships weekend at Giants Ridge are available for download and viewing!

All photos are posted to our SmugMug site and also on Facebook. On the SmugMug site, you can download high-resolution photos at no charge. You can also share them on your social media sites. If you want to tag yourself or friends, then you will need to grab the photos directly from our albums on Facebook.

A big thanks to Randal Zoeller and Derek Hennekens for taking all the great photos at Giants Ridge! We missed Alice Madden this year but hope to get her and her camera back at it next year! Also, a great big Thank You to all the staff who helped make this year's event a success! And thanks to the Giants Ridge crew and Rock Ridge Alpine Team for helping us out all weekend. It takes A LOT of hands-on to bring it all together.

Help us plan for next year! If you attended Championships at Giants Ridge this year, follow this link to fill out our Championships Survey.
Take our SURVEY!
Please take our 2023 survey. You will have a chance to win a $50 credit toward your fees for next season! The survey should take no more than 10 minutes. This survey closes on Monday, April 3.
Dedication to Sara Bauer from Guys & Dolls – 2023
The following is a letter that the 2023 "Guys & Dolls" team shared with us.

To Friends and Fellow Racers of Sara Bauer:

Guys and Dolls wanted to share that we dedicate the Guys and Dolls 2023 D2 win to our friend and sister in skiing Sara Bauer.

Sara corralled up this team of diverse people and made us into this crazy close team. She had high standards of attendance, training and performance (you didn’t want to be on the “naughty list!”)! She (strongly) encouraged that we all get on the Atomic Redsters (we all did)! She wrangled us all up to State for the first time in 2021 and led us to the D2 victory–a first for the team, founded in 1997 by Queen Judy Alm, who handed the torch to Sara in 2016. This win was such a proud and special moment for Sara! Hella celebration ensued…(it went on monthly from house to house).

In 2022 only the team knew that her cancer recurred–and we lost her on April 11, 2022. We were heartbroken to lose our “Fearless Leader” (aka Sara’s signature).

Team photos are available digitally for everyone to download for FREE. 

Thanks to Alice Madden and Heather Tomas for taking our photos and editing them to look great. You can follow the link this link: to see and download high-resolution photos for free.

Calendar of Events
Stay up to date on the upcoming season schedule. Find sales, swaps, race dates, special events, and sponsor happenings.

Calendars for the 2023-24 season will be set soon!
Thank you Sponsors!
We appreciate the support we receive from the Ski Challenge Sponsors. Please remember them when you are making your buying decisions for the season. Most of our sponsor shops offer Ski Challenge members a discount.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Tonka Bike and Ski
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
You are receiving this E-news because you are either on a Ski Challenge Team, or have shown interest in the past.

Thank you for your interest and participation in Ski Challenge.


Barb and Dave Everson